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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Author Interview & Contest with Chloe Neill

Just to keep you all on your toes we have another guest this week! Chloe Neill is the author of the Chicagoland Vampires series. Book one, Some Girls Bite, came out earlier this year and book two, Friday Night Bites, is due out on October 6th.

Some Girls Bite really impressed me and I am looking forward to the next in the series and am really happy to have Chloe here as a guest in time to see her next release out in the stores.

So read the interview and enter the contest! Jeanne Stein is still around till Wednesday so make sure you check out both interviews and contests!


Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your Chicagoland Vampire series?

Chloe - Hi, Amber! Thanks for having me. The CV series tells the story of Merit, a graduate student who's made a vampire against her will. She must come to terms with the supernatural in Chicago, and there are some bumps along the road. Luckily, she has a great friend--Mallory--and supportive grandfather to help her along the way.

Chloe - The second book in the series is out soon! Can you tell us a little bit about the story this time around?

Chloe - Absolutely. Friday Night Bites, which will be released on October 6, is the second book in the series. Merit has been a vampire for about two months now, but otherwise FNB picks up where the first book in the series, Some Girls Bite, left off. Merit, who serves as Sentinel for her particular House of vampires, must try to stop a very damaging news story about some unsavory vampire activities. Drama ensues. :)

Amber - How did you come up with the idea for the series? Was it a long process or did it just come to you?

Chloe - I read a lot of urban fantasy and knew I wanted to write about a heroine who was a vampire herself--instead of a woman who has to deal with male vampires. I got an idea for Ethan Sullivan, the head of Merit's House of vampires, and the rest is history.

Amber - What kind of research have you had to do for the books so far? Anything interesting or is research boring?

Chloe - I love research. It's hard for me to avoid checking the Interwebs when I'm trying to write, checking out little tidbits here and there. Some of the things I've researched: the organization of feudal England, Chicago food favorites, the Hyde Park neighborhood, Chicago's gilded age, medieval oaths, and the U of C English Department..

Amber - How many more books will there be in the series? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?

Chloe - There are four books currently under contract in the CV series, although I have more planned. But that depends on readers! I also have a new series starting next year--the Novels of the Dark Elite. This is a YA series, which begins with FIRESPELL on January 5, 2010. The series tells the story of Lily Parker, a 16 year old who's sent to boarding school in Chicago, and learns that things do, indeed, go bump in the night.

Amber - Have you always wanted to be an author? and why did you pick the paranormal genre?

Chloe - Actually, no. Writing used to scare me. But then I went through a period where I read a lot of books, and I decided it was time to write down my own story. I was a big paranormal fan--I love the drama, the intrigue, the mystery of the supernatural--so it was a natural that I wrote the kind of things that I loved to read.

Amber - Something I have always wondered about is how authors come up with the names for their characters. How do you pick the names you use in your books?

Chloe - I keep a list of names that I like, but mostly I keep searching until the name "picks" the character. A baby name book or a web search for "Irish names" or "Italian names", etc., really helps.

Amber - There are so many online sites eg, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace etc to get in touch with fans. Which sites are you signed up with? Is it hard to keep up with them all? Do you think they are good?

Chloe - I'm on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo Groups, Goodreads and Amazon (author profile) and I have my own Web site and blog. Yes, it's definitely hard to keep up with them. But I love being able to connect with fans, and since I can't be everywhere at the same time, it's the best way to do that.

Amber - What is the easiest and hardest part about being an author?

Chloe - The hardest part is definitely keeping up with deadlines--finishing the book, completing the editing process, trying to find time to market, finishing guest blogs on time, etc., etc. I'm not sure there is an easiest part, although it's certainly great to learn that someone really enjoyed something I've read.

Amber - How do you relax? Do you have any hobbies?

Chloe - Exercise, playing with my dog, reading. The usual stuff, although I don't have much time for anything other than writing/editing/marketing right now. Maybe when I'm done with my current deadline. . . .

Amber - Alot of authors have 'soundtracks' for their books. Is there any music that influenced your books?

Chloe - I listened to a lot of Nine Inch Nails and Tool when I wrote Some Girls Bite. I haven't listened to music as much for Friday Night Bites or Twice Bitten, the third book in the series (which I'm currently drafting). But I usually have the television on to the Travel Channel or USA while I write. I like the background noise.

Amber - What books do you enjoy reading? Do you have any favourite authors/series?

Chloe - There are a few paranormal series that I love, including Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series, and the new Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter. I'm also really excited for the release of Diana Gabaldon's new book on Tuesday!

Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?

Chloe - Oooh, hard question. If I could be in Cadogan House, probably a vampire. :)

Amber - Thank you for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog! I hope you will come back again someday!

Chloe - Thanks so much for having me!!


Contest Time!

I am giving away a copy of a Chicagoland Vampires book. The winner will get to choose if they want the first in the series or the new release.

So if you haven't started the series yet or are, like me, eagerly awaiting book two in the series, this is your chance to get a copy!

So to enter the contest all you have to do is say where you would set your vampire book? It doesn't have to be the town you live in but somewhere you think would been a great setting for a vampire series.

No location = No entry!

The usual rules apply!

Earn another entry for each place you link this contest on the net. Make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!

You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

I can offer more prizes if my Amazon Associates account gets more money!! So please make sure you order at Amazon.com through the links around the site and help keep the contest coming!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 27th of September 2009 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.

If you are claiming a prize, have emailed me and have not heard back before the 7 day limit is up then post a comment here on the blog. Your email may get sucked into my spam filter.


Lori T said...

Good Morning~

Great interview. I have Some Girls Bite in my TBR pile and am looking forward to reading it.

I think that if I wrote a book...which I never will (no talent)...I would probably set it in New Orleans. The atmosphere just seems to fit.

Firespell sounds very interesting, too. I really like the cover.

Tynga said...

Well please count me in! Her books have been on my wishlist for a while but haven't bought me yet. So i would pick the first one!
I also can't wait for firespell to release, it really seems great!
THanks for another awesome giveaway =)

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Tynga/status/4126159186

Tynga said...

Oh damn me I forgot to write a city...
I would pick Montreal!
THat's where I live, Biggest city in Quebec Province (Canada).
We are a VERY multicultural city with intense nightlife. It would be a great area for vampire action haha!

Mandyfish said...

I think that if I ever wrote a vampire novel it would have to be set in a large city....like New York or London, where there are things going on at all times of day. The city not sleeping seems like a prime opportunity and type of place for a large vampire coven or covens to thrive.

Please count me in for the give away! Love me some vamp books! ;)

wanda f said...

a small southern town somewhere in north carolina I think

Barbara E. said...

I think I'd set the series in Anchorage, Alaska. It stays dark there for a lot of the year, so that would be convenient, and since they're the undead, the cold shouldn't bother my vampires.

MrsMixx said...

This might sounds weird (but hey we're talking VAMPIRES here! lol) but i don't think i've ever read a novel about Vampires in Space or on other planets. Space Vampires! Doesn't that sound like a good setting, huh?

I'm SO looking forward Friday Night Bites and Firespell!

Kimberly B. said...

I think I'd pick Berkeley, because there are so many eccentrics there that it would be really easy for the vamps to fit in! Plus it's one of my favorite cities, and it would be a great place to do research!

Curling up by the Fire said...

I would love to read the first book in this series. I am looking forward to it.

Wow, where to set a novel... I've always been a fan of ghost stories and other supernatural stories in New Orleans (there is so much character there), but I also love Europe so I would choose Bucharest or Munich or Salzburg. So much history.

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you Chloe Neill for the great interview!
I would pick Some Girls Bite, as it is on my ToGet&Read list.
I'd set my vampire series on the space station in the future.
All the best,

mrsshukra said...

Vancouver would be a fabulous city for a vampire novel!

Vickie said...

What a fun interview! Thanks for the intro to new to me author and series. Immediately added to the WWBL.

My vampire would live in Anchorage Alaska. Granted the summers would be difficult, but the winters would be sweeeet!

cait045 said...

So if I had to write my own vampire series I would set it in Bethlehem, PA. I went to college there. Lots of college kids having fun.


Karen W. said...

Great interview! I would love to read SOME GIRLS BITE!

I think it would be fun to set a vampire series someplace completely different like here in Florida where it's sunny all the time so we see how they adapt.

Llehn said...

I would set my vampire story somewhere exotic like Singapore or Malaysia where it's sunny all year round and you get to infuse it with the rich local culture.

Carmen R said...

I can't wait to get my hands on Friday night bites.

I would set my vampire book in Ireland. There is so much folklore there that just about anything can go there.

housemouse88 said...

I would have to put my copy in the city I want to visit the most New Orleans. Have a great day.

donnas said...

Great interview. I cant wait to read Friday Night Bites.

I would pick Paris or Munich for a city. Both just seem like good places. Plus they would be fun cities to research.

I posted here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2009/09/contests-found-this-week_20.html

And on the sidebar here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/

Blodeuedd said...

I am in, I really wanna read the first book :D

Hm, well I would like a book set here in Finland, or any Nordic country. Would be interesting how a vamp would survive here

Cheryl F said...

Good review..thanks. I'd have to pick the first book. I'm putting both on my to get list.

If I wrote a vampire series I'd set it here on the Texas Gulf coast.

Sweeter the berry said...

How about Pennsylvania? My family used to go and visit cousins in Philly when I was a kid and the houses were all clumped together and people were out and about late nights with block parties and such.

Mardel said...

I think a small town in Northern California, or...in Panama (Central America). Hot sultry days, lots of jungle to stay out of direct sunlight...

What are the Usual Rules? I've forgotten.


Anonymous said...

I think I would set mine is Salem. How cool would that be? Witches and Vampires. :)


Marie said...

I would choose Chicago -- I love that city and there are so many neat places that would be great for a storyline.


Anonymous said...

I really liked Some Girls Bite,its a fantastic book. I'd love to get my hands on Friday Night Bites :)

I think I'd choose Ottawa,ON,Canada's capital.

Great interview,and thanks for the chance to win a book in the series.

D Q said...

Great interview. If I wrote my own vampire series I would set it in Philadelphia, PA. I think it might be a fun place for vamps to roam with the historical significance there.

Caitlin Hoy said...

I think if I had to choose a city it would be Dublin, Ireland because I just always wanted to go there and it has alway interested me.

P.S. Chloe, I love your Chicagoland Vampires series. Amber, great interview.

Mishel said...

I really enjoyed the interview!!

So I finally got smart and got Chloe's first book the other night =) Haven't started it yet but I know I'll love it. I'd love to get the second book in the series so I can read them back to back.

I think if I could choose a setting for a vampire book I'd pick Japan. Not many asian vampires out there, sadly. Not that my vampires have to be asian lol. But I've always wanted to visit Japan, especially the beautiful countryside.

Thanks so much!!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

I also posted a link to this giveaway on my sidebar! http://creativitygone.blogspot.com

Valeen said...

thanks for another great review! I think I'd set it in Roswell, New Mexico. You think abou aliens being there, but what about vampires?

AmandaK said...

I would set my vampire book is old-style Vienna.


Dot S.(ladeetdareads.wordpress.com) said...

I read Some Girls Bite and loved it. I was delighted to read the interview with Chloe.
I look forward to Friday Night Bites.

I think Harvard in Cambridge, Mass. would be a really great place for a vampire novel.

Mocha Princess Aurora said...

I have 3 choices. Boston would be great! Kind of like Chicago with old money and politics. New Orleans is another great choice! Spirits and magic cloak that area and I would love to see a modern story set there! My third choice would be Orlando!!! Lol!! Mickey and Vamps!!!!! Love It!!!

linett said...

sounds interesting, my choice would be Salem, Mass

Rita M said...

I would have to go with Mendocino, California - an artist community with beautiful surroundings.

Anonymous said...

Great Interview!
I would set my story in London. Its my favorite place to live.

Ellz said...

Fantastic interview. I would place a book in Norhern PA. There are so many trees and so many changes in the weather.


Ellz said...

I posted this contest on my contest sidebar link. Here it is

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Great interview! I am an aspiring writer myself and my first "novel" is with vampires and they are actually located in Naperville, Illinois. I wanted it close to the big city, but not in the heart of it! So maybe my vampires will run into Chloe's someday! ;)

Will post your contest info below my Chloe interview! Today's date, 9-21-09.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Forgot to actually link blog! My blog is:

Unknown said...

The beach would be great or my town!

Pat said...

New Orleans is always a good setting for vamps.

Abigail said...

Great interview. I'd love to win the first book in this series. Like Chloe, I'm also awaiting the new Diana Gabaldon novel.

I would love to read a vampire book set in AZ; talk about challenging!

I posted this on my blog


AllThingsUrbanFantasy(at) gmail (dot) com

Qwill said...

I would set my vampire novel on Catalina Island.

ky2here said...

Prague is the perfect setting for a vampire novel.

Anonymous said...

I would set vampire book in Central Park, New York.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your an inspiration for other writers. :) I loved "Some Girls Bite" and I'm so looking forward to more Merit adventures!

Steph S said...

great question... If I were to write a book about vampires, I would probably set it in Portland, Oregon cause the gloomy fall/winter/spring add to the spookyness, and the vampires would blend in easily with all the hipsters. ;)

wantsandwishes said...

I would set my Vampire book either in West Hollywood, or in a small town in Washington State called the Gorge. There is not that much sun there. But there has got to be some twist that could occur in the famous town of West Hollywood amongst Hollywood's stars etc.

Cynthia said...

Friday night bites
I loved some girls bite
I would put my novel book at Disney World.

Chloe Neill said...

Thanks, everyone, for your very thoughtful comments! It sounds like the world would be well-populated with vampires if we all had our way...



Carol EL said...

My setting would be the haunted looking house down the street in Washington PA. jelly15301@gmail.com

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Wow, great interview! I can't believe that as great as Ms. Neil's books are that she used to be scared of writing!

I think I'd set my vampire up somewhere in Canada, longer nights but close enough to NY to make a quick trip for fun!

Froggy said...

I am another voting for PA...Philly

I linked the contest on my sidebar under contests

A Blog with Bite!

Jamie said...

I have to go with New Orleans also because it is just the perfect atmosphere for a Vampire book. It is just such a great city for the paranormal setting.

KayeDean said...

Great interview. I can't wait for the new series Novels of the Dark Elite to come out next year. I would choose Las Vegas...what better place for a vampire to hise out.

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

Thanks for the interview and contest!!

I would set my vampire book in Miami. South Beach to be more precise.

CrystalGB said...

I would set a vampire novel in Albuquerue, New Mexico.

LittleEagle said...

I would set my story in the Lake Shasta Caves. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....good question. I would set mine in Washington DC - they would fit right in!


Ina said...

I would set my story in Budapest (you know why *grin*).
Please count me in!
Wish you all the best

Sunnyvale said...

I'd like the first in the series and see if it's one I want to continue to read

Heather said...

I'd of course set my book in my hometown, Richmond, Virginia.
rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Kathy said...

Interesting question - I think the most unusual setting for vampire books I've read is Tulsa, Oklahoma (House of Night). LOL, awesome idea.

Maybe Fort Worth, Texas could use a few vampires. Especially some really good looking ones.

I posted the contest on my blog: http://kathyschaos.blogspot.com/2009/09/contest-time-at-amberkatze.html

Asylumgirl said...

I think St. Augustine would be a great place for a vampire novel.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Metal Momma said...

i would make it somewhere secluded. like and island or way up north in canada

Mllbs3 said...

You can't go wrong with New Orleans. Such atmosphere!


tammyontheblock said...

If I were writing a book, it would have to be a small, out of the way town, like Bedford PA. Old homes and pretty secluded.

I can't wait for the new book!!

Unknown said...

I think Savannah GA has the right atmosphere for a fun book.

Van Pham said...

I would set my vampire world in moscow, Russia...the largest city in europe.

Heather said...

I would set my vampire story in Paris.

Cherie J said...

I think New Orleans would be a great one. I love it when authors place their novels in that setting. Can you imagine a vampire with a Cajun accent. Sexy!!! Thanks for the contest!


Erica G said...

I would set it in San Francisco. There are plenty of landmarks and the people are eccentric, so a vampire would fit in.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

tawndam said...

I would set it in Vegas... That city thrives on nightlife

Deirdre said...

I'd like to see a vampire series set in Dublin

Pissenlit said...

I'd set it in Toronto, Ontario. Seems like a nice place.

erma said...

I would set a vampire book in Africa. Cause I don't think it has been done yet.

Kim (Randominities) said...

I would set my vampire book in Cleveland, Oh. I think it would make a great setting with the empty strip district and all.

Anonymous said...

I think I would probaly set it maybe in some kind of artic setting,with some like mist and mysterious ice around.That'd be so cool!
Extra Entries:
A blog post



I also tweeted:)
email is:harajukualice@yahoo.com

Ailsa said...

I didn't see you say if this was open to international readers or not. If it is, please count me in! If not, doesn't matter, it's an interesting question.

I actually already have a vampire story I'm working on. 2 now, in fact. The first is set in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. I wanted it to be a reasonably large city, but also somewhere I was familiar with. Not Glasgow, because I can't see vampires in there. Edinburgh was too small. But I visit Newcastle a lot, and it was the right size, as well as having some amazing architecture and beautiful surrounding, that I think a small-ish group of vampires would like.

ksbald2 said...

Im going to pick Ontario. Thanks for the contest. ksbald2@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...


Rachel said...

I think sometimes the scariest things can happen where you least expect them. I would like to set a vampire book, in the heart of America, in a town of good-meaning, well-respected and respectable folks. Missouri or Iowa, places that typically aren't thought of as "exciting" but would be nontheless.


All This Silence... said...

I don't know much about places other then where I live, and I can't describe something unless I've seen it or experienced in person... Or I make it up. I would probably set my vampire series in some country or state that doesn't exist. Just my preference :)


Dawn Reid said...

Maybe in a small beach town in Southern California where its always sunny.. Now that would be a challenge. Thanks

mightynaynay at cs dot com

Sarah Z said...

I would set mine in San Fransisco! Or Miami - then they would be beach vampires!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

cman said...

How about Alaska?

Anonymous said...

What about New Zealand?! ^_^

Hunter said...

I'd make mine take place in a creepy, old warehouse in the mountains of North Carolina.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a vampire series set in Leningrad, Russia. garrettsambo@aol.com

Kelly g said...

Hmmmm how about the middle east?

dvice12 said...

I've thought vampire stories in Scotland are interesting

lilyk said...

I would set my vampire book in Las Vegas.

john ferris said...

john ferris

Unknown said...

Florence, Italy.

Unknown said...



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Dottie1959 said...

I would so love to win a book from her my daughter has told me she writes a great story

packerfantimmy said...

I would like to see a good vampire story set in the vacation town of Wisconsin Dells.

latishajean said...

I think I would pick New Orleans. sounds like good books love vampire books!

Unknown said...

This contest is now closed. You can find the winners details on the main page.

Misty said...

It would be amusing to have a vamp book set in my hometown of Monroe, Mi, but there really wouldn't be much for them to do. Or many for them to eat. They'd probably have to travel up to Detroit. :)
I linked @ Book Rat


lisaray said...

Charleston, SC

Carol EL said...

My setting would be in the haunted looking house down the street. jelly15301@gmail.com