The only problem I had was just coming up with something to write about! At the time I wrote the article Eclipse was just about to be released in the cinema and TrueBlood had just started its third season. I got my inspiration one night while reading through some of the news about both of these paranormal delights and I hope you will enjoy my babblings :)
Head over and read the article over on Literary Escapism!

Contest Time
This is the prize:
- Mage in Black by Jaye Wells
- The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber
- an ARC copy of Shadow Bound by Erin Kellison
- an ARC copy of Werewolf Smackdown by Maria Acevedo
- Stacey Kay cap with Undead Much? Logo
- 4 Harry Dresden badges
- Strangely Beautiful badge
- ‘What’s your sin’ armband (from Stacia Kane)
- Jeanne Stein pen
- Various bookmarks, postcards, leaflets and cover flats (as seen in photo) at least one of them is signed by the author…may add more!
This is a collection of bookish things I have been gathering for a while! Everyone has three chances to get their name in the drawing.
For leaving a comment here, answering the question: Who is your favorite paranormal television show and/or movie character?
For leaving a comment at Literary Escapism, answering this question: What is your favorite paranormal television show and/or movie??
Also share this event on your blog, social network, or anywhere you can. Digg it, stumble it, twit it, share it with the world. Wherever you share it, make sure you add a link to it along with your answer.
The contest is open internationally but seeing as I am in Austria there may be a slight delay for any US winner due to the postage time.
I will also offer a second prize – three books, my choice, from the books I have read in the last month – if there are over 100 entries between LE and Amberkatze (not counting entries for sharing the contest). So spread the word!
Contest entry ends on September 2nd!!!
Good luck to Jackie and the baby!!!
I'm totally in love with Stefan from Vampire Diaries and Eric Northman from True Blood. Such nummy men.
My favorite paranormal TV show characters are Alcide and Jessica from True Blood. I think she's a great new addition to the Sookieverse and he's just plain gorgeous. =)
I adore Eric from True Blood! Yummy.
Thanks for hosting. Please enter me.
I love the character of Pam from the True Blood series.
My favorite character is Barnabas Collins from the original Dark Shadows
Hey Amber,
Great contest and I look forward to checking out the other sight as well.
As to the question, It is Eric Northman from TrueBlood. He is ever so tall, yummy and what's not to love about a viking/vampire!
I posted at these two sites. My favorite character is Castiel from Supernatural. Sexy angel .
I have a great big soft spot for Willow from Buffy, I think she's very cool and I would love to be able to control a computer like she can!
My favorite character is Zander from Buffy. I think it would be hard to be the only normal human surrounded by people who can do amazing things and you are constantly getting beat up but he retains his sense of humor through it all.
HI!i know this is totally unoriginal but my favorite tv paramormal show is The Vampire Diaries it's to die for.
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you. My favorite paranormal movie Poltergeist.
Sue B
i adore Walter bishop from the show Fringe.
I likey sam from Trueblood and i posted this on my blog sidebar
I likey sam from Trueblood and i posted this on my blog sidebar
Angel will always be my favorite. He's the epitome of the tortured hero.
jen at delux dot com
hmm its between Angel and Mick St.John from Moonlight - they are similar in SO many ways but Alex O'laughlin play Mick...and he's an Aussie!! :D
The psychic that Katie brings in the Paranormal Activity.
There are so many great choices that I'm just going to go with the one that seems the most original: Roxy Wasserman from the (sadly canceled) Middleman TV Show. The show itself is more superhero than paranormal, but Roxy is (mostly) reformed succubus turned fashion designer, so she definitely counts!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.c
From the past, I would say mulder from the x-files, and for now, it would be walter bishop from fringe. I really like how they address all of his issues, and how he really contributes to the show.
I am a follower. I would have say Angel was also my favorite from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Besides being very handsome, he was trying to make up for all the wrong he did as a vampire. He had a soul. I adore him. Tore923@aol.com
My favorite paranormal TV show is Supernatural, and my favorite character is Angel from Buffy, and of course, the Winchester boys:)
Thanks for the chance!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
left a comment on Literary Escapism blog
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Hmm...my favorite paranormal show would have to be Supernatural! Jensen and Jared are hot! Especially Jensen!!
From books, my favorite character is Jack McShane from the Savannah Vampire series by Raven Hart. I just love that Southern boy and all the trouble he manages to get into.
From scree, my favorite character is Mick St. John from Moonlight.
cheleooc at yahoo dot com
Forgot to add that I posted at Literary Escapism.
My favorite tv character is Damon from Vampire Diaries. But from an older show it would be Angel.
My favorite paranormal character would have to be Spike. I really like how they developed his character from the evil monster that he was, to the good he then began to do.
My favorite paranormal television character is Damon. Ian is so handsome and plays Damon so witty.
My fav, well, oh I don't have one so I will just go with a movie and lucian from underworld cos he is grrrish
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
I love Eric from True Blood. Alexander Skarsgard is gorgeous!
Acheron from Dark Hunter series and Micah from Anita Blake and Darkness from Merry Gentry.
So hard to choose - posted on Literary Escapism - Jennifer H
I love damon from the vampire diaries as well as Eric Northman from True Blood...wow.
I love Damon from Vampire Diaries because his comments sometimes crack me up.
I shared the guest blog and contest on blog sidebar: http://jeanette8042.blogspot.com/
Pretty much any character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'll have to go with top five: Xander, Anya, Spike, Giles, and Willow.
Love (or should say loved, as network canceled series) Ghost Whisperer. I’m really going to miss Melinda & Jim! I've commented on Literary Escapism, Twitter (@AngieKelley) & Facebook: (http://www.facebook.com/angeila.kelley)
My favorite character from a paranormal book/show is Eric from the book series/True Blood.
eswright18 at gmail.com
My favorite characters are:
Sam & Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Doctor Who (Tom Baker & Christopher Eccleston)
Captain Jack (Torchwood & Doctor Who)
Mulder & Scully (X-Files)
Commented at Literary Escapism, too.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Angel, without a doubt :D I didn't miss an episode of Buffy because of him.
Posted the contest on my blog sidebar http://cuidadocomodalmata.wordpress.com/
and left a comment on Literary Escapism!(under: jen7waters)
How to choose? Aragorn by Viggo Mortensen in the LOTR trilogy.
I would love to enter your contest!
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Spike from Buffy is one of my fave supernatural characters from a show.
I also commented at Literary Escapism
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Oh by far my favorite is Eric from True Blood. He just lights my fire!
Spike from Buffy and Eric Northman from True Blood. SO yummy!
Spike on Buffy and Angel...love him!
First I left a comment at Literary Escapism- I love the Supernatural Boys- But my new Fave is Haven it is on SYFY on Friday Nights .
I would have to go with Damon Salvatore. I know I know a vampire, how very common, but I can't help it. HE-IS-GORGEOUS! I'm totally enjoying Alcide from True Blood right now also. Yumm to those two!
Forgot to mention i also posted on LE!
thanks for the giveaway
I love Dean Winchester (Supernatural) and also Eric (True Blood) :3~
>Who is your favorite paranormal character?
That is a tough one. Currently I would say Sookie Stackhouse, Kitty Norville and Mercy Thompson.
I would have to go for Buffy. That girl really rocks !
Thanks for the contest.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
My old-school favourite would be Charmed, i still love this program and i plan to re-watch a whole load of them on my next week off. My new favourite is Supernatural, even if it does give me nightmares :)
I would have to say Dean Winchester from Supernatural. Or Castiel. xD
I would have to say Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison's Hollows series is my favorite paranormal character.
I would have to go with Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
Favourite Paranormal Series show Character - Det. Sara 'Pez' Pezzini from Witchblade
twitted here: http://twitter.com/wyvernfriend/status/22122231009
My favorite paranormal TV show would have to be either Angel or Buffy. I love them both.
My favorite character is Angel. I don't think anyone could ever beat him!
I just noticed that someone else posted on this contest using "JenM", but she must not be using that on GFC. Now I don't know what to do. Does this mean I'm going to have to change my GFC identity? I checked LE and she didn't post there, so please give me the credit for that post, not her.
jen at delux dot com
I have to say my favorite character is Eric from True Blood. Mmm..
I would have to say that my favorite character from a paranormal TV show would be Dean Winchester from Supernatural. And not just because he is an amazingly handsome man, but also because he works so hard to kill monsters and save people, despite everything he's had to sacrifice. He never gives up when it comes to the hunt, and that's what I love about him. He always get the badies!
From a paranormal movie, I'd have to say is Caleb Danvers from The Covenant. His unbreakable spirit is amazing to watch.
A runner up would have to be Vicki Nelsen from Blood Ties. The show didn't last very long, but for all her flaws Vicki was an amazing person.
I just love Damon from Vampire Diaries he is a bad and good guy love the show can't until it comes back :)
left a comment on Literary Escapism blog too
My favorite characters are:
Damon from The Vampire Diaries and Sam and Dean from supernatural.
I have loved Damon since the books first was published, I remember that here in Denmark they would only translate the first two books at the time and I was a little to young to read english.
I don't remember how many times I would write to the company and beg them to translate the others but they never answered.
Today they can not get them translated fast enough;-)
I like Eric from True Blood. He is so perfect in the role.
icewoman96 at gmail dot com
My favorite character is Dean from Supernatural.
I commented at Literary Escapism.
one word supernatural next word Dean lol
fav character and show all in one heading over to post on the otherblog
I have so many favorites that I can't choose just one. So, here's a list:
Oz, Spike and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Eric, Godric and Pam from True Blood
Damon from the Vampire Diaries
Henry Fitzroy from Blood Ties
Josef Kostan from Moonlight
I also love the Twilight series. I can’t wait until the last movie. I love the books and movies. My favorite television show and character was Buffy. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
My favorite Vamp TV Hunks
Eric Northman from Tru Blood
Alcide Devoreux from Tru Blood
Louis from Interview with a Vampire
Spike from Buffy
Angel from Buffy
And I also gotta give props to the girls of the paranormal universe...they just arent nearly as fun to look at.
Sookie Stackhouse, Pam, and Jessica From Tru Blood
Buffy and Faith from Buffy a
My FAVORITE girl character was Claudia from Interview with a Vampire...SO creepy
Hands down my favorite Para. TV show is TrueBlood..it completely makes my week anticipating the next episode.
Add that with the cast of hunky eyecandy ala " Eric Northman" makes me a very happy person.
If we go by all time favorite paranormal i would have to say CHARMED. Now in the present age i would say True bloods Eric. also love vampire diaries.
I added you to my blog
my favorite paranormal TV show is Fringe... or Heroes - I can't decide *g*
Melanie S.
I have to say that True Blood is my favorite show and Eclipse and Avatar my favorite movies in the genre.
TB is the first to do something where the actors are treating it like any other subject matter. And it has enough $ behind it that it doesn't look like a half a&&ed production on SyFy.
Of Twilight movies in Eclipse they really upped the quality of the photography and the acting and the makeup.
Avatar was a great story from a fantasy and Sci Fi perspective and technically was amazing.
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Tweeeted you:http://twitter.com/fangswandsfairy/status/22460854507
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
I loved Jennifer Love Hewitt in Ghost Whisperer
rhondastruthers atyahoo.ca
I love hottie vampire Eric on True Blood! Thanks.
I really enjoy the true blood and the vampire diaries tv series.. and the twilight series movies. While they do deviate from the main book series they are still quite enjoyable.. I really would like more book series to be made into either series or movies.. wishful thinking i guess :)
Thanks again for the contest!
Eric from True Blood, followed closely by Sam.
link - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/08/contest-links-for-831.html
sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
tweet - http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/22674273292
bacchus76 at myself dot com
My fave paranormal show is still the X-Files even after all these years!
I like Melinda from Ghost Whisperer.
My favorite character is
Dean Winchester from Supernatural.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
"The Sixth Sense"!
Ange, Buffy, Paranormal Activity
my absolutely all time favorite paranormal movie was one of Roland Emmerich's first creations "Joey"
it still gives me chills
Book - Harry Dresden from the Dresden files by Jim Butcher (but not the show)
Movie - Selene from Underworld
TV - Wyatt - piper's baby from charmed
My favorite show is Charmed. My favorite Movie is Twilight.
I put this on my blog
I would love to win this. I read the books i win then donate to Middletown Public Library. Our Library is low on funds right now. So they are accepting donations.
I posted a comment on Literary escapism.
I just loooooove Alcide from True Blood. Whooo-hooo! Much sexier than the vamps!
I adore Eric from True Blood!
my favorite would HAVE to be Dresden fro the Dresden files. not nearly as epic as the books, but still an amazing character!
On the small screen it would be Mick St. John from Moonlight. But if I could choose from books like some other commenters did, I'd choose Harry Dresden because he seems like the kind of guy I'd enjoy just hanging around with.
Eric from True blood-thanks!
I used to love Fear, but I am not sure it is on any longer.
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
I love Eric from True Blood! HOTHOTHOT!
My favorite paranormal TV show is True Blood and my favorite paranormal character is Eric Northman from the same show. garrettsambo@aol.com
I love Eric Northman from TrueBlood great show and he is a hottie!
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I left a comment on Literary Escapism blog
s2s2 at comcast dot net
i liked that little guy haley joel osment in the sixth sense
i love sookie on true blood
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I'm totally in love with Stefan from Vampire Diaries and Eric Northman from True Blood.
Three way tie here Sam & Dean Winchester and of course Angel love em love em love em
My favourite character in a paranormal show is a tie between Buffy and Eric from Tru Blood :-D
Thanks for the great giveaway Amber!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I suppose I am too late. Great giveaway!! My favorite character in recent years has been Walter Bishop from Fringe. I also loved the Archangel Gabriel (the Trickster) on Supernatural.
Geat Giveaway - love both your blogs ;)!
My favorite character is Eric from True Blood.
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
My favorite paranormal tv show characters are Olivia Dunham and Peter Bishop from Fringe.
Shared on Facebook
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