The first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series is also the basis for the first season of TrueBlood. I have wanted to go back to the beginning of this series for a while and downloaded this audiobook version to listen to instead of trying to find the time to read the book again. I really like the narrator for this series and she is a great Sookie. Well read and easy to listen to this was great for the trip to and from work everyday.
Even though I have read all of the Sookie Stackhouse books I will still be looking out for the next audiobooks in this series. With Trueblood being one of my favourite shows on TV it is alot of fun going back to the beginning of Sookie's vampire days. Seeing how the show differs from the books is interesting and there are alot of little details I have forgotten about.
If you haven't already tried the Sookie Stackhouse books or seen Trueblood then I highly recommend them both. Just read the books first. Now I am off to watch season one of Trueblood again ;)
I feel the same way about this series. I have them all on audiobook so I can listen to them anytime.
We took the series with us on our roadtrip to Virginia in early October so DH could catch up.
I just found this series after I watched Trure Blood. Love this series too. I think I might try a audiobook of hers.
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