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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Author Interview with Jennifer Rardin

Back in August author Jennifer Rardin contacted me and asked if she could be a guest again on Amberkatze's Book Blog.

I have a new book coming out on November 8th. It's the 7th in the Jaz Parks series, a real nail-biter in which the vampire, Vayl, loses all sense of reality during the most intense and important mission of his and Jaz's career. The book is called Bitten in Two, and I'd love to talk to you and your followers about it sometime if you have space for me.

Of course I was happy to have Jennifer back on the blog! We set up a date (today) and interview questions were answered (see below). Then one September morning I got an email from Orbit, her book publisher, telling me she had passed away.

I was shocked. I still am. I have no idea how she died but I know she will be missed immensely. Jennifer was a brilliant writer and the Paranormal genre has lost one of the best.

Now the date has come to post the interview. Bitten in Two is due for release on the 8th of November and the final book in her Jaz Parks series was completed before her death and will be published in June 2011.

It was a hard decision to post this but Jennifer and I made this date and I will keep to it. The interview is quite sad to read because in so many of the answers Jennifer talks about her future. However I hope my followers will still read this interview and that her fans will keep Jaz alive.

Rest In Peace Jennifer.


Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze’s Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest again! Could you start things off by telling us a little about the new Jaz Parks release?

Jennifer - Hi Amber, it’s awesome to be back! Yeah, I’d love to give you some juicy details about Bitten in Two. The book, which releases November 8 in the US and December 2 in the UK, is based in Marrakech, Morocco, which is a fabulous location to write about. I just loved the vibrant colors and the unique scenery I found as I researched a city so ancient I could almost smell the history through my computer screen! Here are just a few of the images that inspired me as I wrote:




As you might expect, Jaz, Vayl, and the crew have embarked on their most important mission yet in this fast-paced story which puts them into direct conflict with wielders, demons, and extremely pissed off werewolves. Which would you rather face?

Amber - The series is growing! Did you expect Jaz to get this far? How much further are you going to take her?

Jennifer - I’m pleasantly surprised Jaz and Vayl have had the opportunity to travel so far and so widely. In the beginning I only expected a single adventure, which was called Once Bitten, Twice Shy. Now we’re planning for them to do eight all together. Will there be even more? I’ll admit, I’ve left the door open. Because you never know . . .

Amber - Jaz has seen a lot of action so far. How do you decide what to throw at her in each book?

Jennifer - A great deal depends on what has happened in previous books and where she is in her own, personal growth. I also don’t ever want the series to become stale, like a cartoon that follows the same plot arc over and over again, so originality is key to me. Despite the fact that each title includes characters readers have become familiar with and come to care about, my goal is to give them something fresh and new with each story.

Amber - How long on average does it take you to write a book? Do you have a process you follow? Or do you just start at page one and see what happens?

Jennifer - It really depends on the book and the amount of time I have between deadlines. Sometimes I only need four months. Sometimes I need eight. My process is to outline the entire plot, and then usually somewhere in the middle to rewrite that outline to conform with some major change my characters have decided to make that I didn’t foresee at the beginning. As you know, they’re pretty demanding types, so I’ve found it’s better to just give in and let them dictate to me. They haven’t failed me yet!

Amber - The series has some pretty cool titles! How do you come up with them? Do you always go with the first title, or is it hard to come up with the right one?

Jennifer - The first few titles were a group effort. The last three were mine, alone, and came to me almost instantly. Titles are very difficult, because they need to grab a reader whose eyes are scanning shelves of literally hundreds of books, they need to convey a wealth of meaning in very few words, and they need to make sense. Not. Easy.

Amber - If the series was going to be made into a TV series or film, who could you see playing the main characters?

Jennifer - I used to try to figure that one out, but recently I’ve realized I’m an awful casting director. Can I leave those choices up to your followers? What do you guys think? Who should play Jaz, Vayl, Cole, Bergman, and Cassandra?

Amber - What is next? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?

Jennifer - I recently signed with Orbit to do another urban fantasy series, a trilogy called Book Club of the Damned. As my agent so aptly put it, think Jane Austen Book Club meets Shaun of the Dead and you have a pretty good idea of where I plan to go with it. Yup, you can start laughing now. Just remember, I don’t plan on letting you stop until you read the words “The End.”

Amber - What are the good times and bad times of being an author?

Jennifer - The good times are when the words are flowing so fast my fingers can barely keep up with my thoughts. Aand I can type pretty dern fast!

The bad times are pretty rough, because I need a certain level of emotional peace in order to write. And if I’m not there, it’s like I never knew how to write a check, much less a paragraph full of creative nuance that progresses a plot. Well, we all have our crap days, right?

Amber - What have you been reading and watching lately? Do you have any recommendations for us?

Jennifer - I have such a difficult time sitting down to read it’s begun to get a little hilarious. I’ve been working on the same book now for six months. Me. The girl who used to inhale ten novels a week! Ouch! I’m still trying to plow through The Dwarves by Markus Heitz, which is much better than my reading pace shows. I also just got the first book in Marta Acosta’s Casa Dracula series, Happy Hour at Casa Dracula, which I think is going to be marvelous.

I haven’t watched TV in months. The last movie I saw was the Sherlock Holmes piece with Robert Downey, Jr., which I really liked. So I’m woefully behind in the visual media department. Maybe you guys can recommend some stuff to me?

Amber - If you could have any superhero powers, which ones would you want? Or would you be a villain?

Jennifer - I’m already a villain, girl, haven’t you heard?

Amber - Thank you so much for being a guest on Amberkatze’s Book Blog! I hope you will come back again!

Jennifer - It would be a joy, and thanks so much for having me! I’d also like to invite your followers to stop by and chat sometime. I’m kinda addicted to the Internet, so it’s a good bet you’ll find me at one of these sites sometime during the day…



Contest Time

I wasn't going to do a contest this week but just ask people to give to charity. However I decided that people should read Jennifer's books and this shouldn't be to much of a sad affair! So I am giving away a winners choice of book! So if you need the first Jaz Parks book, you get the first one. If you need the new Jaz Parks book, you get the new one.

The charity the family requested is The Riley Children's Foundation if you would like to make a donation.

How To Enter

Jennifer left a question unanswered in the interview and asked YOU followers to answer it. Give your answer to be entered.

No Answer = No Entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com links/Banners below and around the site!

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The contest will stay open until Sunday 31st of October 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Barbara E. said...

Who should play Jaz, Vayl, Cole, Bergman, and Cassandra?

I haven't had a chance to read Jennifer's books, so I have no idea who should play her characters. Jaz sounds like a kick-ass gal though, so if I have to guess, I'd pick Jennifer Garner to play Jaz.

Blodeuedd said...

I have book yet, I got now in October. I had been meaning to read this series for a while, and after what happened, I felt it was time.

Can't answer the question since I do not know what the characters are like yet.

But Jessica Alba can kick som ass

Unknown said...

The Question: What do you guys think? Who should play Jaz, Vayl, Cole, Bergman, and Cassandra?

Man I always have a hard time thinking of who should play what. Given that directors use their discretion in casting I know not every actor will match the book..BUT I think Jaz could be played by Kate Beckinsale! Vayl would be hmmmm I keep thinking Gerard Butler...but I think that's cause I just think he's a hottie! I can't imagine him in the part of Vayl though unless he got SUPER tone. As to the others I can't think of anyone but it's been a year since I read the books!

Sharon S. said...

well, she asked a couple of questions throughout the interview...I haven't read her yet so I can't comment on the cast, but she did ask who we would rather face wielders, demons or werewolves...I would have to go with wielders. Hoping they would be easier to out run .

Katie said...

I wish I could give a good answer to the question, but I haven't read any of the books, so it make it hard, but I love Milla Jovovich when she does action.

This series has been on my radar for a while and would love to try it

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of your books yet so I can't answer the question. I would love to read your books though. They sound really good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Margaret said...

I've read almost all her Jaz Parks books (except for the new one that hasn't arrived here), but I'm certain I'm a wayyyyy worse casting director. I'm thinking of a young cast, but I think I might go for Ashley Greene as Cassandra - she'd more suit that I think because her face is kinda gentler than the kickass look of Jaz :-P

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/VamPoet/status/28710078979


WickedLilPixie said...

Reading this interview was so bittersweet Amber. Thank you for posting it even if I'm a bit teary eyed.

As for who should play the characters, I'd not want anyone to. I'm not a fan of books to movies, but if I had had had to chose I'd only chose for Jaz: Kate Beckinsale

RIP Jenn, you're missed.

Stephanie said...

I think Emma Stone would make a good Jaz.


throuthehaze said...

I havent read this series yet do I don't feel like I could really pick out a cast. Someone mentioned Emma Stone though and I think she is great so I would possibly pick her to play Jaz.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Calliope said...

The Question: What do you guys think? Who should play:

Jaz Scarlet Johansson
Vayl Jude Law
Cole Chris Evans
Bergman Elijah Wood
Cassandra Zoe Saldana

At least those would my guesses....

heatwave16 said...

I can't comment on who should play the characters, since I haven't started the series. I happen to pick up the first book a few months before she passed, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

Thanks so much for still posting this interview.

tweeted - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/28744553932


Llehn said...

Jaz Jessica Alba
Vayl Tim Daly
Cole Tom Welling
Bergman Freddy Highmore
Cassandra Lynsey Newton

Calliope said...

Ok - I found a better Vayl.

Richard Armitage.

He's to play Thorin in the new Hobbit movies.

He's perfect.

Sue Brandes said...

The Question: What do you guys think? Who should play Jaz, Vayl, Cole, Bergman, and Cassandra?
Her books are in my to read pile so I haven't read any yet.
I love Jennifer Gardner~she can kick butt. Not sure about the others.
Sue B

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Ohhhh I hate having to cast actors for characters! Really, no actor I can think of ever comes close to being the character I envision in my mind, hence one of the reasons why I am skeptical in opinion about a book turned movie/TV show. I have to like them separately as 2 different entities.

I can't think of her name, but the girl who played Anna, an angel, in Supernatural season 4 and 5 would probably be a decent Jaz. Really I say this because of her hair color and how it looks like the Jaz on the covers.

Cole, a young Paul Walker maybe?
Thinking of him from She's all That. But not an a-hole, obviously!

Can't think of Vayl, Cassandra or Bergman. Like I said, I'm bad at this game because no one comes close to meeting my requirements!

Have button on my blog sidebar: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Haven't read these books yet, but I did want to stop by and say it was a great interview. Was very sorry to hear of Jennifer's passing. Thank you for posting it--I know that must have been a hard decision to make.


whitewolfreads said...

I can't answer the question because I haven't started the series yet. I've had the first five books sitting on my shelf in what has felt like forever but I'm definitely going to put them on the top of my TBR list!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmspettoli/status/28938542265

From the interview Jennifer sounds like such a fun person and I'm sure she will be missed.

Natasha said...

You should watch.. Supernatural!!!!! Eureka and Vampire Diaries!! Oh, and The Office! hehe



SiNn said...

The Question: What do you guys think? Who should play:

Jaz Milla
Vayl Christian Kane
Cole Chris Evans
Bergman Elijah Wood
Cassandra Zoe Saldana

to answer her who would i face im daring so id take my chances with werewolves

Rest in Peace

Unknown said...

Who should play Jaz, Vayl, Cole, Bergman, and Cassandra?
I never read any of the books so I dont know the characters but christian Bales is hotttt!!! and he can play anyone character

Ina said...

I've read the first three books so far, but I don't know who could play them, because I don't have popular faces in front of my eyes while reading - it's quite difficult to find representatives for them...

inale87 at gmx dot at

Victoria said...

I'm not entering the contest. I just wanted to say that I think you honor Jennifer by posting her interview. Thank you.

felinewyvern said...

Thank you for honouring a wonderful woman and author by posting her interview.

Who should play:
Jaz I think maybe Jessica Alba and
Vayl should be played by Richard Armitage, also Christopher Egan would be a good Cole. Bergman makes me think of Daniel Radcliffe so I'd pick him and I think Zoe Saldana would make a very impressive Cassandra.

emmad said...

I haven't read the series yet so can't comment on who should play who.

From comments in the interview and by others though what about Pauley Perrette as Jaz. She's sassy, a little short and fully able to take care of herself

LSUReader said...

I haven't yet read this series, so I trust others will have a better idea about fully casting it. From what I have read of Jaz, I think Kiera Knightly would be a good fit. She's used to athletic roles (King Arthur, Pirates movies) and she is not yet associated with any other action franchise. (Email in profile.)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I haven't read this series yet but I did buy the first three of Jazz books about a month before her passing. I had sent her an email asking about when she thought her other 3 books were going to be released in the mass market format. When I heard the news, I knew then, that was why I hadn't heard back ;( This is still so sad, she was so young.
I think Angelina Jolle & the Underworld chick are awesome, strong, female lead characters, I am sure they would fit perfectly into the Jazz books from what I have heard of her characters

Unknown said...

I have to say I haven't read Jennifer's books yet, though I ahve already put them on my TBR list when I heard the tragic news. Many friends of mine loved her series and are very saddened by her loss.

I would imagine Jaz to be a kick ass, dark haired heroine, so I would say either Shiri Appleby or Jessica Alba.

+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/29270138976

+1 posted on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=102345356502360&id=100000899165880

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank you for the interview, Jennifer sounds so kind and warmhearted.

Anonymous said...

Jaz-Kristen Stewart, Vayl-Shia La Beouf, Cole-Emile Hirsch, Bergman-Jamie Bell, Cassandra-Megan Fox garrettsambo@aol.com