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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Author Interview & Contest with Maria V. Snyder

One of my favourite authors is Maria V. Snyder and when I heard she had a new series coming out I just had to ask her on to the blog again.

I had the honour of reading Touch of Power already and I loved it. The new book releases this week and I can only highly recommend it!

With the following interview you not only get the chance to meet Avry, the lead character in Touch of Power, but you also get to find out a little about the story.

If you read till the end you can also enter this weeks contest and win a copy of Touch of Power!


Amber - Hello Avry! It is so nice to meet you! How are you feeling after your adventure in Touch of Power?

Avry - Nice to meet you as well. I’m tired, but content for now.

Amber - You travelled around a lot during Touch of Power. What did you miss most while sleeping in all those horrible caves?

Avry – A soft mattress! If I never see the inside of another cave again, I'll be very happy. Mom's Lamp Post Inn was heaven and I'd love to return for a nice, long, quiet visit. Too bad it's not likely to happen. And she isn't my mother – mine died in the plague – but everyone calls her Mom.

Amber - You had some really nice companions when travelling around. Can you tell us a little about them?

Avry – Belen is a sweetheart – I gave him the nickname of Poppa Bear because he's tall and thick with muscles like a bear, but very protective and gentle around us. However, do not cross him or he'll tear your arms off. Loren and Quain are fun guys and very handy fighters. Belen calls them the Monkeys as they've had some misadventures prior to catching up to me. Flea is only 16 and the adopted son of the group. Poor kid has four fathers and I tend to mother him. And Kerrick. Hmmm.... I'd better not go there – I've been taught, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

Amber - There were a lot of 'stews' ate in those caves. What kind of 'stews' were cooked?

Avry – While traveling, we can't survive on beef jerky...well, you can, but it's not appetizing night after night. During the day, Loren would shoot either a rabbit, a squirrel, or the occasional deer and we'd add the meat to water, spices, and vegetables if we could find them. It's easy to cook and only requires one pot.

Amber - Being on the run for three years doesn't sound like it was much fun. Did you manage to have any good times while in hiding?

Avry - Not really. I had to be very careful not to reveal who I was and so I was constantly worried. I couldn't relax or have a close friendship because I needed to be able to leave at a moment's notice.

Amber - What is it like being a healer? Does it hurt a lot?

Avry – When I assume an injury it does hurt, but not as long as if would hurt the person. I heal much faster than a normal person so pain doesn't linger. Also I have a high pain tolerance, and when I'm healing someone, I get a deep sense of satisfaction that I'm helping another.

Amber - Do you think you will ever find any other Healers?

Avry – I hope so. We all went into hiding and I'm hoping someone will be brave enough to come forward.

Amber - You have been to and seen a lot of places. Where would you most like to live?

Avry - I think I'd like to live in Mengels, near Mom and her Inn – she's a caring soul and that matches my own gifts. I think we'd be able to do lots of good together.

Amber - Never want to visit again?

Avry - Tohon's castle in Sogra! I never want to be near Tohon again, either.

Amber - What was it like working with Maria? Did you get on well or there were any problems with how she was telling your story?

Avry - Well, you know Maria tends to be a bit of a Diva, and she just likes to write about action and dialogue, but once I got her on track and focused on the details, we worked well together. I also found out she’s a sucker for tea and donuts, so it was easy to bribe her into writing what I wanted. Or so I thought. Once the sugar and caffeine high wore off, she wrote in all those…difficult scenes anyway.

Amber - What do you hope will happen in your future? Will you work with Maria on more books?

Avry - I'm hoping my world returns to normal, but I don't think that will ever happen. If we find peace, it will be all different. Yes – I'm working with Maria on another two books.

Amber - Thank you so much for coming on the blog. I wish you all the best for your future travels!

Avry – Thanks for having me. If your readers would like to read the first chapter of my adventures – they can go here!


Contest Time

Maria is giving away a signed copy of Touch of Power!

How To Enter

What power would you like to have?

No Answer = No Entry

'Please enter me' posts will NOT be counted as an entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site.

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The contest will stay open until Sunday 25th of December 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Birgit said...

With a power comes responsibility, that was my first thought to your question. So which one would I choose? Nothing is set in stone, but I'd probably go for Psychometry, reading information from objects (less scary than actual mind reading, ha) which is just the kind of power for a curious mind like mine.

I'm both a GFC and FB follower and shared the giveaway on my wall: http://www.facebook.com/birgit.horvath.muck/posts/306392952728657

I also feature your blog on my own book blog: http://the-book-garden.blogspot.com/p/austrian-and-german-book-bloggers.html

Thanks for this truly wonderful chance! I really adored the Inside Out / Outside In books by Maria and am so curious about her other books!

P.S.: Blogoversary giveaways going on on my blog - feel free to stop by!

Barbara E. said...

I would love the power to teleport. I think it would come in handy to miss traffic jams and get somewhere I needed to fast, not to mention get myself or anyone I touched out of danger in a hurry.
I'm looking forward to reading this new series, starting with Touch of Power.

Victoria said...

I would love to have the power to snap my fingers and everything be done. Remember Samantha Stevens from Bewitched - yup - that's what I want. To instantly have the decorations down and put away after Christmas. How great would that be :)?
Thanks for the contest.


Tynga said...

I'd love to have the power to be super fast, that way I could get a lot more done in a lot less time!
THanks for the giveaway =)


Bethany C. said...

I don't have enough time in the day, so I would like the power to require no sleep.


JenM said...

I've always wanted to be a healer and I love reading stories in which that power is featured. Needless to say, I would really like to read this book.

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

I love to have the power of Earth, to grow things.

shared on FB-https://www.facebook.com/LisasLovesBooksOfCourse/posts/263691557019215

GFC- Lisa Richards
FB- Lisa Ann Richards
I advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on my blog--right sidebar of

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Martha Lawson said...

Well, I'd love to be able to teleport or read minds! Both sounds cool!

old gfc follower under Martha Lawson

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Pavan said...

I LOVE Maria V Snyder's book I have read all of them except touch of power!!
But as for the power I would live the power of Telekiniss. This is moving objects or things with your mind, it would come pretty handy when in trouble.

I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/lovesbooks96/status/148661400380768256

And I'm an email subscriber if that helps
Thanks for the opportunity
pavankh [at] hotmail [dot] com

Mary Preston said...

I'd like to have the power to manipulate time: right wrongs & have some fun with it.


Sullivan McPig said...

I'd love to have the power to manipulate thoughts. That way I can manipulate authors into writing stories with a pig as lead character.


myrandaroyann said...

I'd love to have the power of teleportation because I get tired of traffic! ;) Also, that'd make it much easier to visit my family and travel the world!


SandyG265 said...

I'd like invisibility.

GFC folloer
sgiden at verizon.net

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Wow, that's a hard question. There are so many powers I would like to have, super strength, super healing, flying...but I think I would like super speed. I'd like to be able to get things done really fast but still know what I did. Like clearing out my TBR mountain!!

GFC Follower
Email Subscriber jessica(DOT)agreatread(AT)gmail(DOT)com
Have headline administrator thingy in my blog roll a GREAT read

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the power to heal people. I have always wanted to help people. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

NoraA said...

With great power comes great responsibility. I don't remember who said it but it's true.

I actually would like to have the power of healing. To do it anonymously, touching someone in a crowd and healing an obvious problem.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to be telekinetic. I always think that looks like the coolest power in the movies. Plus I'm lazy so I would use it all the time :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Dani_Nguyen/status/148774117196312576

email: daniellesaunders1984(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I think I'd take telekinesis, just because it'd be fun to get things I'd forgotten quickly without running all the way back :P

thriftshopgrrl AT hotmail DOT com

Dovile said...

I'd like to have a power of telekinesis or an ability to fly.

Renée said...

I would love to have the power to take away pain! I'm a nurse, and there isn't anything I hate more then someone feeling pain (mental and physical) that I cant take away!


clynsg said...

I would like the power of invisibility I think.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Rebecca Lindsay said...

I know it's cliche, but I would like the power to either fly or to read minds. Flying would be good....... :)
I love all of Maria V Snyder's books, but I haven't read this one!

I posted about it on facebook:

I tweeted about this giveaway:

I liked your facebook page

I posted about your giveaway on my blog:

I sent an email about your giveaway and emailed the proof to you.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

Rebecca Lindsay:

Aurian said...

Great interview, thank you ladies!
My favourite power would be: teleportation. No more traffic jams, no more late on the job etc.

I am a subscriber and a follower, and I have your blog linked on my own blog.

auriansbooks at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to have the power to fly!That way I could travel as much as I want I guess!
Loved the interview :)


Amy said...

I would love to have the power to control minds. That's a really dangerous power because it takes away a person's free will, if free will exists. I will mostly use the power for good, maybe sometimes for personal gain...


Aimee said...

Oh man, Amazon just told me it shipped my copy of this. I'm so excited! (though a signed copy would be awesome!)

I always thought if I could have one power, it would be teleportation. I live pretty far from my family, and to be able to pop in anytime I want would be amazing.

I love the ability in Maria's books to talk to the horses; I always thought it'd be fun to be able to communicate with my dogs. Though maybe I wouldn't think so once I heard what they have to say. ;)

rmandril (at) rocketmail (dot) come

trichie said...

Would like the power to be invisible so that I could hear what people are saying but they don't know I am there

Cheryl said...

I'm going with telekinesis.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Gabi said...

First I was going to say I want the power to fly, but on second thought, I'd actually like to be able to talk to animals. I'm going to be a vet, so wouldn't that come in handy?

Gabi: teddycavygal at yahoo dot com

Vivien said...

I would love compulsion. I could see that power come in handy so often!


deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Lioness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dawn M. said...

Teleportation. I'm always running late so I'd love to be able to instantly get to wherever I needed to be. Plus, I could take day trips around the world for vacation - no more staying in a hotel. That would be awesome.


librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

Teleportation would be a great power to have. It would save a lot of money and you wouldn't ever have to worry about leaving "on time" ever again.

Thank you for the chance to win! WHat a great character interview!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Melanie S. said...

I would go with the power to manipulate time - wouldn't it be great to let the time stand still or to speed it up?

You are a new author to me, but your book sounds really interesting - thanks for sharing :)

Brenda Demko said...

I'd like to be able to read people's mind and discern their true motivations and intentions. Or I'd like to shapeshift. Thank you for the post and the giveaway! Happy Holidays! brendem7@comcast.net

Linda said...

I'd love to have some type of mind power like telekinesis.

I've read The Study series which I enjoyed & am looking forward to this new one!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/LindaThum/status/150026139027517440


Audra said...

teleportation- just to get back and forth from work without the problem of traffic
Happy Christmas

Tiffany Rochelle said...

I'd love to have the power to turn invisible!! :P


alainala said...

i think telekinesis would be great... im lazy when it comes to chores so i think that would help! lol

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I would want to be invisible so as to really see what goes on when people do not think they are being seen.

Kayla :) said...

I'd probably go with something like being able to teleport. I get so impatient, trying to get from one place to the other, that this would definitely come in handy. ^^

Spav said...

I would love to have the power to control water.

Lioness said...

I would love to have the power to control the elements. It would be quite amazing.

I sent 17 emails, and BCCed/CCed/forwarded the email to you. Sorry if you got spammed.

cigam9 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i would love to have xray vision

I Follow via GFC James


Tonya Dean said...

I want to read people's minds.


Anonymous said...

I would love to have the power to predict the future. garrettsambo@aol.com

sweetnilly said...

To have the power to change into people or invisible.