Shots are fired at the Pork Pit and Gin is sure someone is after her. Then she realises that they were actually meant for one of her customers and feels the need to check on the young girl and make sure she is ok. Violet Fox turns out to be an old family friend in a lot of trouble. Trouble that Gin has no problem getting involved in. Unfortunately Detective Donavan Caine, the hottest cop in town, is having a hard time with his feelings for Gin and what she is about to do. However Gin has a job to do, it may be pro bono but she always takes out the bad guys.
I enjoyed Spider's Bite, book one in this series, so much that I had to order this second part as soon as possible. Gin rocks as a main character and I really like her feisty and confident attitude. She has no problem saying what she thinks and doing what she has to do. If it needs to be done, it gets done and she has the best friends anyone could want who help her when she does need help. All in all a great bunch of characters who just leap from the pages.
The combination of the paranormal elements that the author has mixed together in this series and the rough and ready story lines, really make this into an explosive read. A bomb could have gone off while I was reading this and I wouldn't have noticed. I wasn't able to put this down for more than a few minutes and was seriously hooked from the first page. The only bad thing about Web of Lies is the end and only because it is over and you have to wait for the next one.
There are always books and series that you really love and can't wait to read but now and again there is one that really stands out from the rest and leaves you ready to sell all your worldly belongings for more. The Elemental Assassin books are just those kind of books and I hope the author continues to produce such high quality paranormal urban fantasy. While the genre isn't lacking with new books and authors. lately it has been lacking that certain wow factor and Jennifer Estep has managed to wow me.
Buy, take a day off and enjoy!
"A bomb could have gone off while I was reading this and I wouldn't have noticed. I wasn't able to put this down for more....."
Now that's a good read! Adding to the WWBL. Thanks!
I just bought Spider's Bite and I won Web Of Lies a while back. Can't wait to get started on this series. I've heard a lot of great things about it.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
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