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Friday, December 31, 2010

167) If Walls Could Talk by Juliet Blackwell

The Blurb -

Melanie Turner has made quite a name for herself remodeling historic houses in the San Francisco Bay Area. But now her reputation may be on the line.

At her newest project, a run-down Pacific Heights mansion, Mel is visited by the ghost of a colleague who recently met a bad end with power tools. Mel hopes that by nailing the killer, she can rid herself of the ghostly presence of the murdered man-and not end up a construction casualty herself...

My Thoughts -

I have been enjoying Juliet Blackwell's Witchcraft Mysteries and was excited to find that the author was bringing out another cozy mystery series with a supernatural twist. If Walls Could Talk got right to the action when Melanie Turner and the victim literally run into each other. From then on the plot thickens and Melanie tries to discover who the murderer is and what they want from the house she is renovating.

As with any first book in a series there were the normal teething problems. Getting used to the new surroundings, characters and basic plot is always hard work but exciting. While I feel I did manage to get to know Melanie quite well I am not sure if I really like her that much. She seemed very naive in places and sometimes a little slow. However this was her first mystery. Maybe she just has to learn more about the amateur sleuth business.

The plot was good and the ghost element was interesting. I am sure there are some more developments to come in that aspect and that is one of the reasons I am looking forward to more from this series. Also I am intrigued by the possible romantic relationships Melanie could, should or would have. She certainly has some options and I wonder how she will deal with them.

All in all this was a good first in the series. I am sure there will be more to come and the series will expand on the foundations laid in out this book. Juliet Blackwell is a clever writer and I love her paranormal twists. The mixture is a delicious read for anyone who likes mysteries and the paranormal genres and want something easy and pleasing to curl up with.


Anonymous said...

This sounds really good. Can't wait to read.

Aurian said...

Nice review Amber, I already have the other series on my wishlist, will add this one as well.

justpeachy36 said...

This looks like a great book for my 2011 Cozy Mystery Challenge. I have recently started reading cozies and find them a great change of pace.

Vickie said...

Reading this one now and enjoying my time with it. I have faith that Juliet will bring it around, she has the chops. Love her and her sister as Hailey Lind and Juliet's other series, the Lily Ivory.