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Thursday, May 13, 2010

66) Majix: Notes from a Serious Teen Witch by Douglas Rees

Forced to leave her home, Kestrel (don't call her Susan) is angry and about having to live in Jurupa with her aunt. The people there are stupid and the place is way too hot. So Kestrel puts all her energy into her training. She wants to be a witch and if she tries hard enough she knows she will be able to get her life back to normal.

It takes a while before she notices more about her Aunt Ariel and the other people around her. Life can be magical if you find friends and have a nice family but Kestrel is going to find out the hard way like most teenagers have a tendency to do.

I read Vampire High by Douglas Rees quite a while ago and remember being very impressed. So when I saw this book I couldn't resist getting to know this author again. Aimed at younger readers this story follows Kestrel while she goes through a difficult time. With her father ill and her mother unable to cope with the young witch, she is sent off to stay with an aunt she has never met.

Kestel's journey from being the strange new girl to the hero was very interesting and intense. However I did find myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion and had a fit of giggles when it came to the 'Stick Week'. Kestrel may come across as a spoilt brat at times but I could relate to her for most of the book. The plot took some time to evolve but by the end I was hooked and enjoying every chapter more than the next.

Douglas Rees obviously has a knack for writing cool young adult stories with paranormal elements. I have already gone and looked up what other books he has on offer and added a few to my wish list. Majix is a short, young but amusing read that I won't be forgetting any time soon. Well worth picking up if you find a copy when it comes out in July.

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