Eve finds herself thrown into a work where people are drafted into service to kill demons. With lots to learn about the new world she has found herself in she is lucky to have brothers Cain and Abel to help and fight over her.
Everything is new and different now but Eve doesn't have time to learn. She has to keep herself alive and kill the bad guys. If all goes well she can get her mark removed and go back to a normal life. If getting it removed is at all possible.
This series was being thrown at me from all directions. Adverts, reviews and even Amazon recommendations had me wondering if I was missing out on something good. However the look of the cover didn't really impress me to much and the blurb didn't leave me eager to take a chance on something new. So I left this on my wishlist and was worried when a friend sent me a copy. It meant I had to try it!
How wrong could I have been. I broke the age old rule. Never judge a book by its cover. This debut was addictive enough to keep me grabbing at it all day to the point that I finished it in record time. The blurb could also be to blame for my lack of eagerness to try this book but the first two chapters had me hooked. Starting the story with the end was a brilliant way to grab readers and it certainly worked on me.
Demons and angels aside this book has so much Paranormal Urban Fantasy inside that it is a wonder it doesn't explode. I like Eve alot and hope that she stays strong enough to defeat whatever comes for her next. Cain and Abel sound delicious and I had no problems reading about their sexual exploits. I can foresee alot more of action where they are concerned.
This impressed me and I can't wait to get my hands on the next two books. I love how different this was and how full of action it was. It is always great to find a new author and I just wish that I had gotten hold of this one earlier. I am recommending this to anyone who love Urban Fantasy and hot guys ;)
1 comment:
This book in sitting in my shelf. I really need to pick it up, because I know I will love it! Just waiting for my latest interest to turn from historicals to urban fantasy.
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