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Sunday, July 26, 2009

July Monthly Giveaway!

So it is time to let you know what book I am giving away this month. No wait...I have a better idea! You guys can choose!

There are five books to choose from and only one will win! So if your name is picked by the radomiser you will win the book with the most votes! Use the poll below or on the sidebar to vote. You can find infomation about all the books up for grabs here on Amberkatze's Book Blog (except Black & White which I am in the middle of right now but the review will be coming soon!).

The poll will stay open until 5.15pm (GMT) July 31st. Why such a strange time? Cause its my birthday and that is the time I was born ;)

How to Enter

All you have to do to have your name put in the draw is to sign up for Amberkatze's Book Blog newsletter. Sign up and confirm your subscription and maybe your name will be picked as a winner!

If you already subscribed then you are also eligible to win this prize! Just make sure you confirmed your subscription and that the subscription is for this site and not for the old version!

This book is registered on Bookcrossing.com but you do not have to be a member to win this prize. I do not expect the winner to journal the book on bookcrossing or become a member of Bookcrossing. The book does have a sticker inside advertising Bookcrossing.

The winner will be picked on the 2nd of August.

Use the form below to sign up for the newsletter!

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Ellz said...

I am alread a subscriber, not sure where to send conf, here is what popped up
Zenfoxfloweratyahoodotcom is already subscribed to the mailing list of Amberkatze's Book Blog

Thanks for the great giveaways, I enjoy reading your reviews and the author interviews!

Vickie said...

I'm already a subscriber, so yay! And I voted.

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway I Already follow & Subscribe to you and I voted...so...Thanks again ;o)

Kathy said...

I already subscribe and I voted :)

Mardel said...

already a member, voting now

mverno said...

i subcrbe just send it mverno@roadrunner.com

Anonymous said...

Already a subscriber; voted!
calcamanin AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win and I am already a subscriber through email sanctus@baptism-of-blood.net. :) Voted, too!


LuAnn said...

I'm already a subscriber, too! And of course, I voted.

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber.

danetteb said...

I subscribed.

I voted for Kim's book.

Sweet way to celebrate your birthday. Happy Birthday Amber!

Hugs, Danette

Cheryl F said...

I subscribed. Great blog , glad I found it.

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

I just subbed, thanks for the info. I love your site!

Cloudberry said...

Great giveaway!

Curling up by the Fire said...

I voted.

AmandaK said...

I voted and I subscribed!


booksrmysoul said...

blair lewis

I voted and subscribed thanks you a bunch

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I subscribed! Thanks for entering me in this contest!

Molly C. said...

I subscribed!

susansmoaks said...

i subscribed

Maja said...

i'm a subscriber and a follower

Coale said...

I am already a subscriber!