I am a big fan of the books and I couldn't resist asking author Casey Daniels back to Amberkatze's Book Blog to talk about what Pepper is up to this time, what her future holds and what else the writer is up to!
I hope you enjoy the interview! Make sure you enter this weeks contest! Casey is being very generous and is giving away three books! So that means three lucky entrants will get a Pepper Martin book of their choice!
Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! I can't believe this is your fourth visit here and your seventh Pepper Martin book is due out! Please start things off by telling us a little bit about A Hard Day's Fright!
Casey - There's always a lot going on in Pepper Martin's world. In A Hard Day's Fright, the book that will be out on April 5, Pepper's latest adventure involves a ghost from the 1960s, a girl who attended a Beatles concert in Cleveland in 1966 and then was never seen or heard from again.
Of course, Pepper is reluctant to get involved...that is, until she finds out someone she's close to has a connection with the case. The ghost isn't looking for Pepper to solve her murder, she just wants Pepper to find her body; she can't rest in peace until she's properly buried. Lots of Sixties throwback fun in this one, including a Dylan-esque poet. One of the reasons I decided on this story line was that I thought it would be interesting to explore what happens to a group of friends when one of their number goes missing. Pepper discovers that more than forty years later, Lucy Pasternak's disappearance still haunts her circle of friends.
Amber - The Pepper Martin series deals with ghosts and haunting. Do you believe in ghosts? Ever seen one yourself?
Casey - Do I believe in ghosts? Absolutely. Have I ever seen one? No, not up close and personal, but I have seen evidence: mists in pictures when there shouldn't have been any there, hearing knocks coming from graves, getting messages via mediums. Sure, plenty of people think it's nonsense, but I think there's too much evidence to say ghosts don't exist.
Amber - A Hard Day's Fright is a really cool title. How do you come up with the titles for your books? Do you always go with the first title or is it hard to come up with the right one?
Casey - So far, all the titles have been mine, and they have been fairly easy to come up with. That being said, I'll admit I'm having trouble titling Pepper Martin #8, which will be out in January 2012. Stay tuned, not sure what we'll end up with for this one!
Amber - What other paranormal subjects would you want to write about besides ghosts?
Casey - In the Pepper books, I've avoided piling on any more paranormal happenings for this reason: I believe in ghosts. So I don't find the Pepper stories a stretch. Though it's not likely, I believe that what happens to Pepper is possible. But if I started adding vampires or zombies, etc., . . . .well, then to me at least, things get a little dicey and a whole lot less
believable. That being said, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to write about other paranormal things in other stories. In fact, I once wrote a YA horror trilogy under the name of Zoe Daniels. It was about shapeshifters who turned into black panthers. It was very cool, and very fun to write.
Amber - A lot of authors are writing YA series. Have you considered writing a YA book?
Casey - See above, I answered your question before you asked it! In addition to the Year of the Cat trilogy I wrote as Zoe Daniels, I also wrote a YA trilogy as Connie Laux. It was called Blood Moon and was about a haunted amusement park. I loved writing YA, and that was long before it was hot, hot, hot. Maybe someday I'll have the chance to do it again.
Amber - Do you have a favorite character that you've written, one you wish you could revisit or add a couple of chapters about?
Casey - Hands down, Pepper is my favorite, but of course, I'm still writing about her, so I don't think that counts in regards to your question. Who would I like to revisit . . . hmmm . . . interesting . . . and difficult to answer because in stand-alone books (as opposed to series), the story is complete by the end of the book. So it's hard to imagine taking those characters anywhere else. I do have plenty of new characters in mind and I'm hoping to have a chance to write about each and every one of them!
Amber - Would you ever be able to write a book together with another author? If yes, which author would you like to work with and why?
Casey - I can't imagine writing with another author. That being said, I've never tried it so I don't know what it would really be like. Seems to me that collaborating with these sorts of things that spring wholly from our heads would be beyond difficult. Then again, if Elizabeth Peters called and said she needed my help with a new Amelia Peabody book, I'd drop everything and go running!
Amber - What is next? More Pepper? Any new projects?
Casey - As I mentioned, there will be a new Pepper out in January 2012. That book is finished. In it, Pepper visits New Mexico. There is one more book on the contract so for sure, a Pepper Martin #9. In addition, I have another new mystery series debuting this fall. It's called the Button Box Mysteries and my name on the cover is Kylie Logan. The first book is called "Button Holed" and it will be published in September. The books are about a woman named Josie Giancola who owns a vintage and antique button business.
Don't think buttons are interesting? Just start checking them out. They are little chunks of history and many of them are spectacular works of art. No paranormal elements in these books, but I'm learning a whole lot about old buttons!
Amber - How long on average does it take you to write an Pepper Martin book? Do you have a process you follow? or do you just start at page one and see what happens?
Casey - Oh, how I wish I could tell you I had 18 months to write a book! Usually, it's more like 4. Right now, I'm finished with Pepper #8, will write buttons #2, then Pepper #9, then buttons #3, etc. I'm not complaining! Believe me, I am grateful to be busy. As for a process, I do completely outline a book before I begin writing. I've learned that this saves me a lot of time in the writing stage. The outline often takes me three weeks or more and when I'm doing it, I'm always frustrated. I want to start writing--now! But I know I've got to think things through. When I know where I'm headed and how to get there, it's a much smoother trip!
Amber - It hasn't even been been a year since the last Pepper book came out. What have you been doing with your time except for writing?
Casey - Is there time except for writing? Seriously, because of the two series, I don't have a lot of down time. I do try to snatch a little R&R between books and this time, I've spent some time weaving (I made the coolest rag rug ever), knitting, and working on family history. My husband's family is having a reunion next year and I've volunteered to get together the family's history. Turns out it's a whole lot of fun. I'm getting to be a detective for real and I rejoice at every little morsel of information I uncover.
Amber - Being a recent purchaser of a Kindle 3 just wondering if you own an e-reader yourself and what you think of e-books? Do you think they help increase an authors audience base?
Casey - I don't own a Kindle or any other e-reader, though I've used one and I thought it was pretty cool. I think it's great that e-readers make more available to readers and I have a feeling kids are going to take to e-readers like ducks to water. That's a good thing. Anything that gets kids reading is a real plus.
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? What books have you read recently?
Casey - Right now I'm reading an old Nancy Pickard mystery called "No Body," about an old cemetery and the discovery that there's really no one buried there! A friend sent it. She knew I'd be interested in the cemetery connection. Watching? I'm always up for old episodes of "Buffy," and I enjoy watching "Bones." I'm not much of a listener as far as music. Can't have any on when I write as I find it too distracting.
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Casey - Chuckling at this one. I'd have to say a ghost. Guess I might have the chance to try that out one of these days!
Amber - Thank you so much for coming by again! I hope it won't be the last
time ;)
Contest Time
Casey is being really generous and would like to give three winners each a book! Each winners can choose which Pepper Martin book they would like to win! Cool!!! Start the series, get the one you are missing or even grab a copy of the newest release! Winners choice!
How To Enter
I really don't like the 'enter me' entries and always ask a question. My imagination regarding these questions is extremely bad. So this week I want you to fuel my future contest questions!
Give me some questions for my contests!
No question = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!
You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 17th of April 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I always like the question of "what are you reading" because I always have an easy answer to that one. :D
Another couple of questions I like are "what is your favorite paranormal being" or "what paranormal being would you be." I like questions that don't strain my brain to much, LOL.
I have some of the Pepper Martin books, but haven't had a chance to start the series yet. It would be fantastic to win one of the books I'm missing.
I am a member of goodreads and I have challenged myself to read 100 books this yr. I think that would be a neat thing to ask your followers/subscribers, How many books would they be willing to challenge themselves to read. I also feel that seeing my parents read as a small child is what enticed me to want to read as well. (that would be another q...did your parents read/read to you as a child)
my daughter is an avid reader as well as a poet
oh and maybe the question, do you have a site where you keep track of your reads (mine is goodreads lol)
How about this question: who is your favourite secondary character in this series? Or if you haven't read it yet, which series do you think I would like to read?
I haven't started this series yet, but they have been on my wishlist, and will move up since you are so enthusiastic about it, and it isn't YA this time.
I'm always fascinated with the covers and I'm really curious who had the idea for it and if the author had a say in chossing it :)
I haven't read the series yet, but have heard a lot of great things about it! thanks for a great interview!
greetings, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
Ina asked about covers . . . these are fantasic, aren't they? I do get input as far as I send my editor pictures of the outfits Pepper wears in the books, make suggestions as to setting, etc. For instance in book #8, Pepper will be visiting New Mexico. While she's there, she not only falls in love with a hot, hot, hot cop, but buys the most awesome pair of cowboy boots. I sent a pic of the boots, and I hear she'll be wearing them on the cover of "Wild, Wild Death."
A question eh. Um what about if you could go anywhere and do anything what would be your ultimate holiday?
Also along the same lines. What do you do when you need to relax and unwind after a stressful day?
Eek, my imagination is fritzing too. Maybe you could ask, what uf/pnr heroine would you most like to hang out with? For the record, I want be best friends with Sirantha Jax and Sabina Kane.
Hey Casey! I am a big Pepper fan. I have all the books so don't enter me, I just wanted to say hello and show my support for Pepper :)
Pepper could plan a family reunion, imagine the fun if one or more of the guests that show up unexpectedly was of the woo-woo kind .
if you were a killer in a book how would you kill the person. lol.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
What fictional character from TV or a book would you like to spend the day with?
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Casey here...emmad asked about the perfect holiday...my dream has always been to go to the UK for six weeks or so, rent a car, stay at B&Bs, explore haunted places, and soak in the history. Sigh!
And Bethany asks about what urban fantasy heroine I'd like to hang out with. Buffy, of course! My all time favorite!
As for how I'd kill someone, PamK, I guess I get to play that game with every book I write. So far I've done a drive-by shooting, a pushing off a very high bridge, poisoning, assasination and suffocation. Oh yeah, writers are fun to hang with, we talk about all these cool things!
And Lisa asked about TV characters...I'd love to hang with the Bones crew. Such a good show!
I would ask what author, living or dead, would you want to meet?
Ugh first thing Monday morning is bad for the imagination lol.
How about what is your favourite must-have when you curl up for a long read? A hot chocolate, comfy sofa, etc?
Mine is a tall cup of yummy coffee.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, looks great!
faefever25 at hotmail dot com
What historical character would you like to meet and why?
How many books do you read a year? Why do you like to read? What other paranormal creatures would you like to see in books? Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this series. Tore923@aol.com
why did you write about ghosts- do you have an experience with one?
This sounds like a really good read.
Hmm question suggestions:
Are you in any book reading challenges?
What was the best book you read this year? What was the worst?
Another terrific interview! Thanks Amber and Casey!
I don't need to be entered in the contest. I just pick up A Hard Day's Fright last week and have it in me VIP TBR pile! This means the book won't be on the pile for long. :)
I adore your books, Casey, and am excited about your new series. May your sales be strong always!
Nancy Haddock
How about:
'With what literary character would you like to be stranded on an uninhabited island?'
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
"Who is your favorite fictional boyfriend/lover?"
I'd love to see who authors daydream about.
I am horrible at thinking up nice questions myself, but here goes:
Do you have to read a series in proper order, or will you just read whichever volume you can get your hands on?
I haven't read this series myself, yet. But I have been aware of it. And it is on my lengthy TBR list.
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
Casey here gritting her teeth...just answered a whole bunch of your questions and was told that the site "couldn't complete" my request. Lost all the answers!
Rest assured, they were brilliant!
O.k. here's my questions "drum rolls"
If you could only pick 1 book to reread, which would it be?
I myself would find that hard to answer...
What childhood memory would you write a story about.
I would be interested in finding out: What older book/series would you recommend to urban fantasy fans? Some don't realize that there were faries and elves in the malls before this century, and a lot of other places as well.
LOL I'm just as bad when it comes to these kinds of things but let me give it a try. What would you do if a vampire, a werewolf, and a troll burst through your front door? LOL silly I know...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/whitewolfreads/status/57654964847259648
whitewolfreads AT gmail DOT com
I cannot wait to read BUTTON HOLED, just added it to the pre-order list. I know this series will be a favorite just like Pepper Martin.
How do you organize your books? Is there a library like order or is it (like mine) all over the place and only I might (or might not) know where that suspense/UF/thriller/cozy/amateur sleuth would be.....
i like being ask . if there is books i would recommend. cause that way i can post my fav authors, AND i can find new author thru the answers. there is sooo many authors i keep stumbling onm, thta i never heard of,and since we all seem to post alot of the same places, we all like the genre
I always like to know who the author's favorite authors are. What gives them inspiration.
This is my favorite author question : What is your writing mantra in 15 words or less?c
Thank you for the fun interview Casey and Amber! :-D
Casey's books are on my wishlist and her 1st novel is on top of my TBR pile, have heard great things about the Pepper Martin series (and I love the name too! :-p)!
My question would be: "What is your favourite paranormal species and why?"
"If you could take only 1 book to a desert island, which one would you take with you?"
Thank you for the great giveaway Casey!!
I spread the word:
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Stella_ExLibris/status/58868113227264001
+1 and also posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=195607843808148&id=100000899165880
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Is this contest open to Canada?
In novels, most talk about how a character smells. If you were to have a scent, what would you be?
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/StopDropandRead/status/58888660287893504
faked_sugartone at hotmail
I love reading books, my question is what is your all time favorite paranormal book that you have read?
My question: What book, for you, is better when read a second time?
do you read right before bed
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
If you could visit any era in history what era would you visit? garrettsambo@aol.com
How about- What fictional character would you like for a boyfriend/girlfriend/bestfriend?
How about: If you started your own paranormal series, what would be the main focus?
I like the what is the latest book you read or are reading and what is your favorite genre
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