Then Gigi summons Keira to visit her and when Gigi says jump everyone asks how high. Luckily Keira has some great friends to offer her support on the trip. Her shape shifter brother, his boyfriend, a Sidhe cousin and her vampire lover are all travelling with her to Canada. The trip doesn't turn out to be all that bad. After all a private family jet picks them up and they get to stay in a gorgeous penthouse condo.
But then things start happening. People go missing, people start dying and suddenly Keira isn't needed as urgently as she was summoned. Something is going on and Keira isn't about to stand back and ignore things. Keira is a force to be reckoned with. Heir or not.
This is the third book in the Blood Line series and it took me a while to get back into things. However thanks to the author adding some history from the previous two books in the first couple of chapters everything started falling back into place and I was back with Keira.
There were lots of surprises and revelations in this book and I found myself thinking 'What can possibly happen next?'. There was a certain wow factor to some of the new information that became available and I had no idea what to expect next. The story twisted, turned and weaved a spell full of magick and paranormal delights. I really can't wait to see what this series will bring with it next time around.
If you haven't already tried the Blood Lines series then give it a go. Make sure you start at the beginning though as the story isn't one you can jump into anywhere. One of my personal favourite aspects of this series is the use of the Welsh language and the ties to my home land, Wales. However the other thing I love is the variety of the paranormal elements inside this series. There is something for everyone and it set in a world worth visiting.
I've heard a lot of good things about this series. Now to get to the bookstore to get them and the time to read them.
I have read the entire first three books in the Blood Lines seriesMatters Of The Blood, Blood Bargain, Blood Kin and am eagerly awaiting the news and title to watch for on Book #4.
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