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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Guest Blog & Contest with Author Cynthia Eden

Another regular guest is back on Amberkatze's Book Blog this week! Please welcome back author Cynthia Eden who is here for the third time this year!

Cynthia first visited the blog in February for an interview. Then in July she came back to talk about our pleasures. Now Cynthia is here to talk to us about our Holiday Reading!

I hope you all enjoy Cynthia's guest blog and don't forget to enter the contest at the end!


Holiday Reading

Hi, everyone! Happy Holidays!!! And Amber, thanks so much for inviting me to your wonderful place!

I realize that most people are scrambling around now—desperately trying to get all the gifts on their lists for their loved ones. Between shopping, wrapping, baking, stressing…well, there’s not much downtime. But if you do manage to squeeze in some quiet time, then I’d suggest you engage in some holiday reading. :)

I love sitting in front of my Christmas tree and snuggling down with a good book. Sure, it’s after midnight by the time I manage to sit down, but I still enjoy my quiet moments. Reading by Christmas light is a definite perk of the holidays. And when I read—it doesn’t really matter to me if I’m reading a Christmas romance (though those are awesome) or a gritty paranormal. As long as I’m having a few moments of *me* time, I’m good.

So while you’re out there, hustling and bustling, make sure you plug in some moments for you. Sit down by the fire (or the tree), and curl up for some holiday reading. I know that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.

Tell me your favorite book to read at this time of the year—I’d love to find more books to add to my list! I’ll pick one commenter to win either an autographed copy of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT (mass market version) or an autographed copy of my January 2010 release, ETERNAL HUNTER (ETERNAL HUNTER is the first book in my new series about paranormal bounty hunters).

Happy reading—and enjoy the holidays!

Cynthia Eden

HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT--mass market re-release 12/1/09
ETERNAL HUNTER--available 12/29/09 from Kensington Brava


Contest Time

Cynthia asked you all a question at the end of her guest blog. Answer that question and you will be entered to win a copy of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT or ETERNAL HUNTER!

No Answer = No entry!

Earn another entry for each place you link this contest on the net. Make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!

You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Keep the contests going by using the Amazon links below and around the site!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 27th of December 2009 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.

Good Luck!


cait045 said...

Hey Cynthia I can't wait to read Eternal Hunter. I love the cover.

My favorite book this year is FIRE by Kristen Cashore. I really like the main character Fire and the world the book was set in.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Cynthia!

I can't say I have a favorite type of book for this time of year. I'm not a big Holiday story reader, but I have recently crawled into Jordan Summers' Dead World series (currently reading Red) and it's fabulous. I've been so busy this year there hasn't been much time for reading. I forgotten how much I've missed it. There are few things better than a great book. :-)

I can't wait to read Eternal Hunter. The cover is fantastic.

angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

elaing8 said...

Hi Cynthia,
I'm looking forward to reading Eternal Hunter. that cover is just.....yummy!! :D

A book I really enjoyed reading this year was A Highlander Christmas.

tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/6867855860

Cynthia Eden said...

Amber, thank so much for inviting me back. Happy Holidays! :-)

Hi, Cait! Thank you!!And I'll be sure to check out Fire. I do love that title.

Thank you, Angel. I'm pretty partial to that cover, too! I hear you on not having enough time to read this year--that's one of my goals for next year. More reading time!!

Elaing, thanks so much for the compliment on the Eternal Hunter cover!A Highlander Christmas sounds like a book I'd probably love. I'd better check it out!

booklover0226 said...

I always enjoy reading The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry.

I look forward in reading your books.

Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com

Ina said...

Hi Cynthia!
it's great to see you here and congrats on the release! can't wait to read your new series - it sounds great and it is already on my wishlist...
thanks to Amber I've discoverd Rachel Caines Weather Warden Series and I'm currently up to book 3 and I LOVE it - Rachel created a fantastic world!
wish you all the best and Merry Christmas!
Hugs, Ina

Taylor Z said...

I don't have a specific book to read at this time of the year, i read whatever is out. Right now, i just finished Bound to Shadows by Keri Arthur and am starting Perfect Shot by Rebbie Rigaud. Happy holidays, and happy writings!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia *waving*

Next year is going to be fab with all the releases you have due out - paranormal & contemporary. Can't wait!

At the moment I am currently reading Kylie Brant's Waking Nightmare about a cop and a profiler hunting down a serial rapist/madman. Very CSI. And a nice romance developing between the cop and the profiler. Haven't managed to work out 'who-is-doing-it' yet - which is great, as it keeps the pages turning!

There are two more books in the series - have ordered those. Will be nice to have some muder & mayhem to look forward to! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for sharing here today Cynthia :)
I don't really have a favorite "seasonal" book to read. I have so many books on my TBR pile(s) that I am glad to snag any time to read on any day. Even Christmas.
Merry Christmas!

Coistycat said...

I don't have a set type of book for this time of the year as i read such a varied genre, i tend to just take the next book of my to read pile. For instance i have seen me finish a romance novel and then start a horror.

Thank you for running such a great giveaway.

Good Luck to all who enter. xx

Cynthia Eden said...

Thanks, Tracey! I was talking about The Gift of the Magi just the other day!

Hi, Ina! Thanks for the congrats! Merry Christmas to you!

LOL, I generally read whatever is out, too, Taylor!

Hey, Willa! I'm looking forward to 2010! I hope readers enjoy the stories. And, oh, but I have been wanting to read Waking Nightmare. Thanks for the reminder. Hmmm...wonder if it's too late to add that one to my Christmas Wish List?

Cynthia Eden said...

Merry Christmas, RKCharron! I understand completely--right now, I'd love to snag some time to read!

Hi, Coistycat! From romance to horror, huh? I've done that a few times. Sometimes, I just can't resist a good horror tale.

Thanks for all the comments!

Cheryl McInnis said...

Hi Cynthia!

My favorite book to read this time of year is Dr.Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It still makes me sniffle every year. For my adult reading, lol, I really enjoy the Christmas anthologies put out by the Kensington Brava line. Right now I'm reading Kissing Santa Claus and really enjoying it!

Congrats on the upcoming release of Eternal Hunter-can't wait to read it!

Diane said...

I haven't got a favorite seasonal book to read at this time but I did pick up a copy of Jayne Ann Krentz's new book Fired Up and have started reading; I've enjoyed her books for more years than I can say and I couldn't wait to get a copy. Thanks for the Blog today Cynthia and awaiting your new book Eternal Hunter.

Linda Henderson said...

This holiday season I read A Highlander Christmas by Dawn Halliday, Cindy Miles and Sophie Renwick. I think you would enjoy it very much. Have a wonderful and safe holiday season.

seriousreader at live dot com

Barbara E. said...

This time of year is perfect for reading those great holiday anthologies. I have The Heart of Christmas that I'm just starting, with three lovely stories by Mary Balogh, Courtney Milan, and Nicola Cornick.

Edie Ramer said...

I'm reading Manuscript Makeover by Elizabeth Lyon. My next book is Chosen by Desire by Kate Perry. One for my brain, one for my enjoyment. :)

Pamk said...

I love to read the same type of books that I normally read. I am reading Nalini Singh latest is her Psy series. I absolutely can't wait to read her next one in her angel series. I would love to win Eternal Hunter. Love your books.

Cynthia Eden said...

Oh, Cheryl, I love How The Grinch Stole Christmas! Such a classic! Thanks for the congrats!

Okay, Diane, you have made me so jealous! I can't wait to read Fired Up!

Hi, Linda! I'm asking for that book from Santa. Let's see if he delivers. :-) Happy Holidays!

Cynthia Eden said...

Barbara, I didn't have that one on my list. Thanks for the info!

Merry Christmas, Edie! LOL, I think I could use some brain food right about now.

Hi, Pamk! I've got the first book In Nalini's angel series on my desk. Hopefully, I'll be able to read that over the holiday break. And thank you so much!! Glad you enjoy my books!

wanda f said...

Hi I dont have a favorite book to read but I do enjoy the paranormal christmas theme this time of year a few that Ive recently read are All I want for christmas is a vampire,a highlander christmas and beleive

SiNn said...

Hi Cynthia congrats on the upcoming release for me honestly the Holidays kinda put me in a bleh mood so i read up beat or morbid things not related to christmas at all

right now im reading Sandy Sulivans work but im also reading king as well

Simply Stacie said...

My favourite book to read this time of year is actually cookbooks. I am always looking for Christmas Baking ideas. I love fudge and peanut brittle.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

My books to read are not divided by season. Right now I am reading The Book of Old Houses, which is one of a series (actually #12), but the first one in it that I have picked up. I have a large stack on my TBR pile, and try to just get through it, but there is always another one that gets added or just HAS to be read first!

clynsg at yahoo.com

Asylumgirl said...

I love reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to my kids this time of year.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Sue Brandes said...

I twitted about the contest(katsrus2003).

I also love the cover! Can't wait for the book to come out! I don't really have a favorite book that I read this time of year. I usually look for what's new. I just read Unhallowed Ground by Heather Graham. And am reading Whispers by Erin Grady right now.
Happy Holidays.

Spav said...

My favourite book this time of the year would be A Christmas Carol.

Rosie said...

To me it doesn't matter if it's a Christmas book or not, so right now, my favorite book to read is Book 2 of the Vampire Diaries. :-) Thanks for stopping by and for a great contest!

All This Silence... said...

I always read whatever I have available to me at the time. Right now, I'm reading "The Lizard Cage" by Karen Connelly. I found it at the dollar store--the one place I wouldn't have expected to find a good book, but that's just what I found! Happy Holidays!


Reading said...

I love to read just about anything this time of year. The weather is cold outside and I love to curl up with a blankie and read a good book. I am loving Grave Secret by Charlaine Harris right now.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Andrea I said...

I just love to read period. What I read this time of year is what's next on my TBR list.

Curling up by the Fire said...

Hi Cynthia. I can't wait to read Eternal Hunter, it sounds really good.

Personally, I don't have a certain type of book that I read around the holidays. In fact, I am not much for reading books specifically about the holidays. I tend to read whatever grabs my attention at the time. Right now I am working my way through as many Mercedes Lackey books as possible as well as reviewing a new book called Fire shadow Lost Scriptures. It's the pleasure of reading that I enjoy.

Happy holidays!

Benita said...

I don't have a favorite holiday book, but at this time of the year I need to read something light. The holiday time is difficult and intense at best, so I've taken to read books like New Tricks, The Smart One and The Pretty One and the book I just finished, The Benefactor.


s7anna said...

I usually re-read Carolina Moon by Nora Roberts & Shades of Twilight by Linda Howard...plus Megan's Mark by Lora Leigh and Colter's Woman by Maya Banks.

I've shared the contest on facebook

Merry Christmas
Anna Shah Hoque

Cynthia Eden said...

Hi, Wanda! Oh, paranormals + Christmas tales are always hits with me. :-)

Thanks, SiNn! I like to read King, too--haven't tried Sandy Sullivan's work yet.

LOL, Stacie, I could so benefit from some cookbooks right now!

Clynsg, my TBR pile is so high, I have no idea when I'll ever get through it. Hmmm...maybe that should be a New Year's Resolution for me.

Cynthia Eden said...

Oh, Deidre, me, too!! Such a fun tale!

Thanks, Sue!! I've got Unhallowed Ground in my giant TBR pile. I think I might have to move it closer to the top.

Spav, I must sadly admit that, while I've seen that movie (or versions of that tale) numerous times, I have never actually read the book.

Happy to be here, Rosie! Are you watching The Vampire Diaries on TV? I haven't seen those yet, but I was wondering how close the show was to the books.

Sarah, good book can be waiting anywhere, huh? :-)

Cynthia Eden said...

Oh, Bethie, when the weather is cold, I LOVE curling up with a good book!

Andrea, that sounds like a fabulous plan of action.

Hi, Stephanie! Thank you! The pleasure of reading helps to get me through these wild holidays!

Cynthia Eden said...

Benita, I think light can be very good--especially when there is so much stress going on!

Anna, I love Carolina Moon--one of my favorites!!

Thanks for the comments!!

Martha Lawson said...

I don't have a holiday book that I read each year. But I always read Linda Lael Miller's Christmas books that she does each year. They are really good.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Karin said...

My favorite romance to read this time of year is the anthology To All a Good Night, which has stories by Donna Kauffman, Jill Shalvis, and HelenKay Dimon.

Pam P said...

Hi Cynthia, can't wait to read Eternal Hunter. Happy Holidays!

I do like reading regency anthologies this time of year, recently the Heart of Christmas. Carla Kelly had another very good short, The Christmas Promise in A Regency Christmas.

Eva S said...

I don't have any favorite holiday books, I read my usual favorites. Recently I discovered a new to me author, Jami Alden and I'm reading her third book in her The Gemini Men series:Unleashed. I loved the two previous books, Caught and Kept!

Eternal Hunter looks great, an amazing cover!
Happy Holidays!

kalynnick said...

During this time of the year, I like to read any books with Christmas or holiday themes.

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Anne Marsh said...

I'll second the votes for Dr. Seuss and his reformative Grinch . That's perfect Christmas tree reading! And, once it's after midnight and I'm indulging in gulty pleasures (me time!), I adore J.R. Ward. I've got her "Dark Lover" two feet from the tree right now. I'm looking forward to reading "Eternal Hunter-- fingers crossed that Amazon ships before the tree comes down!

Anne Marsh
annemarsh at ymail dot com

donnas said...

Congrats on the release! Cant wait to read Eternal Hunter.

I dont have a specific favorite to read at this time of year. But I do love to read a couple books with either holiday themes or that take place in snowy locations. I just finished Home in Time for Christmas by Heather Graham and it was really good.

Llehn said...

I think Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater is a great book to read at this time of the year because it involves winter and sexy werewolves :D

SusiSunshine said...

I read Holiday Seductin and Holiday Heat by Lauren Dane and Jaci Burton this year and so loved these stories. A real good Xmas read!

Terri Dell said...

I love Holiday stories and December is the month I read as many as possible. This years favorite was Kat Martin's "The Christmas Clock". It made me feel more in the holiday spirit than I had been

Becky said...

Eternal Hunter sounds really good and I can't wait to read it. Usually during this time of the year I read Holiday stories. I love reading the Holiday stories, but I am actually reading "Texas Men" by Delilah Devlin. Merry Christmas everyone.

mariska said...

I'd really like to read any books from Carolyn Haines' works. Since She's a new for me author and i don't have a specific book to read when holidays.
Btw, your book's intrigued me : )

jeanette8042 said...

My favorite book to read during this time of year is the anthology

Cathy M said...

While I don't tend to read a lot of holiday themed books, I always re-read Christine Feehan's, Twilight Before Christmas every year. Love whenever the Drake sister's and their men get together.

wanda f said...

No favorite but I do tend to read the seasonal romances this time of year I just finished All I Want for Christmas Is a Vampire .I loved it .Happy Holidays

Sweeter the berry said...

I will usually read whichever book that I have on hand. So far I'm thinking about reading The Gate House.


Karen said...

I don't have anything specific that I read for the holidays but I have been downloading a lot of free holiday themed books for my kindle from Amazon. Mostly romance/light reading but they are perfect for this time of year.
Eternal Hunter looks fantastic!


Barbara E. said...

I enjoy reading the Christmas anthologies this time of year. Besides that, I read whatever strikes my fancy, just like the rest of the year. Right now I'm reading Soulless by Gail Carriger, and I can tell you it is one fabulous story.

Pat said...

My favorite type of read this time of year is the same as every other season - I am really into paranormal fiction right now. I'd love to add your book to my library.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Cynthia. I enjoyed your interview. My favorite type of book to read this time of year is the same as any other...anything I can get my hands on! Eternal Hunter sounds like just the right book to read.