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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Author Interview & Contest with Jeanne C. Stein

Author Jeanne C. Stein writes one of my favourite Urban Fantasy series, The Anna Strong Chronicles. I wait patiently each year for the new release and enjoy every word.

Chosen, book six in the series, is due for release on the 31st of August and I can't wait! So I asked Jeanne is she would stop by Amberkatze's book blog again to talk about the upcoming release and a little about what she has been up to lately. Here is the interview, which I hope you will all enjoy!

Oh and Jeanne is being very generous and is offering THREE prizes!! So three luckly readers could win an amazing prize package. Make sure you enter the contest!


Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! A new Anna Strong book is coming out soon! Please start things off by telling us a bit about the new installment?

Jeanne -– Chosen completes Anna’s first year as a vampire. On the anniversary of her becoming, the prophecy of the “Chosen One” is fulfilled. Before that, though, there are a few other surprises in store for Anna—and not pleasant ones.

Amber - Chosen is book six in the series and last time you were here you said their would be a seventh book. Is that still the case? and will there be an eighth?

Jeanne –- Hopefully! I’ve finished book seven, Crossroads, and am contracted for book eight.

Amber - How long on average does it take you to write an Anna Strong book? Do you have a process you follow? or do you just start at page one and see what happens?

Jeanne –- From the first musings to completed manuscript takes about nine months. I wish I could turn out books faster. I’m in awe of writers who do three or four books a year. It’s all I can do to turn out a book, a story or two for anthologies and keep up with the marketing stuff in year. Traveling takes up a lot of time, too.

But as for process, I generally spend some time just thinking about the theme of a new book, kicking around ideas in my head, brainstorming with my critique partners and husband. Then I do a rough synopsis (which I very seldom end up following) but after that, the writing begins.

Amber - Anna has seen a lot of paranormal action so far. How do you decide what to throw at her in each book?

Jeanne –- Sometimes things just fall into place but often I try to shake things up by adding a new element to surprise my readers. Jill Smith, a reviewer for RT Book Review Magazine, said that in Chosen, I reveal some critical answers and deliver some devastating blows! Anna doesn’t have it easy in this one.

Amber - It has been a year since the last Anna Strong book came out. What have you been doing with your time except for writing?

Jeanne – I touched on that earlier. I work harder now than I ever did in a nine-to-five job but I love it. Besides marketing stuff, travel and trying to have some kind of real life, answering email also takes up a couple of hours a day.

Amber - Are you working on any other projects or do you have any other upcoming releases you would like to tell us about?

Jeanne -– I finished a novella for an anthology called “Hexed” which Penguin will publish next year. I also have an Anna story coming up in a Tor anthology called “Chicks Kick Ass” and a non-fiction piece for a work called “Whedonistas.” All will be published in 2011.

Amber - There has been quite a lot of Paranormal TV series and Films to hit the screens lately. Why do you think that is? Would you like to see Anna come to life in the same way?

Jeanne -– I think we see a resurgence of interest in the paranormal or magical worlds whenever our real world is in flux. We like reading about an ordered world where superheroes save the day when we have no control over our own. I also think it’s a reflection of all the great books being published. And of course, I’d be thrilled to see Anna on the big or small screen.

Amber - Team Edward or Jacob? Team Bill or Eric? Or don't you care one way or another? ;)

Jeanne -– Definitely team Eric. As for the other, I’m not a big fan so I can’t comment.

Amber - What have you been reading and watching lately? Do you have any recommendations for us?

Jeanne –- I’m a member of the League of Reluctant Adults and between the twenty authors on that loop there’s always a TBR pile beside my bed. Check it out on:


As for television, I’m waiting for the fall season of Smallville, Supernatural, Dexter. Of course, True Blood is on my watch list. And I start each day watching an episode of Buffy or Angel. I know how geeky that sounds but watching Joss Whedon work his magic inspires me.

Amber - If you were a superhero, what powers would you want? Or would you be a villain?

Jeanne – A villain? Never. I’d fight just like Anna does to keep those I love from harm. I think it would be cool to be able to fly. No more standing in security lines at crowded airports! I wonder. Do you think Superman carries his luggage or sends it ahead when he goes on vacation?

Amber - Thanks for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again!

Jeanne -– thanks for having me. Always a pleasure!


Contest Time!

Jeanne is being very generous and is offering three prize packages which will include a book, magnets and some other surprises! The book will be the winners choice and can be any of the Anna Strong books. This means you can start the series if you haven't already, get the one you are missing or get the new release when it comes out!

How To Enter

Go over to the League of Reluctant Adults and check out the authors. Then come back here and either list your three favourite authors who blog there or/and three books you have added to your wishlist because of your visit to the site :)

No author or/and books = No Entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!

Amberkatze's Book Blog

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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com links/Banners below and around the site!

The Book Depository

The contest will stay open until Sunday 29th of August 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Abhishek Duggal said...

Mario Acevedo, Michele Bardsley, Dakota Cassidy are three of my favourite authors who blog there.

forsurveysonly at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

My three favorite authors that blog on that site are Mario Acevedo, Dakota Cassidy, and Jackie Kessler.


Kimberly B. said...

I think my favorites would probably be Mark Henry, Anton Strout, and Jeanne C. Stein herself! But as I have books by many of the others on my TBR pile, that could change!

Thanks for the great giveaway!


Jessica Louise said...

Three books to my wish list would be Last Sacrifice by Rechelle Mead, Chosen by Jeanne C. Stein, and Blood of the Demon by Diana Rowland. These are also my favortie authors on the site.

Tweeted - http://twitter.com/JessicaXxXLW/status/21819128648


Anonymous said...

Besides Chosen, I just added to my wishlist: Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler(so pretty this cover), Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead and Never Again by Michele Barsley.

Dovile said...

My favorites are Richelle Mead, Dacota Cassidy and Jackie Morse Kessler.

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

*gasp* Jeanne C. Stein, Dakota Cassidy, Carolyn Crane, Stacia Kane, Kat Richardson, Diana Rowland, Richelle Mead, Kelly Meding, and Nicole Peeler have all be added to my must buy list. So many great authors!

angel28140 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sandy said...

OK, I'll narrow it down to just three ... Dakota Cassidy, Carolyn Crane and Stacia Kane. Sure you don't want more???

Anonymous said...

The 3 books I want to read are Mind Games and Double Cross by Caroln Crane and Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read your books. Have never read any of them before. Tore923@aol.com

Bethany C. said...

I absolutely love Richelle Mead and Jaye Wells. Some other great choices, but I'm going to slide Caitlin Kittredge into the third spot, for not just being a great author, but her twitter/fb updates are really entertaining.
shared on fb- http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1625972197&v=wall&story_fbid=132892743422488&ref=mf
and tweeted- http://twitter.com/bcardoo79/status/21834249606

JenM said...

I've already got a bunch of books from the Reluctant Adults list on my TBR pile but I've now added Staked by JF Lewis, The Demon in Me by Michelle Rowan, and Dead To Me by Anton Strout to the list. I've really got to get cracking and read all of these books.

Ina said...

my three favorite autors are: Jackie Kessler, Kelly Meding and Dakota Cassidy... Jeanne is a new author to me, therefore I've to read here books first *g*

and I've added a lot more books to my wishlist *sigh* like Revamped, The Demon in Me and Unholy Ghosts...

greetings, Ina

inale87 at gmx dot at

Julie S said...

Just by looking at the upcoming releases, I would like to read:
Revamped by JF Lewis
Double Cross by Carolyn Crane
Cross Your Heart by Michelle Bardsley


Barbara E. said...

I follow the League of Reluctant Adults blog and I love all the authors that participate. The three favorites I'll pick are Nicole Peeler, Jaye Wells and Anton Strout, but everyone one of the authors is amazing. That's why I read Red-Headed Stepchild and Tempest Rising, because I'd seen them on that blog.
I've started collecting Jeanne's Anna Strong Chronicles, I've got the first two, but haven't started reading them yet, but I know I'm going to love them.

Unknown said...

My favorite authors listed are
Carolyn Crane, Michelle Bardsley and of course Jeanne C. Stein.

Anonymous said...

Eeeeh, Richelle Mead tops my list from that site (and any site!). :) But I would also include Jeanne Stein (is that cheating?) and Caitlin Kittredge. Mario Acevedo is on my list to read, though I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Jeanne, if you see this, I love your books! You were an unfamiliar author I took a chance on, randomly picking up the first Anna Strong book at B&N a few years back. Best. Decision. Ever. :)

Pamk said...

I'd like to try Carolyn Crane and Nicole Peeler's first book and I need to get Diana Rowland Mark of the Demon book. Lots of great authors there and some i've not even tried but would like too.

Van Pham said...

Richelle Mead, Diana Rowland, Kelly Meding.


Jeanne Stein said...

i did see it, Brandogirl-- thanks so much for taking a chance!!


Christa said...

Tweeted. https://twitter.com/wordsrollon/status/21847435153

Lots of great authors! : ) On my TBR list is: Carolyn Crane's Mind Games, Cherie Priest's Boneshaker & Jay Well's Mage in Black & Red-Headed StepChild. : )

Thanks for the giveaway!
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com

KMichelleC87 said...

I've never heard of this series but it looks great! Now on my TBR list is The Becoming (if this is the 1st) by Jeanne C. Stein, As Lie the Dead by Kelly Meding, Mind Games by Carolyn Crane and a favorite author of mine from the other blog is Richelle Mead.

Thanks for the giveaway.


ang said...

My 3 fave authors from The League Reluctant Adults blog:
Jeanne C. Stein
Michele Bardsley
Kat Richardson

I'm going to buy:
Mind Games by Carolyn Crane
Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding
Staked by JF Lewis
The Mage In Black by Jaye Wells

Thanks for the contest!
angeila (at) cox (dot) net

Deirdre said...

Only three?? Added Accidentally Catty - love the title and cover, Mind Games by Carolyn Crane and Mage in Black by Jaye Wells

Twitted here: http://twitter.com/wyvernfriend/status/21851446782

jeanette8042 said...

My three favorite blog authors are Dakota Cassidy, Molly Harper, and Nicole Peeler.


Blodeuedd said...

Carolyn Crane, Molly Harper and Nicole Peeler.

Ok I have only read Molly's books but I am dying to read Crane and Nicole

Elaine G said...

great interview.I really enjoy this series.

3 authors are Richelle Mead,Jeanne Stein and Jaye Wells.

tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/21855338739

Audra said...

My three authors are: Dakota Cassidy, Stacia Kane, and Jeanne Stein

Anonymous said...

Hello! I really can't wait for Choosen to be released! I honestly didn't know that I already read many of the authors that you collaborate with. It's very cool.

I am adding Staked by J.F. Lewis, Mark of the Demon by Diana Rowland and Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Haper


lingeorge said...

I absolutely love Kat Richardson! I also enjoy Jackie Kellser and Caitlin Kittredge. I am wanting to look into books by Carolyn Crane and Mark Henry.

jellybelly82158 said...

My three favorite authors that blog there are Dakota Cassidy, Caitlin Kittridge, and Richelle Mead.

jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I only get to pick three? So not fair. Jeanne Stein, Mark Henry, and Anton Strout.
I love so many of them, this was not a fair making me choose.
I put this up at my twitter as well http://twitter.com/scribe_solitary.

Loved the interview and can not wait for CHOSEN.

buddyt said...

Mt three authors are Mario Acevedo, Cherie Priest and Dakota Cassidy.

Please enter me in the giveaway.
Thank you.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Beverly said...

Thanks for hosting! Please enter me.

*I stopped by (and now follow) the league of reluctant adults - 3 authors/books: well, I have read Hunger (loved it) and I am already waiting for Double Cross and The Last Sacrifice so I suppose they don't count. I haven't read any Anna Strong and now I want to so that is one - I am also now interested in Labyrinth and Revamped.

Sue Brandes said...

3 I added to my wishlist besides yours are:
Labrinth~Kat Richardson
Tracking The Tempest~Nicole Peeler
Accidentally Catty~Dakota Cassidy
Thank you for the giveaway.
Sue B

Mervi said...

I added to my wishlist The Becoming by Jeanne C. Stein, Mind Games by Carolyn Crane and Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells.

musmekipi at gmail dot com

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

My faves are Richelle Mead, Nicole Peeler, Jaye Wells. And of course Jeanne! But we're supposed to pick 3 OTHERS right? ;)

Dawn said...

three faves christine feehan, sherilyn kenyon, maryjanice davidson I would love to read these my library doesn't have Jeanne c. stein

cdm said...

Richelle Mead - I have read all her books, Storn Born and Thorn Queen are my favorites. Diane Rowland - I would like to read her demon series, sounds intriquing. Jeanne Steins the best, can't wait for Chosen! Thanks, great site, will add to my favorites.

donnas said...

Sites full of great authors I cant pick just three favorites. So Ill list the 3 books I just added to my wishlist.

Accidentally Catty
Never Again

Do I really need to stop at 3?

Links -
sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Giada M. said...

My three favorite are Jeanne C. Stein, Richelle Mead and Cherie Priest. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Pat said...

I am adding the following books to my "must read" list: Labyrinth, The Mage in Black, and Blood of the Demon.

Kt Clapsadl said...

Jeanne C. Stein, Richelle Mead, and Stacia Kane are my top three from that list.

I shared the contest link on twitter.

I have your Headline Animator on my blog.

Curling up by the Fire said...

I would love to read Last Sacrifice (Mead), Blood of the Demon (Rowland), and Hunger (Kessler). I couldn't pick three authors as I enjoy them all.

icewoman96 at gmail dot com

Ladytink_534 said...

I like Michele Bardsley, Dakota Cassidy, and Kat Richardson. I really need to get caught up with their books though...


Mysteriousrose said...

I would say my favorite author is Richelle Mead, but I have added Jeanne C. Stein, Jaye Wells, Kelly Melding, Stacia Kane...ok I might have added almost everyone and their books to my wishlist.
Thank you for the giveaway.


throuthehaze said...

My faves are Carolyn Crane, Nicole Peeler, and Mark Henry
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My favorite authors, who blog there are Dakota Cassidy, Michele Bardsley, and Rachelle Mead.
I tweeted. http://twitter.com/mbreakfield/statuses/22235449100

SiNn said...

well its a toss up really Mark Henry and mechell roen and of course Dakota Cassidy,Jaye Wells

boks i wanna read

Blood of the demon by Diana Rowland
The Demon in me Mechell Rowen most deff last sacrafice by rachell mead

Llehn said...

I'm going with Dakota Cassidy, Richelle Mead and Nicole Peeler.

Anonymous said...

Oh I want the following these look great - well they all do but these 3 caught my attention most, aside from Jeanne's ;):

As Lie the Dead by Kelly Meding
Mind Games by Carolyn Crane
Revamped by J.F. Lewis


Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I would like to read The Road to Hell, The Demon in Me, Dead Matter and Dreadnought. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read your series. Tore923@aol.com

Andra Lyn said...

Carolyn Crane, Dakota Cassidy, and Nicole Peeler are awesome authors...def my favs who post there.


Anonymous said...

Richelle Mead, Jeanne C. Stein, and Jaye Wells are my favorite authors that blog there.


bison61 said...

Carolyn Crane, Kat Richardson and Diana Rowland are my favorites

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Mario Acevedo, Kat Richardson and Mark Henry are my favorites.


Anonymous said...

Jeanne C. Stein,Mark Henry,Dakota Cassidy,Jackie Kessler,Michele Bardsley,Diana Rowland,Richelle Mead ,Jaye Wells,J F Lewis, Michelle Rowan, Molly Harper
LOL there aint no author there that i wouldnt want to read, geez TONS OF GREAT BOOKS!

Unknown said...

I'd like to read:
Double Cross by Carolyn Crane
Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding
The Mage in Black by Jaye Wells

Linda Henderson said...

I'd like to read the following:

Labyrinth by Kat Richardson
As Lie The Dead by Kelly Meding
The Demon In Me by Michelle Rowan

seriousreader at live dot com

Meredith said...

I added Labyrinth by Kat Richardson, As Lie The Dead by Kelly Meding, and Hotter Than Hell by Jackie Kessler.

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Dawn M. said...

Three of my favorites are Kat Richardson, Michelle Bardsley and Jaye Wells. :0)

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

AEKZ2 said...

My favorite authors are Carolyn Crane, Kat Richardson, and Diana Rowland

Anonymous said...

My three favorite blog authors are Mario Acevedo, Nicole Peeler and Diana Rowland. garrettsambo@aol.com

Dawn Reid said...

Dakota Cassidy, Carolyn Crane and Stacia Kane.

k_sunshine1977 said...

at the moment, mark henry, diana rowland, and dakota cassidy, but then i haven't read my way down the list yet....:)

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

/\Heather/\ said...

These are who I will be watching more closely: dakota cassidy, nicole peeler, kelly meding.