Here is your chance to get hold of a copy directly from the author! Jeri is giving away a copy of Bring on the Night to one lucky Amberkatze's Book Blog reader!
All you have to do is tell me why you should win this copy of Bring on the Night! Begging is totally ok and making up stories is even better :) Who can come up with the best way to convince me that they should win?
Other books by Jeri Smith-Ready :
Wicked Game
Bad to the Bone
Requiem for the Devil
Eyes of Crow
Voice of Crow
The Reawakened
I should win this because because the last book I was reading I had to stop. Because, the pages all stuck together due the fact my dog drooled all over me, the cat, the book, and my bed. Everything was really wet. I need a new book to read.
I should win this because I have a new bookcase that needs filling. You can never have too many books.
I should get this book because my house went up in flames, everything was burned. All my books were gone within minutes, EVERYTHING is gone. My cell phone, my iPod, my laptop, my homework for college, my essays, and my clothes.... I also lost my dog, Spot, a Dalmatian(I know cheesy, but I couldn't resist)and my Persian cat, Tigger. Both were lost in the flame. Guess who caused it? My boyfriend. Ex, I should say, because he had been cheating on me for months and broke off a two year relationship..for her. And he was cheating on me with my best friend. He left a candle lit in our bedroom(I was in the living room, having fallen asleep on the couch after watching TV.). He had left the candle there after sneaking out of the house to meet his lover. I just barely got out, awakening to a smoke-filled room. But by the time I had remembered my pets, it was too late. The firefighters had arrived I am, at my other friend's house on her laptop. She's asleep in her bedroom, I'm in her guest room. I'm exhausted, sad, and just need a good book. I know it might come a bit later...But I really need something I can rely on coming. You understand? If not, it's fine..but- Oh, I got to go, the phone's ringing. It's the insurance company. I'll cross my fingers!
I LOVE this series, and I don't know what I'll do without the newest book to read! My life wouldn't be the same. Don't. Know. If. I. Can. Carry. On. Without. Bring. On. The. Night.
PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!! I love you, Jeri. :) (Looks up at you pitifully while making puppy dog face...)
I hope a ton of people take you up on this begging and scrappin' for this one!
I somehow won a copy and Jeri is going to send me some signed bookplates when the suspense dates mellow out, so you don't need to put me in for the contest...
I've never read anything by this author and I've been wanting to for awhile so I would love to win!
I should win because my bookshelves won't let me in in my own room if I don't feed them a new book every day.
Feed my bookshelves. Help the cause.
posted on sidebar
I should win this book because I am the ultimate vampire fan reader! My friends always used to tease me about my reading and call me vampire girl. **Now they read Twilight--traitors!**
Plus I'm an aspiring author and I have to read as many books as I can that are published so I can see what to do with my own work.
And also, I'll be your very best friend!! ;)
I should win this book because I love reading vampire books and I have never read any of your books but I would like to alot. I loved the Twilight series. I also am interested in trying to write a book.
you know, I just moved in a new flat and had to leave behind most of my books :( my bookshelves are quite empty and I can't wait to fill them with new books...
and have I mentioned that I'm a student without money?
please have mercy :)
I should win this book because in the war between the vampire books in my library and the werewolf books, it'll be the final straw to make sure the vamp books win.
BrigidsBlest at yahoo dot com
Hmmmm...I should win because the Author looks like the actress Julianna Margulies :)
I should win because I started reading her books in 2006 when Eyes of crow came out. That was one of the first books I ever read. I loved the book its about shape shifters in like the old world.Rhia is a crow who is sent to be trained to another tribe but on her way she meets Marek.Then they get married but they go through alot of shit in the book to stop the descendants who want to destroy the people with powers
Pick me, pick me because I should definetly have this book! lol Can you see me jumping up down. :)
I am a street team member of Jeri's and I have all her books except for this one...see it would make a perfect addition to my collection. An did I mention it would look Fabulous on my book shelf!! lol
Hubby is out of work right now and I need me some new reads.
A little me and a great book time is what I am needing. lol
Passed along the contest to friends. :)
I should with this because since I was 8 I was abandoned, left on the street to fend of myself. I lived there for years thinking there is no point in living untill I found a book in the bin. I never knew what it was like to have someone a friend or a lover before. After reading this book I knew that there was some meaning to life, and my meaning was to read books, all sorts of books. I went into libiarys and read the books, bought some from charity shops with the money I begged or found off people. All the money I have now is barely enought to buy food let alone books. But the happeness I get of owning my own book means more then food. For me to win this book means it gives me a reason to live and happeness thoughout my homelessness. That is why I should win this book because it makes life worth living.
I deserve to win this because I love reading and I'm too broke to order from amazon much anymore! :-(
I would love to win because I am on a fixed income and can not buy a copy of the book myself and My local library doesn't have a copy for me to borrow.
I love to read.
I should win this book because the only thing I have read by this author is a freebee I got at Amazon for my Kindle. I loved the story, but have promised myself I would spend no more money on books until I have trimmed down Mt TBR so I have not been able to read more because I can't buy new books.
It was a dark and stormy night. The dark stranger in the black hat stopped and almost blended into the building, a long dark shadow hiding the grimness of his expression. Slowly, he detached himself from the building and started his long walk to the front of the building.
He was on a desperate mission. He couldn't afford to be stopped; his life depended on it. He had to have that Book. "Bring on the Night" It was his Holy Grail, his very life's blood.
I should win this because the world would come to an end if I don't.
I should win Bring on the Night because I love Jeri Smith Ready and I since I lost my job two months ago and am living on poverty wages from unemployment I can't buy the book. Also, I lost my kitty last week (for reals) and just picked up her ashes from the vets yesterday so I need cheering up. And my computer died and I had to spend money I didn't have to get it working again. I sound pretty pitiful don't I? Now I'm depressed, woe is me.
HELP HELP HELP - I broke my ankle on my first day of vacation back on June 26th and I have been laid up without new reading material all summer reading the back of shampoo and the boxes of food in the kitchen is my only reading material- PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME
I need to win because my other 3000 books (give or take a dozen) are lonely for new company.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
Those are my pectorals on the cover of the book!
I should win....because I desperately need a new book to read and this one -peaked my interest, so mail it to me please
I should win because the 22nd is my birthday! (It really is, I'd totally scan my birth certificate to prove it :P haha) What could possibly be sweeter than a great new book for your birthday? Nothing, that's what!
Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck everyone!
I would like to win because I love reading and my mind drift away
I should win Bring on the Night because I am a true representative of the night, dwelling deep in the shadows, cloaked in mystery, blanketed in the darkness that immerses my soul.
I should win because my 2 little boys will be going back to school in just over a week (hurray for that!) and I really could use a new book to read in the peaceful days ahead of me!!!
I need a new book to read for my next trip.
I should win because I'm already bruising up from being on my knees ovah heah.
whoops, the third entry (Car Car)'s email is :
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