About a year ago Yasmine visited Amberkatze's Book Blog and I appreciate Yasmine taking the time to visit the blog again. The seventh book in the Otherworld series, Bone Magic, came out in January and the debut book in the The Indigo Court Series, Night Myst, is due out in June. Also Yasmine had a short story in the 'Inked' anthology. A busy 2010 so far!
I hope you enjoy the interview! Make sure you enter the contest for your chance to win a book by Yasmine!
Yasmine: No problem. :)
Amber - Maybe you can start things off by telling my readers a little bit about your newest release, Bone Magic
Yasmine - : Bone Magic is book 7 in the Otherworld Series, and it’s a pivotal book—Camille’s life changes forever, so does Chase’s life. Politics shift, alliances are broken and re-formed. We see much more of Otherworld in this book, and the magic that embraces Camille’s life. Since each trio of books rotate through the three sisters’ POVs, starting with Camille (then going on to Delilah and Menolly), this starts off the third triad in the series. There are so many potential spoilers in this book it’s hard to say more but I was immersed in writing it and am thrilled to see how it’s being received
Amber - The Sister's of the Otherworld series is getting very intense! I am loving every word ;) How many more books will there be about the sisters? Is there an end in sight?
Amber - There are quite a few Paranormal books/series set in Seattle. Why did you pick Seattle? Did you consider any other locations for the series?
Yasmine – I live here. I like writing regional work because A) I know this region so well, and B) this is a magical area, very dark and gloomy and perfect for my kind of writing. I think I’d feel uncomfortable writing a series set anywhere else unless it was a fantasy setting that I created in my mind.
Amber - The three sisters and the other characters in the series have some weird but wonderful names. How do you pick character names? Do you they just come to you? or does each name have a reason and purpose?
Amber - I saw have a new YA series coming out this year. Can you tell us a little about that? I am already drooling over the cover for Night Myst ;)
Yasmine – No, no no—trying to dispel this rumor. I am NOT writing a YA series. It’s definitely adult and definitely contains violence and sex. My description of the Indigo Court Series (Night Myst in particular) is:
Eons ago, vampires tried to turn the Dark Fae in order to harness their power. Instead, they created a demonic enemy more powerful than they dared to dream. Bent on enslaving the world, the Vampiric Fae have been quietly massing their strength for centuries. Now, Myst, queen of the Indigo Court, is rising again...and a long-prophesied war is brewing...
Amber - There are alot of Paranormal Genre authors writing YA books. Did you always want to write something YA? How did the series come about?
Yasmine – No, actually, I am not a YA writer. While I think it might be fun, I’ve come to the realization that I do not write YA and am not geared toward doing so. The series, however, started with a vision of a forest in my mind, with all sorts of twisted and odd creatures—distorted Fae—and the main character, Cicely Waters—was walking through the forest, searching for her aunt. It grew from there.
Amber - Are you working on any other projects or are you happy and busy enough with the two you are busy with now?
Amber - Your books have some really amazing covers. How much say do you, as an author, have in the finished product? For example, can you ask them to change the cover if you don't like it?
Yasmine – Very little and no, absolutely not. I get cover consult, my editor and I talk it over, but they have no obligation to use my ideas and I have no say in the final cover. I really love my cover artist—Tony Mauro—who is doing both series for me, and value his work so much. He’s really drawn people to my books, and I love that he so easily envisions my characters the way I do.
Amber - What are you reading, watching and listening to lately? Any recommendations?
What I’m watching: Bones, Fringe, Medium, InuYasha, and Bleach are my top five, also love the nonfiction shows like Cold Case Files, 48 Hours, City Confidential. Love the Food Network challenges. Love old sitcoms that made me laugh when I was younger. And there are others—anime, assorted other stuff.
Listening: now there’s a huge list because I have a playlist for each book. My absolute favorite is Gary Numan—love his work both old and new. He’s gorgeous and talented and seems very pulled together. Also am loving Ladytron lately, Crystal Method, Air, Beck, and so many others that I can’t possibly begin to list them all here. Check my playlists if you want to know what I love.
Amber - There are so many online sites eg, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace etc. to get in touch with fans. Which sites are you signed up with? Is it hard to keep up with them all? Do you think they are good?
I enjoy Twitter most, I think, MySpace second, and I really have a hard time with Facebook but know I should keep a presence there. I don’t autofollow on Twitter, but do try to reply to @ replies as soon as I can. My D’Artigo Sisters have their own Twitter, and so do my cats. :)
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be?
Yasmine – One of the Fae in my world. I love writing about the Fae—they are so powerful, dark and unpredictable.
Amber - Thank you again for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog! I hope you will stop by again soon!
This week I am giving away a Yasmine Galenorn Otherworld series book! Winners choice! So if you are new to the series you can start at the beginning and if you are missing the newer installments you can catch up!
How to enter?
Tell me who your favourite sister is! If you haven't already read the series then pick from Witch, Werecat or Vampire! ;)
No Sister = No entry!
Earn more entries for each place you link this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!
You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Amazon links below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 28th of February 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
Good Luck!
What a great interview! Yasmine is a new author tome. This series sounds real good and I will have to start reading it.
Since I haven't read the series, I don't have a favorite sister. Of the choices you gave to choose from I think I will go with the Werecat. You don't hear to much about a Werecat and they seem to be an interesting speciesto read about.
I haven't read this series yet...but I have to stay true to my nature and say Witch would be my choice of the ones you gave.
Going to check out this series right now...sounds good.
I just started reading this series with the prequel in INKED so I think Camille is my favorite bc I don't know much about the other 2 yet.
Yasmine is a new to me author I will definatly be reading this series.I would have to say witch
I haven't read this series yet. Sounds good. My "sister" would be Alice from the Twilight series. Thanks,
I haven't read these, so dunno about the sisters. But ok, vamps, over them, witches, hm, nah will go with werecat :D
Great interview! I haven't read the series yet, but I'd have to say witch.
Wow!! So many of you haven't read this series yet???
This is a new series for me but it sounds great & has been added to my wishlist :o)
That is a hard choice to pick from - I love vamps but have just started Rachel Vincent's Shifter series & am definitely liking the werecats LOL. I've not read so many books about witches but would like to find some more. I do like Tate Hallaway's Garnet Lacey series though. Well that was a very rambling answer LOL!
love witches!
I've only read Witchling but I liked it a lot and plan on reading more. My favorite sister would probably be Delilah but that is subject to change as I get further into the series :)
This would be a new series for me, I'd have to go with vampires!
I have Night Huntress on my TBR shelf, but I haven't read any of this series yet. It looks like I have quite a few books to pick up to get started. If I have to choose, I'd go with witch.
oh, i really like to read this series, since i haven't read any of them. and Yasmine is a new for me Author !
I'm gonna pick Witch, coz i love magic :)
i tweet'd here : http://twitter.com/becunique
I haven't read the series yet.But have the first book in the sseries.
I think I'd have to pick vampire.
tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/9458574935
I haven't had the pleasure of reading of Yasmine's books yet, but they've been on my wish list for a while now.
I would pick vampire. There is something so mysterious about them as a breed. So close to human but not.
I'm going with Witch!
aawesome interview im so far behind in reading i havent read any in this series either out ofthe choices tho id have to say Witch would be my favorite im sure once reading the series that my opinion will change lol usually how it happends but for now im going with Witch
I enjoyed your interview. I haven't read anything by Yasmine yet, but, I'm looking forward to it. I'd say my favorite sister is WITCH. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the great interview! I've been enjoying this series, and I think my favorite character is probably Camille. However, Delilah, particularly in the earlier books, just cracks me up sometimes.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have read the first one in the series and one of my sisters bought me another one, but i want to read them in order :)
My favourite character is Delilah, simply because of my love of cats and a secret wish to become one every now and then. I can't wait to read more stories about all three sisters though, i love books about sisters since i'm one of three myself :)
My favorite sister is Delilah. I think she grows the most during the series.
I have Witchling but have yet to start it. It would be awesome to get book 2 so I wouldn't have to pause =)
I'd go with Werecats because I prefer shifters for some reason, can't really help it.
Thanks for the wonderful interview ladies. It's good to see Yasmine back on the blog.
I haven't read the series, but I am partial to vampires :)
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Well, this would be a new to me series, so I would have to say I'm partial to witches.
Thanks for the cool contest!
rosie0512 @ hotmail . com
I have not read this series, yet, but look forward in starting it.
If I must choose, I'll choose Witch. I have recently read some books featuring witches and they were great. I want to read more about them.
Tracey D
booklover0226 At gmail DOT com
I would say Vampire.
I have not read this series either. Cannot wait to read it. I would choose Vampire. I always enjoy your interviews.
Sue B
I don't have a favorite sisters, but I love my vamps. :) So, I'll go with vamp. I do have book 1. I just need to jump into it.
tweeted - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/9510470429
Definitely WERECAT!
I haven't read the series but I have a fondness for witches, so that's my pick. :D
Awesome contest!
I haven't read this series, but I'd definitely choose a werecat.
I'm so much a cat person that I was tempted to say Delilah, morphing sounds so painful that I don't think I'd like it. I think my real choice would be a witch, so Camille it is!
I haven't read this series, although I have heard of this author. As I don't have a favourite sister, then I will have to go with witch. I have always loved to read stories about witches.
I will be checking out this series next time I'm at the bookstore. It sounds great!
I would pick a a Vampire :)
I haven't read this series, but it's been on my wishlist for a lonjg time. A Vampire just seems full of mystery..
Sadly the first six books of the Otherworld series has been sitting on my TBR pile for a while so I will have to go with WERECAT!
Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
Nice interview, thanks! And thanks for the contest too. I've only read Darkling so far...but I somehow think Camille will be my fave sister. Just have an affinity for her!
I haven't read any of her books as yet, but because some werecats have shown up in other books, think I will pick them as my favorite. They seem to combine grace and ferocity!
clynsg at yahoo.com
I have just read Witchling and liked it so much I put it into the PUF swap on BookObsessed. My favourite character is Camille the witch. Even though her spells go badly wrong, which adds humour to the book, she still manages to win against the bad guys.
Hi Yasmine!
great interview - thanks! I haven't had the chance to read your books, but I've hear a lot of good things about them!
I would choose the werecat as my favorite sister ;)
greetings, Ina
My favourite sister is Camille - I just like her sexual freedom. Awesome series and contest!
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I haven't had a chance to pick up one of her books but I would definitely choose Witch! :)
heather y
I haven't read this series yet but of all the choices I think I would pick werecat.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/9742384587
I Haven't Read The Series Yet So I Will Pick Vampire Because I Just Love Them.
I Have Been Hearing About This Series From Other People And I Have Been Very Intrigued By It. Definitely On My To Read Pile.
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I haven't read this series yet, but I've heard a lot about them. I pick Witch only because I like all things witchy...I mean, magical.
I haven't read any of the series, so far so I would like to win the first book. I can't put down a favorite sister since I don't know yet, but my favorite werecat is Faythe Sanders from the Shifter series.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
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