Either way - here is your chance to get to know the author and the books and maybe even win a copy of Fatal Circle! Enjoy the interview and don't forget to enter the contest!
Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! Thank you for being a guest! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your 'Circle' Series?
Linda – The Circle series is the story of a modern day witch in a Cleveland suburb discovering her destiny, and dealing with all the good and bad changes it creates in her life, and in the lives of two men very special to her—Johnny her werewolf boyfriend, and Menessos a vampire who is the Lord of North East. Of course, the further they move into the path of their Fates, the more they discover how their futures are irrevocably intertwined.
Linda - Arcane Circle is the fourth book and it will be available everywhere December 29th—SQUEE!!! I am currently writing the fifth book—as yet untitled. I’d like to write at least nine for this series, but I think I could do as many as thirteen without it becoming stale.
Amber - How did you come up with the idea for the series? Was it a long process or did it just write itself?
Linda – I was in an airport in New Orleans when the character Johnny first came to me. I have placed the blame for that appropriately on the Shrimp Po-Boy I ate after checking my luggage. Not even airport food could keep off the trail though. In considering what Johnny’s ideal woman would be like, I came up with Persephone. No offense to Johnny, but her voice was so clear, she kind of took over. The concept for the bigger story arc sprouted as the first three books came into being and where I intend to push these characters became a darker, harder and more human story. I wouldn’t say any of has or will write itself, but this isn’t an arduous process either. I love writing and all that goes with it.
Amber - What kind of research have you done for your books? Anything interesting or is the research boring?
See the My Cleveland page of my website for photos with references to the page numbers in the books!
Amber - How do you pick the names of your characters? Are they just names you like, people you know or do they have some other meaning?
Linda - I picked Persephone because it is odd and often mispronounced. I picked Johnny to balance the odd name with a common one. I made up Menessos, Xerxadrea, and Vilna Daluca. Originally I picked Demeter as Persephone’s grandmother’s name because this grandmother had raised her so it was a nod to the myth. (I’ve found giving those nods to the myth have been some of the most fun in writing this series.) The other names are just chosen because they convey what I think can be conveyed by a name. The only name chosen for the “meaning” is from the first book, the person killed was named “Lorrie” which is even spelled like the British term for a bus. Lorrie’s death was the vehicle that drove the story forward.
Amber - Are any of the characters based on people you know? Maybe you are in there somewhere?
Linda - *laughs* My mother, her sisters and her friends have all had some trace of influence on Nana’s character. My fella, Jim, owns Strictly 7 Guitars—they make 6- 7- and 8- string electric guitars. There’s a constant flow of rock-n-rollers around the house, so there’s always some inspiration for Johnny in that. I believe that authors have to understand the character’s motives and personalities and from that understanding, pieces of an author’s self or their experiences fuse with the characters in tiny or huge amounts depending on what that character needs…so I’m sure there’s a bit of me in all of the characters. I’d like to think that I’m Johnny’s perpetually dirty mind, Menessos’s smart-alec tendencies, and Seph’s desire to be fair.
Linda – Yes. ALWAYS. Being an author/artist/musician is all I’ve ever wanted. Never separating them, but searching for a way to combine my three creative loves. So I draw settings. I score scenes on my keyboard. All these creative outlets help me create the story.
Amber - Why did you pick the Paranormal Urban Fantasy genre?
I’ve been writing what I wanted to read since I was young, since before there was a “genre” to define what it was and wasn’t. I read fantasy and was looking for the heroine I could emulate and the best I found was Del in Jennifer Roberson’s Sword Dancer series, but even those were told from the male point of view, by Tiger, Del’s lover. Now there’s a whole genre of tough women telling their own stories. It’s great. I want more time to read.
Amber - What is next? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Linda – More Persephone for now. I’m writing the fifth book in third person—a change from the first four installments. The reason? I want to get into Johnny’s head. I want to get into Menessos’s head. I want those options and I think the readers are ready for that too.
Amber - What have you been reading and watching lately? Do you have any recommendations for us?
Linda – The last movie I saw at the theater was the new Clash of the Titans and I spent the first half of the movie lamenting the fact that the hero had super-short hair. I REALLY like men with long hair. I was even rooting for the captain of the guard guy (the one who was in Casino Royale with Daniel Craig) to take over, but, by the end of the movie, the new Perseus had won me over.
I recently watched Merlin and the Book of Beasts with the kids. It’s an older movie, a bit pale on the special effects, but it worked. Don’t misunderstand me, there are a lot of low-budget movies on the sci-fi channel that no one should waste their time watching because they can’t produce quality in their plot/acting/settings/anything. This movie had everything BUT the spiffy effects, and you know what…it was okay. Why? I was entertained. Merlin was kinda hot in it, even though he kept talking like Mojo Jojo from the Power Puff Girls the whole time….
I’ve recently read Shadow Blade by Seressia Glass—loved it! Great concept, Egyptian details. Spellbent by Lucy Snyder—great pacing and such entertaining quirkiness! Embers by Laura Bickle—Anya and Sparky’s second adventure outshines the first! I need more time to read!!!
Linda - Jennifer Roberson’s Sword Dancer series will always be my favorite. I love Steven Brust’s Jhereg series and To Reign in Hell. The original Dragonlance series. It’s easy for me to slip into a fantasy, especially if there are swords, sorcery, and loincloths involved.
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Linda – The thought of shape-shifting is cool, but I don’t have any desire to shape shift myself. It looks painful. I don’t think I’d enjoy being a big wolf, so werewolves or were-anythings are out. Since I already like to stay up late and sleep the day away (although with kids in school this only gets to happen over summer vacation) and since a liquid diet would be so simple to maintain (never again would I have to decide how to keep a variety in my diet) I’ll say vampire. It’s the most practical choice.
Amber - Thank you so much for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog! I hope you will come back again ;)
Linda - Thanks for having me, and of course I’ll come back!
Contest Time
Linda is giving away a copy of her third and newest release, FATAL CIRCLE (US/Canada only).
How To Enter
What have you been watching recently?
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Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
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Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com links/Banners below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 24th of October 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
On TV, I'm watching Bones and NCAA & NFL football. The only movie I've seen recently is You Again, and I do not recommend it at all.
I recently saw Iron Man II, great film. On television I've just watched the first episode of No Ordinary Family, I'm interested to see how it goes. I've been watching Hawaii Five-O, The Event, Outlaw, and The Good Wife, love them.
I haven't had a chance to read any of the Circle series yet, but have them on my wish list.
The last movie i saw case 39, it was actually better than i expected and somewhat eerie.
As for T.V i've been watching Modern family, Community and Nikita.
I have a Tivo so I'm still trying to catch up the final episodes of So You Think You Can Dance which I taped over the summer. I'm also totally addicted to The Amazing Race. The new season just started and I love seeing all the places they go to over the course of the season.
jen at delux dot com
I've been watching Blue Bloods and Battle of the Blades.
I watch House and NCIS faithfully oh and i've really gotten into college football this year Roll Tide lol. I'll probably take my boys to see the new HP movie. We went and watched them all so far. Would love to win this one. I think i've the first on in my tbr shelf. I need to check.
Pick me, pick me, pick me!! We've been watching House on Netflix - almost to the end of Season 2 now. And Castle. Oh, and we rewatched Rock Star the other night - what a fab film.
Rock on, Linda!
I have been watching Bones and some House reruns.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
What a great interview! This series sounds like a lot of fun!
As for what I'm watching, I've been watching Glee and Castle, and am starting to watch No Ordinary Family but I haven't decided what I think about it yet.
been watching SOA , Super Natural,Vampire Diaries
I watched a movie called Case 39 awesoem horror flick
so was mirrors 2
Supernatural, Raising Hope and any Sy-Fy original movie .
We watch too much TV. Supernatural, House, Bones, Vampire Diaries, etc. But we have also been watching the old show Dark Angel on DVD.
This book sounds really good, I'd like to read it.
I don't have cable so I have been watching The Vampire Diaries Season 1 on DVD.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
I have been away and trying to catch up on some of my favs...Glee, House and Americas Next top model.
rhondstruthers@ yahoo.ca
We have Netflix, so we don't have cable (think about it... it kinda makes sense). : ) So we've been watching Heroes. We just started season 3... and we're waiting for the last season of Lost to come to streaming (or for the discs to get here via mail)... I love good TV series! : )
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
I have been watching Bones and Law and Order SVU and Law and Order in Las Angeles. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I don't watch very much TV, but I've been watching Biggest Loser and the Amazing Race lately. And I love Brothers and Sisters....
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I've been trying to catch up on two shows that I really enjoy, "The Big C" and "Boardwalk Empire." That and reading has been keeping me very busy!
I have been watching House, NCIS, Bones, Fringe, Criminal Minds, CSI: NY.
The few shows that I am addicted to are Psych--which is on break right now, The Vampire Diaries--loved the book series from the 90s and the new one now, and Supernatural!
Other shows that I watch but not hopelessly addicted to are Bones and The Closer.
Have blog button on my blog: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com
I saw You Again at the movies recently and it was pretty good. On TV I have been watching the new shows to decide if any of them are worth staying with, and of course, getting back with the returning ones that I like, such as NCIS and CSI.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
I've been watching Dexter and Castle. I need to catch up on Supernatural.
On TV, I've been watching season 4 of Mad Men. The other really good show I watched this summer was Carnivale. A little slow, but worth the wait.
-Michelle, wookieecookie7 at sbcglobal dot net
I admit I watch way too much TV, but there are some definite favs: Sanctuary, NCIS, Bones, Vampire Diaries, and Nikita.
tweeted - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/27891149982
Castle, Supernatural, Merlin and The Chase are the 4 shows I am keeping up with this season. :)
Great interview, Amber! So far I've read book 1 and have #2 waiting for me.
cheers, Lemmy
lemmygirl @ gmail com
I watch a lot of TV (right now I'm watching Man vs. Foods). I also watch: Supernatural, Sanctuary, Criminal Minds, all 3 CSIs, both NSCI, Fringe, Bones, House, Lie to Me, Glee, and I'm sure I'm missing something, but I think you get the picture.
I haven't read this series yet, but I'm looking forward to.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
I have been watching NCIS, Bones, Fringe, Criminal Minds and Sanctuary
jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com
I love NCIS! Castle, The Amazing Race, and Project Runway
On Tv I'm watching Castle and Modern Family....love them! As far as new movies go...I haven't seen much lately, but I love the Young Victoria.
cdetterman at gmail dot com
I actually don't watch any tv shows as I just don't have time, but on the weekends I do watch some movies. This past week, we watched The Killers, The karate Kid, and Marmaduke (Friday Night and Saturday Night family movie nights). I think we were just too tired to move.
I've been watching Castle and Supernatural on dvd (I don't have television).
Thanks for the giveaway!
From the Shadows
Wow this series looks great...once again Thanks Amber for introducing me to what seems to be a great series!
I watch NCIS, Lie to Me, and The Mentalist. :)
I don't watch a lot of television but I have been watching The Vampire Diaries and Buffy episodes on dvd.
Lately, I don't think there is a whole lot of tv that I am not watching these days :)
I Love Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Supernatural, House, Criminal Minds, all CSI's, and lately me & the hubby started watching Boardwalk Empire which has been really good so far. Steve Bushemy is awesome in almost anything he acts in.
I am just finishing up a book called Ancient Whispers by Marie Bourque- I have about 2 chapters to go. It seems like it has been taking me a while to get this one finished with all the other distractions I've got going on. I haven't read your series yet but I do have the first three and I am waiting for the fourth to release so I can go buy it If I don't win :) Wow, another series I let get past me somehow? Once I get 3 in a row to a series is when I start reading the books. They say the minds the first to go..yikes :)
Thanks for the giveaway. I have been watching Bones, Fringe, Law and Order SVU and Law and Order Los Angeles. Please enter me in contest. Sounds like a really good book. Tore923@aol.com
I am watching Castle, The Mentalist, The Good Wife, Medium, and NCIS. The last movie I saw was Avatar. I'm looking forward to the next Harry Potter
I am a couch potato I love T.V.
Must See: Castle, NCIS, NCIS LA, and Bones and Supernatural. Please enter me into your contest.
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