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Sunday, May 3, 2015

50) Thirty and a Half Excuses by Denise Grover Swank

The Blurb :

Life in Henryetta, Arkansas is turned upside down with the arrival of a televangelist, but it’s the death of a little old lady on Rose’s street that catches her attention. The Henryetta police deem her death natural causes, but Rose suspects foul play and so does an unlikely supporter–-the president of the Busy Body Club, her eighty-two year old neighbor Mildred.

But Rose is in the middle of opening her nursery with her sister Violet, who’s separated from her husband Mike, as well as stalling her boyfriend Joe’s family, rich socialites who are determined to meet her. Along with her multiple encounters with Fenton County’s new assistant DA, Mason Deveraux III, it’s just another day in the life of Rose Gardner–-chaos.

My Thoughts :

It has been a busy week which meant hardly anytime to read.  I did manage to listen to this third book in the Rose Gardner Mysteries series and finished it this morning.  I enjoyed every single minute I managed to listen to over the last week and despite wishing I had time to actually pick up a physical book or my Kindle, this story kept me more than entertained.

I have been putting off listening to this third installment because the other books in the series weren't available on Audible/hadn't been released.  Once you start listening to a series it is very hard to switch to reading it and I really wanted to listen to the rest.  I was assured that the rest of the series was coming on audio soon and so I waited a little until I saw they had been released.  Then I snapped up this third part and started it immediately.

Thirty and a Half Excuses sees Rose go through a lot of changes.  The two previous books have also been full with Rose's new life and new ways but this story really takes her in new directions as well.  Anyone who found Rose to be a little meek and annoyingly naive will be happy to see her finally get some backbone and start speaking up in this story.  It is a slow process but she is getting there and is really trying hard to become a more independent and strong woman.

The mystery is a good one and is definitely worth reading however the characters themselves are the element that keep this series interesting.  There are some revelations and events in this book that really change Rose's views on people who are close to her and there are some really huge developments that I believe will have an effect on the series till the very end.

What I really liked about Rose's character in this book was how she is finally beginning to accept her gift and use it.  The visions were always a bad thing and they are slowly but surely becoming a good thing.  She even forces a vision to help solve the mystery and  to help her made a big decision. I feel proud of the character and it makes me feel invested in the series.  So it is no wonder that I will be getting the next installment as soon as possible.

If you like cozy mysteries and don't mind the little paranormal twist then you can't go wrong with getting to know Rose Gardner.  So far the series hasn't just been a collection of mysteries but also an emotional and fulfilling trip through the life of a boring young woman who is finally finding herself and enjoying it...even if she keeps getting involved in murder mysteries.  This is an original series that smells just a little like some other very good cozies.

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