Then Rob, Helen's cheating ex-husband, is spotted in the club with his new wealthy wife a.k.a The Black Widow and Helen finds herself hiding from him again. So when he finds Helen she can't but finally tell him what she thinks of him and send him off with a bloody nose. Being fired for hitting a club member is the least of her problems when more blood is found and Rob is nowhere to be seen.
This is the seventh book in the Dead-End Job series and I am far from getting bored. This cozy series is exactly what I needed when I was travelling home from another stressful day at work. Sure this is only fiction but the story actually put things into perspective and made me realise there are people worse off than me.
I love and sympathise with Helen completely. She is so realistic and normal that it is hard no to relate to her as the newest of her jobs unfolds into yet another mystery. The woman really knows how to find trouble but she is also great at solving the mystery even if she never really gets the praise she deserves.
Well written and always guaranteed to have a twist, this is one of my favourite cozy mystery series and I can highly recommend them. Easy, honest and not over the top, I find these books to be a lovely break from my normal paranormal reads and also a way to relax on those most stressful weeks. Elaine Viets Mystery Shopper series is also a great read and I wonder if the author has thought about branching out into something more paranormal.
Now I need the next two books in the series Killer Cuts and Half-Price Homicide. However the series is now suddenly being released in expensive hardbacks and I will have to wait for the paperbacks. A wonderful thing for the author I am sure but not great for my bank balance. So I won't be catching up with Helen for a while.
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