So enjoy this weeks author interview and make sure you enter the contest at the bottom for your chance to win a copy of Casey's newest release!
Read the previous Amberkatze's Book Blog interview with Casey Daniels.
Casey - Pepper is really something else! She's a twenty-something redhead whose goal in life has always been to marry wealthy and work on her tan and her backhand. Then her dad (a prominent cosmetic surgeon) went to prison for Medicare fraud, her family's friends vanished and her fiance walked out on her. With no choices and few skills, Pepper was forced to get a job. The only one she could find was as a tour guide in a historic cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. Bad enough, but when Pepper trips and hits her head on a mausoleum, she can suddenly see and talk to the dead. Now they're bugging her. If she doesn't solve their mysteries, they'll haunt her forever!
Casey - This story is a little different, because it's the first time I've used a real person as my ghost. Who is it? None other than James A. Garfield, the 20th President of the United States. As if a boring politician isn't enough for Pepper to deal with, there's something fishy going on at the cemetery and it involves Marjorie Klinker, the world's most annoying volunteer. When Marjorie takes an assisted header over the balcony in the President's memorial, Pepper needs to solve the case, and not just because she's looking for justice. Her ex-boyfriend, Quinn, is working the case for the Cleveland Police Department, and Pepper wants to show him she's smarter than he thinks.
Casey - Well, it's pretty easy, really, because Pepper just deals with ghosts. No vampires, no werewolves, no pixies or dragons. I find that limiting the paranormal parameters makes things simpler for me. And besides, since I believe in ghosts, none of what happens to her seems out of the realm of possibilities to me.
Amber - President Garfield plays a big part in Tomb with View. How did that come about?
Casey - Actually, adding Garfield to the book happened because of a sort of dare. I was giving a panel at a mystery conference and one of my friends was in the audience. He raised his hand and asked if I was ever going to include any famous people as ghosts in my books (the cemetery that my fictional cemetery is based on has plenty of famous "residents"). I hadn't thought about it, and blurted out, "Yeah, President Garfield." Later that day, a conference-goer cornered me and said, "Honey, if anyone can make Garfield funny, it's you." Of course I had to try!
Amber - How long on average does it take you to write a Pepper Martin book? Do you have a process you follow? or do you just start at page one and see what happens?
Amber - There has been quite a lot of Paranormal TV series and Films to hit the screens lately. Why do you think that is? Would you like to see Pepper Martin come to life in the same way? Who could you imagine playing the part?
Casey - I think most people are fascinated with the possibility of what lies in the Here After. I know I am. So it's no surprise that we're seeing more paranormal story lines. As for TV or films . . . I'd love to see Pepper on screen! Wow, that would be so fabulous! (And hey, if anyone out there has any connections . . .) As for who I'd like to see play the part, I can't really say. I'm not all that familiar with the young actors out there. I do think it needs to be someone sassy and courageous, someone who's not afraid to take on the bad guys and who can look good while she does it!
Amber - Will there be more books in the series? How long would you like to see things continue for Pepper? Do you see an end in sight?
Amber - How much say do you have in the book publishing process? For example you have some great covers. Do you get to pick them?
Casey - I do get to see the artwork for the cover and offer my opinions. I'm grateful for that. Back in the day when I first started (did you know I was a romance writer before I started writing mysteries?) I had no say whatsoever and a couple disastrous covers. The Pepper covers are wonderful. I like the feel of them and the way Pepper's spirit (no pun intended) is captured along with her sense of style.
Amber - There are alot of online sites taking up peoples time lately. Are you on Facebook or any other sites? Do you think the sites are useful or do they just take up too much of your time?
Casey - I am on Facebook and My Space, too, though I will admit I don't check either one very often. (Friend me on FaceBook!) These kinds of things can really suck the hours out of a writer's life, and I simply don't have the luxury. They are a great way to let folks know about things like book releases and signings. I do like that.
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Is there any music or other media that influences your writing?
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Casey - Wow, that's a tough question. Forget zombies and werewolves and vampires. I guess I'd have to choose to be a ghost. Hey, maybe someday I'll get the opportunity!
Amber - Thanks for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again!
Contest Time!
Casey is very kindly giving away a copy of her new release Tomb with a View
How to Enter
Which famous ghost would you like to meet?
No Ghost = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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The contest will stay open until Sunday 11th of July 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I'm a big scaredy pants when it comes to ghosts, so I have to go with Casper, because I know he's friendly.
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I'm not sure if you mean a ghost that is famous or the ghost of someone famous, but I'm going with the latter. I'd like to meet the ghost of Jim Morrison (of the Doors) because it would be awesome to talk to him.
I've been trying to collect the whole Pepper Martin series lately, I just got the first book, and have a few of the others, so I'm going to be starting it soon.
I'd have to go with Casper, also. But I wouldn't mind meeting Jim Morrison's ghost either!! I love him..
I follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
For famous ghosts, I would have to go with Casper. But for famous people, I dont know. There are so many I would like to have a chance to ask questions to - JFK, Jim Morrison, River Phoenix, Kurt Cobain.
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bacchus76 at myself dot com
I think it would be interesting to meet the ghost of Janis Joplin.
I'd like to meet Isaac Asminov.
I would like to meet Jonas Salk, or the ghost from the old movie the ghost and mrs muir. It was my mother's favorite movie, and the ghost was pretty good in it.
I think it would be fun to talk to the ghost of John Wayne.
I love the names of the book titles. New author to me. Adding some more books to my reading.
Sue B
I love this site! Thanks for inviting me back, Amber. Always good to be here.
Love the ghosts everyone's come up with so far. Casper . . . too funny! When I was a kid, I loved Casper. Every time I was sick, my dad would go out and buy me a Casper comic book. A good memory.
As for Jim Morrison...check out "Tomb with a View," Pepper mystery #3. That ghost is bascially Morrison and, of course, Pepper falls in love with him!
I'm not really picky about wanting to meet a ghost. First, I would probably freak out a bit, because, holy crap, there's a ghost in front of me! And I've read so many books, seen a few too many horror movies and know that not all ghosts are like Casper. Plus what if Mr. Ghosty doesn't want to leave after our meeting? Am I going to have a poltergeist situation?
But still meeting a ghost would be kind of cool. And to be "diplomatic" or whatever and actually answer said question, the ghost I would like most to meet is Heath Ledger. Loved watching him in movies during his life, would've loved meeting him in real life as well, but since that is no longer an option I would like to meet him. As long as it doesn't really disturb his afterlife. That's another problem with wanting to meet ghosts, I don't want to bother them in their afterlife and tick them off to make another poltergeist situation.
I would like to meet the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. I think it would be neat to talk to one of our presidents. I have never read any of your books but I am very interested in reading them.
Patrick Swayze made a pretty good looking ghost!
I've also been watching a marathon of John Wayne's westerns this weekend and would love to talk to him!
I don't even know where to start! I would love to meet Cleopatra, Hatshepsut, Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great, Louis XIV, and the list goes on an on. Painters like Monet and Rembrandt, writers, and scientists. It would be great to speak to many of them.
Thanks for another great contest. I really enjoy Casey Daniels books and enjoyed the interview.
I love paranormal books about people who talk to ghosts. Hadn't heard of this series before. I'll have to check it out. Famous ghost I'd like to meet - hmm, there are so many, but I think I'd have to go with Elizabeth I - she's such a fascinating historical figure.
I think I would like to meet BlackBeard maybe he'd tell me where some buride treasure is and then I d be rich I could spend all day everyday reading woohoo.
I'd like to meet Casper.
Ooh, I like all of Stephanie's choices, particularly Cleopatra and Hatshepsut. I'd also like to meet the ghost of Oscar Wilde, ask him if he'd had any further writing plans, see if he had any inspiring advice, tell him a little about how things have changed since his time. I bet he would be a very witty conversationalist!
Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
I follow on Google Friend Connect (as sneakybea)
I would have to agree that I would like to meet Casper.
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Casper pops into my mind when I think of famous ghosts and it appears I'm not the only one! Honestly, the only ghosts or spirits I'd like a chance to meet or talk to for a bit are my parents. I'd love to tell them all the things I couldn't or hadn't when they were around.
How about the Ghost of Christmas Future? Nothing like a little insight on what's to come!!!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I would have to say Elvis. What an interesting ghost to meet, and I am a big fan. :)
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Cool.. I Love Ghosts,I actually have your first 4 books in my TBR Pile. I am not sure why I haven't read them yet. I always read my series when I have 3 books in a row. Guess I need to read these books next :) I think an awesome ghost story would be the original 1951s Superman-George Reeves. There is many opinions and mystery with his death or even the family curse of Bruce & Brandon Lee would be cool too.
Oops I forgot to leave my email. I got so excited about this topic :)
This is going to sound weird, but I'd love to meet the ghost of Lizzie Borden . . . just to ask her questions about the murders and if she really did do it!! :-)
rosie0512 @ hotmail . com
Wow, you've all mentioned such interesting characters, people (now ghosts!) I hadn't even thought of. Elizabeth I...can you imagine her being all queenly? And John Wayne...too funny, because my husband's been watching that marathon this week, too. Have to admit, the only Wayne movie I like is North to Alaska, and that has nothing at all to do with John Wayne. It's because Stewart Granger is in the movie. Swoon!!!
If I were to see a ghost it would be my son Kenny Van Slyke...he was killed in Iraq in 2007..when he left he promised that if anything happened to him he would be back to haunt me..I have not seen him yet..But when I lost him i asked that instead of pennies from heaven I would like to have I find dimes everywhere..places you would not even imagine.
Jerry Garcia!
Does Lizzie Borden have a ghost? Because I would so wanna meet her.
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
I would love to meet the ghost of John Wayne.
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I would LOVE to talk to Bobby Darins ghost!! I was soooo in love with him as a kid! lol ♥♥ Maybe have him sing me a song! lol
sounds like a great series and the ghost i'd like to meet is Patrick Swayze. I wish he'd show me how to dance.
I've always wanted to talk muppets with the late Jim Henson :D
John Lennon fo so!
ghosts? in real? *örks* I think I would scream and run away -.-
but Casper is a sweet one ;) and it would be interesting to meet Christopher Reeve.
greetings, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
Without a doubt Casper! I used love watching him when I was kid!
I think I'd like to meet Marilyn Monroe and find out the truth surrounding her death.
Great Interview.. This sounds like an awesome series I will have to get started on!
The closest I'd like to come to a ghost is the ones in the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney World. Well unless they are of the tall handsome variety like in Cindy Miles books :).
Slimer from Ghostbusters an Casper might be okay or the Ghost of Christmas Past.
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Pam S
Hi Amber! Hi Casey!
I LOVE Casey's books and would be thrilled to read Tomb with a View!! If I could meet a famous ghost, I would want to talk with Marilyn Monroe! Thanks for a great contest Amber!
I tweeted about this contest at this link:
I would like to meet JFK and ask him whether he knws what really happened (as a ghost he could ahve seen how people reacted, what they talked about his death). Or I'd like to talk with Marilyn Monroe and ask her how she really died. My little sister is a big fan of hers, she would be ecstatic if I told her hey this is reliable info, it was Marilyn herself who told me :-)
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stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Who would I like to meet as a ghost, hmmm, well I would like to meet someone from the 1800's who could tell me what it was like to live during that time period. To pick one person I just don't know who I would pick. It would be neat to meet Henry VIII 2nd wife, Anne B. to ask her questions, even to talk to Henry VIII ask if there would be anything he would do different.
please add me to the giveaway...
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I would love to meet the ghost of Elvis.
That's a tough question, but I think maybe someone like Ben Franklin, he seems like he would have been quite a character, and I think he'd definitely make a memorable ghost!
Would love to b e chosen your lucky winner to win a copy of Tomb with a View. it sounds like a summer must read!
A famous ghost that I would like to meet? Easy, the Captain on The Ghost and Mrs Muir~!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
I'd like to meet Casper!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Hi all!
Just looking over the contest entries and all the wonderful comments. So many interesting ghosts! What I realized is that the posts are a little mixed up. Looks like my comments are posted with other peoples' names. Is it just me? Of course, technology and I do NOT get along, so that may have something to do with it.
Anyway, because of that, I've used the very scientific "eeny meeny miny mo" method to chose a winner of the contest. It is . . . drum roll please . . .
Send me your snail mail info at
and I'll get a copy of Tomb with a View out to you.
Thank you all for stopping by! I had fun.
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