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Sunday, December 13, 2009

210) Dead and Kicking by Wendy Roberts

Sadie is having a bit of a rough time. Her dad just passed away and she is trying to keep an eye on her mum, her boyfriend and her business. Her mum seems to be coping well, all things considered, but her boyfriend is sneaking off and is obviously up to something. To top things off her dad hasn't quite said goodbye yet and Sadie's gift of second sight has left her with his spirit to help cross over to the other side.

Then a complicated job gets even more complicated when a mummified body and an angry ghost turn up. Then there is the ghost in the shopping mall and another in a school who all need Sadie's attention. So it isn't surprising that Sadie doesn't take the threats she gets very seriously. After all she has enough going on in her life to keep her busy. It is a shame her scene clean up business isn't getting as much action.

Book three in the Ghost Dusters series is as good as the previous two. There is nothing fun about a death in the family and cleaning up after the dead but the author manages to keep things light hearted and I even chuckled a few times. This cozy mystery series is exciting to the end and the plot is very interesting. The whole concept was enough to get me hooked to this series but the characters and the details will definitely keep me coming back for more.

Although it makes no difference to the contents of the book I have to note that the new cover design was a nice surprise and much more fitting to the series. I am looking forward to see what the next cover looks like! I can't wait to read more in this delightful series!


ParaJunkee said...

I've never heard of this series. Sounds great. Thanks for sharing. - Parajunkee

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of this series until now! Sooo guess where I'm headed! Book store! This sounds like a great series to read! Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I have not heard of this series but I can not wait to look into it more!