So here is an Author Guest Blog to give you all something to read this Sunday and also a contest for you all to enter! Enjoy!!
Why Wolves?
Whenever I discuss my latest book, Sloane Wolf, people often ask me, Why Wolves? And I have to say, why not? Wolves are fantastic creatures that mate for life and are truly faithful to their mates (from what I've read), and we humans could learn a lot from them.
As it pertains to my book, however, it was rather serendipitous that I ended up writing about wolves. I didn't intentionally set out to do so, but a series of events conspired to make it happen. The first event came in the form of a book that was ultimately made into a movie that got me to thinking - and anybody who knows me can tell you that when I get to thinking, things begin to a writing sense that is! I can turn the smallest nugget of an idea into a story, if motivated enough to do so, and that is how this story started out, as just a nugget. So there I was, inspired by this other book/movie enough that certain scenes kept kicking up in my head (ahem, fight scene), but content just to imagine it in my head.
Until event number two happened. That would be a contest that an electronic publishing company was running with the theme of - you guessed it - wolves. And so I thought, why not? I had some interesting scenes kicking around in my head, the contest was for a novella length story, so I had enough to accomplish that. And with the help of event number three - discovering an article about gray wolves returning to Massachusetts after a100-plus year absence - a true story began to formulate with legends of wolves and why they "reappeared" in the state after such a long absence. Wow, I thought, this was really going to be something, if I could get it all together in time.
Trouble was, once I started writing, I just kept on writing and I over-shot the word count. One thing I forgot when I set out to enter this contest: I have never been able to write short. I keep trying, but I usually have so much to say, it doesn't conform well to short stories or novellas. Not wanting to cut anything to fit the guidelines, I simply finished the book for me. And by the time I was finished with it, I knew that I had to try to get it published anyway, I felt that strong about it. And after several fits and starts, I finally found the right publisher for it in Muse it Up Publishing.
So there you have it. The serendipitous events that led to the birth of Sloane Wolf.
Sloane Wolf Excerpt
Shiloh nearly leapt off the sill as his hand touched her knee. It took every ounce of willpower she possessed to remain seated and appear undaunted by the gesture. “I am…much better now…thank you,” she said, becoming more unnerved by the presence of his hand by the minute. Oh, this was not good, not good at all. The longer it remained there, the stronger her impulse to bolt became. Oh, no…
What was it about this man that rattled her so and with so little effort on his part? Sharing the same air with him was enough to send her pulses to the moon—and her mind somewhere else, something new for her. Being this attracted to a man was beyond her realm of experience. She didn’t know what to do with it—or about it. Should she do anything? Should she pretend indifference? And why wasn’t he so deeply affected? It wasn’t fair.
Still confused, she gave him a weak smile, intent on backing up her previous claim with the gesture. She feared it failed miserably. When Micah returned her smile and lifted his hand from her knee, she felt precisely one second of relief before he shook her world again by caressing her face in parting. She stumbled
back against the frame of the window, her lips parting on a startled breath as a lightning bolt shot through her at his touch. Something flickered in his eyes at her reaction—pain, perhaps—and he retracted his hand, balling it into a fist as he turned away from her, preparing to depart.
In an instant, she realized her mistake. Along with it came the knowledge she couldn’t let him go away angry or upset. After everything he and his family had done for her, she owed him that much. She grabbed him by the shirtfront to stop him, and a shock of awareness shot from her hand directly into his heart, just beneath it. She could see it in the gaze he leveled on her then, could hear it in his breath trapped within his lungs, feel it in the missed beat of his heart. But then, all sense abandoned her, and her heart skipped a beat as he held her hand firmly to his chest with one of his own and lifted the other to her head, anchoring it against the window frame. Slowly, his eyes never straying from hers, he leaned across the space separating them. His lips brushed hers, like a whisper, before he withdrew, tilted his head to the side, and advanced again. This time the kiss was fuller, penetrating her every defense, both physical and emotional, but still not long enough for her. He retreated once again after a fraction of time and hovered before her, scarcely an inch away. Watching her. Waiting.
Her heart beating a frantic tempo now, Shiloh abandoned all of her reservations and her good sense to swoop in for a more vigorous kiss. So vigorous, in fact, she knocked him off his perch through the open window. Only quick reflexes honed to perfection at the Institute prevented her from tumbling after him.
Bracing herself against the sill, she leaned out the window as far as she was able and watched his descent from the slanted roof to the ground below. She lost sight of him the moment he slid beyond the reach of the light from her window. But then she heard him land with a thud —and a howl—on the ground in front of the back porch when he failed to catch himself on the roof edge. She clasped a hand over her mouth to silence her reaction and waited. When he didn’t rouse right away, panic shot through her and she leaned out another few inches.
“Micah? Are you okay?”
“Fine,” he answered after a few moments, appearing beyond the overhang of the roof as if to prove it to her. “Nothing hurt but what’s left of my pride.”
Relief coursed through her at his statement, and she allowed herself the laugh she’d literally held back before. Her mirth was cut short, however, by his next words.
“Hey, Shiloh! We’ve got to stop falling for each other like this.”
His laughter followed her as she ducked back into the room. She could still hear it even after she closed the window, though not as well. Oh, Lord. She rested against the cool pane of glass and touched her still-tingling lips with shaky fingers. Was she? Falling for him? Was that what this crazy-mad feeling inside of her was?
The question plagued her long into the night.
Margay Leah Justice, Blog, MySpace, Twitter & Facebook
Where to buy:
Muse It Up Publishing
Margay is giving away one ecopy version of her book, Sloane Wolf!
How To Enter
Holiday Time! Where are you going? Or doing this Summer?
No Answer = No Entry
'Please enter me' posts will NOT be counted as an entry Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the and links/Banners below and around the site.

The contest will stay open until 4pm on Sunday 29th of August (Central European Time) and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
Not doing anything this summer. Maybe in the fall hubs will take me to Florida for a bit. Thank you.
My boyfriend and I have gone to a few ballgames and we are going to Vermont for a couple of days.
sgiden at
Going to Smith Mountain Lake to read some books, grab an icecream cone from Homestead Creamery and get out on the lake.
I'm not going anywhere this summer, but I will be doing a lot of reading.
We had a reunion in Virginia Beach at the beginning of the summer. The rest of the summer: kid's camps, camping trips, and to the beach.
clenna at aol dot com
We just came back from our little mini-vacay with some old friends to the sleepy little beach town of San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico.
Went to the beach and hung out by the pool. Bought some souvenirs and checked out a bunch of local restaurants. Very relaxing. Now, back to work.
Very interesting guestpost, thank you. And I love that picture of the wolves.
I am going to Lochem for a few days, and earlier I went to Berlin with my best friend. But that will be all this year, except for a few long weekends on Texel.
Great post and pics.I m not going anywhere I work at a doggie daycare and boarding facility and summer is our busiest time of the year.My trips will all be the books I read and that is just fine with me theres nothing I love to do more than reading .
Unfortunately I am staying home this summer (that's if we ever get a proper one here in the UK). Good thing I have a nice collection of Science Fiction to read, I can escape into space without any problems at all :D
I'm on oxygen so it's hard to go to far so I'll just read lots of good books and they will take me to far away lands where I'll meet new people and see new things, all from my living room.
I'm going to go wherever my imagination takes me. :) I have summer classes for college so between classwork, I am often found either with the children or in a new book or two.
I am not going anywhere except for work. I will be going places in my imagination.
Thank you for the lovely comments on my post!
I just finished a job that kept me on the road 100% of the time, so I'm staying home and relaxing this summer other than a few road trips to visit friends in Lake Tahoe and Los Angeles.
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