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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Author Kelley Armstrong Guest Blogs & Is giving away a copy of Frostbitten!

This week I am really happy to have one of my favourite authors back on the blog as a guest. Kelly Armstrong is one of the first authors I got into when I started reading Paranormal Urban Fantasy so when she agreed to be interviewed last year I was over the moon. So imagine my happy dance when this year she agreed to write us a Guest Blog!

Frostbitten, the 10th Women of the Otherworld book, is out now and the narrator is the lovely Elena. If you haven't already got your hands on a copy then make sure you read to the end of the Guest Blog. Kelley is giving away a copy, I am saying signed because I doubt she would send it any other way :), of Frostbitten!


Playing Favourites by Kelley Armstrong

I get asked to play favourites a lot, especially with my own work. Who’s my favourite character? Which is my favourite book? I always demur by saying, honestly, that I don’t have favourites. But there is one “favourite” question I will answer: what’s my favourite supernatural type?

It’s no mystery that I love werewolves best. I started with them, and it wasn’t because “werewolves sell.” When I was writing my first werewolf novel in the nineties, I’d occasionally admit what I was working on, and the response invariably was “Oh God, Kelley, if you have to write that stuff, at least write about vampires. People buy books on vampires.” But I loved my werewolves and, eventually, the book sold.

When I admit to my favourite supernatural type, there’s an obvious follow-up question. If I like werewolves best, why don’t I just write about my werewolf Pack? To answer, I use the analogy of chocolate chip cookies. I love chocolate chip cookies. But I don’t eat them for every snack, because if I did, they’d become routine, dull and ordinary. I’d start craving something else and pretty soon, I’d never want to see another chocolate chip cookie again. I love them, but I like other snacks, too. And while I love writing about werewolves, I also really enjoy writing about necromancers, witches, half-demons…

By not playing favourites in my writing, I keep things fresh and I keep the passion in my work. I put the werewolves aside (reluctantly) then go off and have fun playing with my other supernatural types. Before I know it, it’s time for another werewolf book, and I dive back into their world with as much joy as I did the first time.

This month saw the release of my fourth “Elena” novel, Frostbitten, and I can honestly say I had as much fun writing it as I did with Bitten a decade ago. Now the werewolves will go back on the shelf, taken out occasionally for a short story or novella, then returning in a few years for another adventure. And I’ll be waiting for them.


Contest Time!

Kelley is kindly giving away a copy of Frostbitten!

EDIT - Make that TWO copies of FROSTBITTEN!!!!

This is a great opportunity to get your hands on the newest Women of the Otherworld book and from Kelley herself!

So to enter the contest all you have to do is tell us your favourite! Are you a vamp, Were, Zombie or Witch lover? Maybe you love something else completely different?

No favourite = No entry!

The usual rules apply!

Earn another entry for each place you link this contest on the net. Make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!

You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

I can offer more prizes if my Amazon Associates account gets more money!! So please make sure you order at Amazon.com through the links around the site and help keep the contest coming!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 11th of October 2009 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.

If you are claiming a prize, have emailed me and have not heard back before the 7 day limit is up then post a comment here on the blog. Your email may get sucked into my spam filter.


Anonymous said...

I've been a were girl ever since I read Bitten.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Awesome guest post!! I adored Elena in Bitten and I'm super happy to see her newest installment out =)

I myself love shapeshifters in general. The ability to shift into any animal is complete awesomeness. I'm totally jealous lol

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Lori T said...

I think that my favorites are vampires, but werewolves, shapeshifters, and demons play a very close second.

I am really looking forward to reading Frostbitten!

Brooke Reviews said...

I'm definitely a were girl! I love them all, cats, foxes, wolves, you name it, I love it! :D


Blodeuedd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blodeuedd said...

I so want to enter this one :D
I love Elena and Clay, they are the best paranormal couple around.

blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

I used to be a vamp girl but now I am a were girl, they are just more

Leisha Camden said...

Have to say vampires, for almost 20 years now. :-)

Becky said...

What a great post! I am a were girl, but vampires, shapeshifters, and demons play a very close second.

cait045 said...

A were no question.


Barbara E. said...

I think vampires are my first loves, but shapeshifters are a very close second.

Ellz said...

I love vampires and witches. I've loved witches longer though.

lauraforever said...

Ever since I've read Cheyenne McCray, my favorite has to be the two D'Anu Witches Silver & Copper Ashcroft! And totally love Elena so I cannot wait to read more about her adventures!


Anonymous said...

vamps. were/witches/fairys/

but i love dee!!!!!! and no paranormal. i really hope you write alot more of her

Raonaid Luckwell said...

I'm definitely a witch type person.

Nicole H. said...

Were, I have always had a soft spot for wolves, and it just carried over!

Robyn @ Robolobolyn's Universe said...

I am a total werewolf girl! Though I love demons, too...


djsmith said...

I have to say that I think I like spell casters the best, and between the two I'm going to say witches. But Paige's type of witch, not Coven witches :P

Werewolves come in a close second though!


Jenn H said...

Definitely a werewolf lover (um, Clay?? Karl??? Jeremy??? anyone???) but I have a soft spot for Paige and Lucas, so the witch/sorcerer match is pretty cool as well.

Riva said...

I've been reading about witches since I was young (a L-O-N-G time ago!) - but I also enjoy any type of shapeshifter. Can't wait to see Elena's new adventures!

Melanie (@AudiobookMel) said...

If I had to pick just one, I would probably pick werewolves, followed by werecats (from Rachel Vincent & Laurell K Hamilton). Vampires would be next.

melaniesimmons at hotmail

Cheryl McInnis said...

I'm a big fan of demons- Hope is one of my favorites of all of Kelley's characters!

Unknown said...

Oh I am so totally a zombi girl Jamie is my favorite girl. ^.^

Melanie (@AudiobookMel) said...


RT @KelleyArmstrong Guest blog with contest! Amberkatze's Book Blog: http://bit.ly/19FjKa

melaniesimmons at hotmail com

Love Kelley Armstrong Books
Otherworld Series and Darkest Powers. I have not read the Nadia Stafford series yet, but it is on my to-do list.

Vinity said...

I'm a Were girl

Second would be Necromancers

Jen A said...

I have to say Elena turned me on to the shifter world! Each character you have written I have loved for different reasons. My Fav's are the Werewolves. Its Elena's no BS attitude that I dig. This world that you have created is wonderful Kelley. Thanks for writing us another Elena story!

Unknown said...

My favorites used to be vampires but since i've really gotten into paranormal romance i'm all about werewolves.

Jessica Peter said...

I'm definitely a vampire girl. I've been dreaming of the undead since I was pretty young. . .

lingeorge said...

I would have to say I am for Weres. I tend to choose them to read the most. Then, If I am into the author, I go on to read the other types.

Michelle C. said...

It's a tough choice, but I think I like werewolves and shapeshifters best.

But I also like witches and vampires and pixies, oh my! ;)

I'm just glad that paranormal and urban fantasy have become so popular. Makes it easy to find new books to read, but hard to choose which one to read first.

mitzy said...

I always was a vampire girl and I didn´t like a lot werewolves but then one day I read Bitten and it changed all. Now I love wolves stories and read lots of them, I really like Kelly Armstrong´s books and Patricia Briggs is a good werewolve´s writer too.
Im reading Frostbittern and it´s awesome

mrsshukra said...

Witches and vampires!


Beverly Post-Schmeler said...

Well I am a witch myself, so it would be natural for me to say Paige, but I have a soft spot for the wolves so , Elena is my pic for favorite.

iokijo said...

Weres easy favorites,w/cat shifters just half a step behind.. Number 1 of all of them is easily Jeremy.. just yum.]
friends emailed.
event tweeted.

iokijo said...

Were w/ cat shifters just a half step behide... # 1 of all of the Jeremy.. yum.
Thanks for the interview & chance to win Frostbitten!
emailed friends
event tweeted..

Lirya Forest said...

Vampires and witches are great, but my favorites are the werewolves. I can't wait to read Frostbitten!

Emily Webb said...

I've loved vampires and werewolves for forever, but I 'd never known how amazing werewolves could be until I read Bitten.

The Pack rules!
I love all of them.
I often wait for adult books to come out in paperback, but with Kelley's books, I just can't wait! x3

Sharon K said...

Being a witch doesn't mean I can't love a Were. Makes for an exciting life, a bit noisy around full moons, but exciting none the less.

Sharon K said...

Forgot to add I tweeted,

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

I've always been pro vampire... But when I finally read bitten Bitten, well, I totally morphed into an Elena/werewolf fan.
She's a breath of fresh air--she tells it like it is and her character is complex, but not overwhelming. She's fantastic.
I'd NEVER thought that my views of 'vampires rule' would ever change, but the Women of the Otherworld series has brought out so many other great possibilities. Thanks, Kelley!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Guest Blog!!

I am definitely a were girl! Even more so since discovering Kelley's OtherWorld!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Were's... Werewolves, werecats.... Big fan. (among other reasons) Vamps are over done for me.


Can find me @axisor on twitter

PS--another question: if i don't order frostbitten through the links here but orders something else, will Amberkatze 's account still get a kickback?

jeanette8042 said...

I'm definitely a vamp lover!

Vickie said...


Shapeshifters are my favorites. I fully admit that the books featuring Elena are my favorites of the series, but I highly enjoy the rest of the characters.

Vaness said...

I love the Werewolves, they are my favorite!!

Necromancer comes close second.

bottled.madness at gmail dot com

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Vampires have always been my first love, but werewolves are right up there with them! I don't discriminate! ;)

Unknown said...

To be honest, it has always been shapeshifters. I like Others generally but I truly get shifter mentality. There are things in the Human side of the world that I just don't get.

Definitely find it amazing to be able to shed the inhibitions of daily life and just run in the woods for the sheer joy of it all.

I love your books but I get extra excited when it is dealing with the werewolves.

Thank you.

Nic said...

I'm a werewolf girl all the way. Thanks for the great guest blog!

Unknown said...

Witch / Half Demon of course. Eve and Savannah are the best!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say werewolves are my favorite but vampires are a very close second.


J.A. Campbell said...

Thanks for posting Kelley.

I'd have to say that vampires are my favorite followed closely by werewolves, phoenix, and nightmares. :)

J.A. Campbell said...

Cross posted here: http://phoenixfirewolf.livejournal.com/106896.html

and here:


though I'm not sure if you can see my facebook entry unless your a friend.

Van Pham said...

I am a Were lover, and witches come in second for me :)

Jamie said...

For me, my favorite is a tie between vampires and werewolves. Kelley was one of the first Paranormal writers that I got into. She is at the very top of my list and she is the one who got my love of the werewolves started. So, my favorites are vampires and werewolves!

Ipo Kahele said...

Vamps have always done it for me, and I would've said that they were it as far as the paranormal world was concerned until I read "Bitten". Kelley just blew my preconceptions of werewolves out of the water with that one and I became an instant fan. Now I waffle between the two types, though I love the paranormal world in general.

Jamie said...

Public post to my LJ: http://platyg.livejournal.com/407462.html

FB: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/profile.php?id=510377159&ref=nf

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jbperry21

Pissenlit said...

Weres all the way!!! Oh and the Fae. :)

tetewa said...

My favorites are vampires, I'm always looing for new authors and series that include them!

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I loved this post with Kelley Armstrong.
I have all of her writings, except Frostbitten.
Yay! for Elena!
I'd pick a vampire, they are the top of the paranormal creatures.
All the best,

Terri Smith said...

I love Werewolves especially Clayton! I swoon everytime he say's darlin' lol

victoriasdreams said...

ive always like vamps, but since reading Bitten i have a thing for werewolves, Elena, Clay, Jeremy, Nick, Antonio and even Karl are awesome!

Unknown said...

Im a were girl lol.Love kelly's books have read them all except frostbitten

victoriasdreams said...

I would love to tussle with Clay anyday..mmm mmm

Pam P said...

I like them all, but my favorites have always been witches, followed by the vamps.

Dawn M. said...

My favorites are shapeshifters - weres in particular. :0) I love this series and can't wait to read Frostbitten!

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Llehn said...

Vamps, no contest!

booklover0226 said...

Vampires will always be my favorite though I have been interested in demons, lately.

Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com

nikel27 said...

Vamp, but I also love the shapeshifter

nicoleb-christoph at yahoo dot com

tawndam said...

I think I like 'witches' the best...

Suzana said...

I love shapeshifters - Clay and Elena (Nick too) are soooo great.
I don't mind witches either

Eva S said...

My favorites are shapeshifters, but I do like vampires too. They were my first favorites.

Rhonda said...

I am a witch lover.

rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca

Asylumgirl said...

Vampires have always been my first love.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

It used to be vampires for me but over the last year or so I've become more of a were/shifter lover.

Thanks Kelly for stopping by.

Thanks Amber for the contest.

Anonymous said...

Great post!

I like all paranormals :D!, my fav is vamps & dragonshifters if having to choose.

I posted to my facebook:

and to twitter:

I also emailed contest out & cc'd to you :)!

Pam S

Qwill said...

Being a witch is cool

Nicole H. said...

I twittered- http://twitter.com/nicholandria

It is on my facebook:

And Friend Feed:

Nancy said...

Hi Kelley! I adore Elena and Clay and all the gang, but then I adored all the characters in your Otherworld.

A fav is hard. Weres, vamps, shifters in general all have appeal. Dragons, faeries, genies, yep! And since I still want to be Samantha - esp. when it comes to house cleaning - I love witches, too.

I'm hooked on your work, Kelley, and thrilled that Frostbitten is out!

Nancy Haddock

Sweeter the berry said...

I like all but my favourite has to be werewolves. letessha@yahoo.com

Jen A said...

I tweeted http://twitter.com/jperallen
Facbeooked http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1412134208&ref=profile
Diggn the shifters!

Sweeter the berry said...

I follow u in twitter/tweeted


letessha at yahoo dot com

ParaJunkee said...

I love vamps...but I'm really starting to enjoy the FAIRIEs. This book looks great and I can't wait.

You are posted on my sidebar: parajunkee.blogspot.com

parajunkee (@) gmail.com

Misty said...

m, this changes for me all the time, depending on what I'm reading. I think right now, it's weres, though faeries are good too.


Beth Caudill said...

I have to say werewolves are my favorite. As are Elena and Clay. But I also like Eve.

Can't wait for Frostbitten.


Maija said...

I like demons the best. Or vampires. Other creatures are okay too!


AmandaK said...

I am a lover of both vampires and witches. The two of them together just seems to be dynamic!


Erica said...

elena, so it's werewolves for me!

lauramacx said...

Vampires Or Werewolves!
But When It Comes To The Otherworld Series Must Choose Were's :)

M.J. Watson said...

Werewolves since I was a child. Maybe Jungle Book is to blame?

slb3334 said...


plhill2000 said...

I love Vampires.

Kimberly B. said...

My favorite is vampires, even though the market is a bit glutted right now. But I love Kelley's werewolves!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Bella said...

I like vamps and weres. I like witches, too, but they too often are chick lit and I don't love that. I'll certainly read demons, though!

I LOVE Kelley Armstrong! I don't know where I was for the last decade, but I just read both Bitten and Stolen in the last couple months, and Dime Store Magic is up next.

LOVE Elena and Clay, so excited about this new book!

Thanks, also, for sharing your process, and how you rotate the characters to keep them fresh!


Tweeted (@b42bella)

RT @KelleyArmstrong Guest blog with contest! Amberkatze's Book Blog: http://bit.ly/19FjKa


FB'ed http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=120752909025

Anonymous said...

I am definately a were-person. I love all the shapeshifters, but werewolves are my favorite.

Victoria said...

For the longest time I thought I was a Vampire but it turns out I'm a Were. They're so incredibly strong and self reliant.

Erica G said...

I like witches the best. There powers can be great or small. They can be so diverse. Thanks!

egreca (at)h otmail {dot} c om

Unknown said...

Werewolves have always been my favorite book subject but I still read vamp and witches books.

Unknown said...

Vamps are my favorite.

Aimee said...

I really love vampires, and I read a ton of vamp books, but I think I love witches more. You just never know what you're going to get with them; they can do all kinds of crazy stuff! :)

Cathy M said...

I read all kinds of paranormal romance stories, but would have to pick shifters as my favorite.

Loved Elena's story in Stolen and can't wait to read Frostbitten.


ky2here said...

I like demons but vampires are also cool.

StyleVamp said...

I love vampires...however I'd have to pick Were Wolves..because they can still go out in that daytime and there is this mysterious carnal/animalistic quality to them...

BY the way I love Kelly Armstrong!!

ky2here said...

Here's a tweet: https://twitter.com/ky2here/status/4639572440

linett said...

I would have to say Witch

Unknown said...

My favourite would probably be the werewolves since that's what got me into the series. However, I love every character. I always get sad when the narrator switches but I end up loving every narrator as much as the last. But I especially love Clay, so I have to go with werewolves. ^_^ <3

mverno said...

i love to read this is great mverno@roadrunner.com

paryjeja said...

I love vampires...
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

Unknown said...

I like them all, but I think being a were would be awesome, to be one with basic animal nature

latishajean said...

I love vampires alot love to read sounds like a great book.

Ladytink_534 said...

Team Vamp all the way!


David Johnson said...

We like vampires, but werewolves and zombies are great too, thanks.

Kathy said...

I think I tend more to be a vamp, but in real life, i'm more a witch.

mishakimou said...

Werewolves are definitely my favourite and Kelley's Pack are the best out there!

However, Hope is my favourite Kelley character so I guess I am a little bit conflicted!

D Q said...

I love Vampires.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

My heroine is the Wicked Witch of the West, so I love witches. Thanks!

Jen said...

I have to say that a were girl :)

Unknown said...

Werewolves are my favorite. They seem so much more alive and connected to the world than other supernatural types. On top of that, shapeshifting has always fascinated me.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Vampires!!
Please include me:)

Pat said...

I'm a vamp lover, vamps are so sexy.

Sunnyvale said...

I'd like to read this.

Leona P said...


Curling up by the Fire said...

I'm afraid I've been a vamp girl since I was about 15 years old (was bitten by Dracula). I do have to admit that I do love anything supernatural though.

Anonymous said...

Vampires are my favorite by far!

Mllbs3 said...

Vamp lover, for sure!


clynsg said...

Vampires have been high on my list for quite awhile now, but I am getting more interested in weres lately.


Ina said...

The weres will forever have a place in my heart - my love for the paranormal genre started with them!

Anonymous said...

Vamp - it started with Twilight and from there I've been reading vamp series after vamp series! I'm on book three of the "House of Night" series.


flip said...

Of this series, I love Paige the best. I think that I am going withces.

flip at ida dot net

whitewolfreads said...

Wolves has always been my favorite animal so naturally i would have to say werewolves.

Jess S.


Shawna L. said...

Shawna L

I think it's witches for me guys I just love them ;o)

Thanks for this chance to win this neat book!!!

illumina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
illumina said...

That's a really hard choice, but I think I'd say I like reading about vampires most; although when it comes to Kelley's books, it's the werewolves I crave - yay to Elena being back!


Shawna L. said...

Shawna L

I posted this on Facebook~ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/posted.php?id=1259591812&share_id=150414686358&comments=1#s150414686358

Shawna L. said...

Shawna L

I blogged http://booksaremoviesinthemind.blogspot.com/

Shawna L. said...

Shawna L

I tweeted http://twitter.com/theblindcupid/status/4690239048

Abigail said...

I'm a vamp girl first, but I love them all

I posted this in the Contests & Giveaways section on my blog


AllThingsUrbanFantasy(at) gmail (dot) com

Calliope said...

I don't know - I keep switching between vamps and weres. I mean, it's become something of a "Do I want to read descriptions of blood's flavour or blood's scent?" sort of thing. Then every once in a while I'll switch to witches or something.

That's what I love most about the Otherworld series - with the narrators rotating there's always a variety. But, hands down, Elena is my favourite and I'm thrilled she's narrating again!

Mardel said...

I'm not sure if I've already entered this before or not, I looked through the entries but didn't see my name...

My favorite is weres-werewolf, werepanthers. Vampires are a close second though-although I'm not crazy about the "romance/angsty" vampires who don't really seem like vampires.

Betti said...

I would have to say shape shifters. The idea that you could turn into something differant, see the world in another set of eyes, and than go back to normal.

That would be pretty, awesome.

Fallon H

souldolphindream said...

I love all them but I would have to say I wish that I could be shapeshifter. I just find that magical!!!!!!!


kalynnick said...

I'm a witch lover.

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Kim (Randominities) said...

I know I'm in the minority, but I love zombies.

Why? Because no one else does. Yes, I'm the one that takes in the homely dog, the bedraggled kitten and the mindless zombie.

I was very heartened to see that there is Zombie Zin (Zinfendel) at the wine store. So maybe they're gaining acceptance.

Brooke said...

I am so a WERE... Perhaps because the wolf is my animal spirit.. weeshenanigans (at) gmail (dot) com

Aimee said...

I'm a total vamp fan, but weres come in a close second. Thanks!

erma said...

I love all of them but I would say werewolves is my fav.

Ellie Wright said...

I like them all but I'd say I'm a witch girl, with vamp a close second. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Marianna said...

Zombies...... braaaaiiinnnnsss!!!
mannasweeps (at))) gmaildotcom

saturdaynightfever said...

Lover of vampires!


Leslie said...

My Favorite is were.

dvice12 said...

My favorite is witches

Anonymous said...

Vamps have always been my fave, with weres as a close second. BTW, Kelley Armstrong is one of my fave authors, and when I start reading one of her books, I find it hard to put down! Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

While I love almost all of the supernational, I would have to say that Merpeople (mermen yummy!) and Angels are my favorite. I guess I am the oddball! lol

Jinxy and Me said...

I like werewolves.

Anonymous said...

I love werewolves. garrettsambo@aol.com

Carol EL said...

My dad often thought I was a zombie so that's my choice. jelly15301@gmail.com

lilyk said...

I'm personally fond of unicorns.

john ferris said...

You have a fAbulous post.
I say Vampire for sure.
george ferris

Sheila Hickmon said...

I have to go with Vamps!

Bridget3496 said...

Huge Vampire fan!

Bridget3496 said...

emailed fiends about the contest and CC'd you

brdgcombs at aol dot com

Sarah Z said...

Vampires for me!!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Kelly g said...

I love witches :)

liliesrnice said...

i like witches!

Donna M. Clark said...

My favorite are witches and wizards. Thank you for having this giveaway.
litefoot873 (@) hotmail.com

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I think my favorite are vampires! I love to see movies with them in!


Dawn Reid said...

If I had to pick just one, I would probably pick werewolves

Unknown said...

This contest is closed!!!

The winners have been announced on the main blog page!