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Monday, December 31, 2012

My top 12 of 2012!

So the year has come to an end and I have met my goal of reading 175 books! Yes towards the end I had to throw in a few novellas but I did manage it (some of the reviews are still to come)! Now I am ready to set my goal for 200 books for 2013. Maybe, just maybe I will make it!

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
Amberkatze has
read 173 books toward her goal of 175 books.

However at the end of the year we always find ourselves looking back over everything that has happened during the previous 12 months. As a reader and blogger I find myself thinking about the books I read this last year and which ones were, for me, the best of the bunch.

So here is my list. The 12 books from 2012 that made me grab for the next in the series or wish the next book was already available. The twelve books that I loved! The ones I hope you have all read, or if not, will now go off and buy!

In no particular order :

1 : Angel's Ink by Jocelynn Drake

2 : Precinct 13 by Tate Hallaway

3 : Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues by Diana Rowland

4 : Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig

5 : Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones (actually the whole series)

6 : Evil Dark by Justin Gustainis

7 : Croak by Gina Damico

8 : Widow's Web by Jennifer Estep

9 : 13 by Kelley Armstrong

10 : Care & Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper

11 : Bloodstone by Nancy Holzner

12 : Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris

And because there are always those other few you want to add to the list but you ran out of room...

I feel the follow books also deserve a mention!

It Takes a Witch by Heather Blake, Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch, Blue-Blooded Vamp by Jaye Wells, In a Fix by Linda Grimes & Foretold by Jana Oliver

Hopefully I didn't miss any! Feel free to share some of your favourites from 2012!

Oh and keep a look out...I will be doing a 2012 giveaway and you could win one of the books listed above!

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