Her latest release, Dark Descendant, is pre-ordered and I can't wait to try it! You can find out more about Jenna and her books by reading the interview. Maybe you can even win a Jenna Black book if you enter the contest!
Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your upcoming release, Dark Descendant?
Jenna - DARK DESCENDANT is about a private investigator who kills a demigod in a car accident and winds up inadvertently stealing his immortality.
Amber - Where did the idea for Dark Descendant come from? Was it a long process or did it just come to you?
Jenna -This one was a long time coming for me. I originally wrote a partial manuscript using the same core idea (although at the time, my mythology was entirely make-believe rather than being based on Greek and other “real” mythology) back in around 2003. I ended up abandoning that manuscript (the only book I ever started but didn’t finish), but I still liked the core idea of immortals whose immortality can be stolen, so when it came time to come up with a new urban fantasy concept, I decided to rework that premise.
Amber - Reading the blurb for Dark Descendant I can't help but think 'Dark-Hunters'. What is different about your paranormal Greek mythology mix?
Jenna - Pretty much everything. LOL The gods themselves are not characters (just people descended from gods), I have no vampires, and there’s a mixture of different mythologies, not just Greek. At the core of my story is the idea that the immortality can be stolen, which creates all kinds of fun conflicts. My immortals also have different abilities, based on the deity from whom they are descended, but those abilities don’t always manifest in the same way. Lastly, there isn’t any romance (at least not in the first book); only glimmers of potential romance to come.
Amber - Have you always been interested in Greek Mythology? Do you keep to the myths or did you twist things a little to fit in with your story?
Jenna -I’ve always been a Greek mythology fan, ever since I had to read Edith Hamilton’s MYTHOLOGY back in high school. I definitely twist the mythology, because I always have more fun working from my own imagination than working from “real” mythology. I’ve used the mythology only as a jumping off point, and to make the world more accessible to my readers. (As I mentioned, in the original partial manuscript, I made up a totally separate mythology, not linked to anything familiar.)
Amber - Is Dark Descendant the start of a new series or a one off? If it is a series when can we expect book #2?
Jenna - DARK DESCENDANT is the start of a series. I’m working on the second book in the series as we speak. I don’t know when you can expect to see book 2, however, because the release date hasn’t been determined yet. I’m guessing the plan will be to put them out at the rate of one per year, but that really is just me guessing.
Amber - I haven't managed to read (well I have the first in the series on audio) anything from your Faeriewalker series yet. Can you tell us a little about it?
Jenna -It’s about a sixteen-year-old girl who gets fed up with her alcoholic single mother and runs away to Avalon, the only place where the mortal world and Faerie intersect, to live with the Fae father she’s never met. Needless to say, the grass isn’t always greener . . .
Amber - What was it like changing to YA after writing so much adult action?
Jenna -I didn’t really make any big changes in my writing style when changing from adult to YA. I think of my YAs as adult books that happen to have a teenage protagonist. Obviously, with a teenage heroine, there are differences in language and in life experience, but even when I’m writing adult books, my characters all have very different backgrounds and life experiences, so this didn’t feel like much of a stretch.
Amber - I miss Morgan Kingsley and The Guardians of the Night. Is there any chance of seeing either of these series start up again or are they both done?
Jenna - At this point, it’s unlikely there will be more books in either of those series, although there is a Morgan Kingsley short story coming out in the CHICKS KICK BUTT anthology in June.
Amber - What is next? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Jenna - As I mentioned, I’m working on the sequel to DARK DESCENDANT right now. I’m also working on the proofs for SIRENSONG, the final book of the Faeriewalker series. I’m not sure where I’ll go from there. My agent is shopping a proposal for a new YA series, but we’ll have to wait and see if publishers are interested in it. (The better the Faeriewalker books do, the more likely I’ll be able to sell a second YA series, hint, hint . . .)
Amber - Why the Paranormal? Did you always want to write about the Supernatural?
Jenna - I’ve always loved the paranormal. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy growing up, so that’s naturally what I started writing. Then when I started reading contemporary paranormal romances and urban fantasy, I fell completely in love with it. Creating completely make-believe worlds was fun, but I find it even more fun to work with the real world and add make-believe elements.
Amber - How do you pick the names for your characters? Do they have any special meanings?
Jenna - Usually, the names for my characters just come to me. I’ll think of names I like, or look through something like BehindTheName.com, and suddenly something will pop out at me and feel right. The only time I remember specifically going in search of names with special meanings were for the Morgan Kingsley books. I wanted Lugh and Dougal to have names with meaning, and it was lovely that I was able to find names that were in opposition. (According to my sources at the time, Lugh means “shining one” and Dougal means “dark stranger.”)
Amber - Alot of authors have 'soundtracks' for their books. Is there any music influenced your books?
Jenna - I’m afraid I’m not one of those authors. Books and music are totally separate for me.
Amber - What books do you enjoy reading? Do you have any favourite authors/series?
Jenna - I enjoy reading anything with paranormal/supernatural aspects, including but not limited to paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and young adult. I also occasionally enjoy thrillers and historical romances. As for favorite authors . . . I have a hard time answering that one, because I have too many author friends and I don’t want to insult anyone/leave anyone out. However, if I limit myself to only authors I don’t know so no one will be insulted, I’d say a couple of my favorite series are the Mercy Thomson series by Patricia Briggs, as well as her Alpha & Omega series; I’m also a big fan of the Hunger Games books.
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Jenna -I’m not sure I’d really want to be a paranormal creature, especially not considering the hell we authors put our paranormal creatures through. There are just too many disadvantages for any creature I can think of. I think I’ll stick with being human.
Amber - Thanks for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again!
Contest Time
Jenna is giving away a copy of her new book Dark Descendant!
How To Enter
What Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance heroine would you most like to hang out with?
(Thanks to Bethany C. for suggesting this question! You have an extra entry in this contest!)
No answer = No Entry
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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 2nd of May 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
my first thought was Jaz Parks - I love her and it would be a lot of fun to hang out with her *g*
thanks for a great interview - I can't wait to read your newest book!
wish you all the best, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
I think it would be Anna Strong in Jeanne Stein's series. Anna is working through being a vampire and trying to keep family life as normal as possible.
Since my best book girlfriend Sirantha Jax is scifi (and not technically pnr/uf) I'd love to hang with Sabina Kane and Mercy Thompson.
(Thanks for using my question and for the extra entry!)
I think I would love to hang out with Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews. She is kick-ass and it would be fun to be around her snark all the time.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/whitewolfreads/status/63027622711529472
Thanks for the giveaway!
whitewolfreads AT gmail DOT com
Xhex from BDB. She is totally hard core!!!
I enjoy all your books, Jenna! :)
I think it would be cool to hang out with a lot of the urban fantasy heroines, but I think I'll pick Kitty Norville from Carrie Vaughn's Kitty series.
I'd love to hang out with Jennifer Estep's Gin Blanco. She's a fabulous cook, so she'd make us a nice meal, she reads a lot, so we could have a great conversation about books, and she kicks ass, so she'd protect me from any nasty's that might show up.
Faythe from Rachel Vincent's "Werecat" series would be a hoot to hang with.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I'd like to hang out with Elena Michaels from Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series.
Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
Kate Daniels! She is one of my favorite heroines out there and maybe she will bring along Curran (I just want to look!)
I would love to spend time with Gin Blanco - she is awesome.
I think Rachel Morgan would be fun to hang out with.
Jenna Black! Another of my favorite authors! Amber, thanks for bringing Jenna back again. Jenna, it was wonderful to catch up with you!
This is a hard question because there are SO many UF/PR heroines I'd love to hang with. I'll pick Calliope Reaper-Jones since I'm reading Amber Benson's second book in that series. (Yes, I am behind on my reading, but I'm catching p as fast as I can! :))
All continued success, Jenna!
Nancy Haddock
Hard question, so many great and cool heroines..it would be either Kate Daniels or Gin Blanco :)
Mercy Thompson or Kitty Norville. I think either one would be fun to hang out with. :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Mercy Thompson! I've been her fan for ages.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I tweeted:
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Who would I want to hang out with? Wow there's so many...
Rachel Vincent's Faythe,
Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan
Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock
J.R. Ward's Xhex & Payne
there are just so many to choose from! Today I'll choose Rachel Morgan. Who knows about tomorrow;-)
I'm looking forward to reading your new book.
I will say Kate Daniels. thanks for the giveaway
I would love to hang out with Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson, Elena Devereau, or Gin Blanco!
I'd want to hang out with Mercy Thompson. She's low key and calm and she seems to always be able to handle whatever gets thrown at her even though she's not the strongest person around.
jen at delux dot com
Geat post! The new work coming out sounds awesome. I love mythology so can't wait for Dark.. the YA work sounds really interesting as well.
For females - would be a toss up between Gin from Elemental Assassins, Morgan Kingsley for Morgan Kingsley series, Pete Caldecot from Black Lond Series
Males - Lugh from Morgan Kingsley, Dresden from Dresden Files series
And really there are quite a bit more as there are a ton of great UF's out there.
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
Great question! There are so many amazing UF heroines, let's see: I'd love to hang out with Kate Daniels and Rose from the Vampire Academy series.
As for heroes: Curran is my absolute favourite :-D
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Stella_ExLibris/status/64337399248986112
+1 posted on facebook too: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=212148012142333&id=100000899165880
Thank you for the great giveaway and fun interview Jenna! :-)
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would choose either Rachel Morgan from The Hollows Series or Jane Yellowrock from the Jane Yellowrock Series to hang out with. :)
Tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/darkangel231988/favorites
Willow from Buffy! In her high school days in particular.
-wookieecookie7 at sbcglobal dot net
I would have to say Mira from Jocelynn Drake's Dark Day series. She is such a kick ass heroine, I'd love to spend some time with her and maybe get to see Danaus as well :) Thanks for the chance to win
I think it could be fun to hang out with Merit from Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires series.
She seems great and i think we could find many fun things to talk about:-)
It's a great interview and I would be honoured to read and review Dark Descendant.
I love Jenna's other work.
Have a great day!
+1 I have the Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog button on my site (left sidebar): http://mysteriousrose.blogspot.com/
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Total entries: 6
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