Linda's books always make me laugh and if you haven't already given them a try then maybe after reading the interview you will be adding them to your wishlist or shopping basket. Fans of the books will find out a little bit more about what the future holds for the series. Whichever group you belong to...everyone can enter the contest :)
Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as again as a guest! How all the witchy girls are doing? Are Jazz and Nick ok? Bunny Slippers still busy eating everything? Blair and Stasi happy?
Linda – Thank you for having me back, Amber! They’re all doing well. Jazz and Nick are settling in very well as a couple. Blair and Stasi have the perfect guys in their lives and as for Fluff and Puff, trouble is still their middle names. Do you know I never find my bunny slippers in the same place? I dread to think what they’ve been up to when I’m not around.
Linda – The book is coming out with a new title. After my editor read the manuscript she told me she loved the half fire demon so much she wanted to repackage the series with new titles and covers. So the book had to be rescheduled to next April.
Amber - Demons are a Girls Best Friend is due out in April. What can we expect from the new book?
Linda – Maggie is a total kick ass witch and works for an organization that protects all the Supes. In this one, she’s dealing with a sexy half fire demon who owns a club that defies the imagination, discovering that an ancient Mayan curse will be released unless she can stop it in time, and it all comes down to a mouthy teenager girl. Maggie’s no mom figure either. A lot of new characters and creatures. Maggie’s got a diamond covered black widow spider tattoo named Elle who wants to keep a mate longer than one night of sex and surfs the web for just the right spell. The Librarian is also returning.
Amber - The gals have seen a lot of action so far. How do you decide what to throw at them in each book?
Amber - How did you come up with the idea for the Hex series? Was it a long process or did it just come to you?
Linda – It started with Jazz. I had the idea of a witch who banished curses and I thought of a witch who owned a lingerie boutique that also offered romance novels. At first, I wasn’t sure I’d put them together, but then the idea of 13 witches banished from the Witches Academy popped into my head and it took off from there. The fun part is that each witch is so individual, so it’s writing a series, yet not writing one. I think they surprise me too.
Amber - I love Fluff & Puff and Horace! How did those cute characters come about?
Linda – When I first visualized Jazz I saw her dressed in pj pants, tank top, and bunny slippers complete with razor sharp teeth and wild grins. She stood in front of a smoking microwave oven because it just seemed right. Horace came about after my agent gave me a gargoyle figurine one Yule. I looked at him, said his name was Horace (I have a habit of naming everything) and I just knew he belonged to Stasi. Plus, I loved the animated series, Duckman, who was about as politically incorrect as you could get and that worked for Horace.
Amber - How do you pick the names for your characters? Do they have any special meanings?
Amber - If the series was going to be made into a Tv programme or Film who could you see playing your characters?
Linda – I think about that and I always see a mesh of faces, so I really can’t see one person. Right now, I’d just love to see it happen!
Amber - The cover for Demons are a Girls Best Friend is quite different from what your fans are used to. I personally think it looks good! Very sexy and steamy! What do you think of it?
Linda – I love it. The funny thing is I suggested this scene for the cover when it was The Best Hex Ever because I wanted sexy and edgy. When they asked for suggestions for Demons Are A Girl’s Best Friend I asked for it again and got it! The illustrator is the same one who designs Yasmine Galenorn and Anya Bast’s covers.
Linda – We are asked for cover suggestions and naturally give them the info on the characters. Not really a say on release dates. Such as the book after Demons, Undercover Demon, will be out in January, 2012.
Amber - I am sure that being an author has its ups and downs. What experiences have you had so far?
Linda – This December is the 30th anniversary for the publication of my first book, Silhouette Romance, Dancer in the Shadows. I’ve had a lot over that time. Mourning when a line I wrote for was closed down. But also having fun with books, meeting people, and making incredible friends who are still around. It’s been an amazing learning experience and I feel that I’m still discovering new things along the way.
Amber - What have you been reading, listening to and watching lately?
Amber - If you were a superhero, what powers would you want? Or would you be a villain?
Linda – You know what? I always thought villains have more fun, but I don’t want the heroine to take me down, so I’d have to find a way to balance the two, wouldn’t I? Hm, if there’s antiheroes, why not an antiheroine?
Amber - Thank you so much for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog! I hope you will come back again ;)
Linda - Thanks Amber!
The winner of this weeks contest can pick which Linda Wisdom book they would like to have! (If available on Bookdepository or Amazon).
How To Enter
So many book covers! So many different styles! Are there any book covers that you really like? Or really hate?
No Book Cover = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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The contest will stay open until Sunday 24th of October 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I haven't read those books yet, but those covers sure make me want to. I love anything witchy. I like Hex Appeal best.
If I win, I want the first book in the series please.
I love the cartoon art covers and Wicked by Any Other Name is my favorite. Another great example of art covers is Nicole Peeler's Tempest Rising, I love it.
Great interview, Linda! I absolutely love the new cover!
Hi Linda -
Great interview!!! :)
I thought the cartoony covers went right along with the clever Hexy titles, but now that it's being repackaged without the "Hex" I think the darker cover is really eye catching and exciting!!!
COngratulations on your series!!!
Lisa :)
Great interview, Linda. Love the new cover and that picture of you!!
Thanks all!
I love my series, the witches who inhabit my world and their creature sideicks. I always hope my readers feel the same.
Loved the interview, and I can't wait to read the books. I've heard wonderful things about them.
Thanks Anita!
No need to put me in the contest. I already have them all. Just wanted to stop by and say Hi to my big sis! If you've not read her books you are missing so much!
Aw, thanks lil sis!
And Elaine's a terrific writer too.
Great interview, Linda! You know I love your books. I wish they'd come out more often :-) I can't wait for Demons are a Girl's Best Friend!
Thanks Lynda!
But you do get to read them earlier. :}
If I could just think up ONE title as clever as yours, I'd be happy, but now we see that your books can have TWO snappy, clever, memorable titles.... There has to be a gene for this, possibly located on the housework chromosome, and I didn't get it.
Grace Burrowes
I like the cartoony covers the best. They go with the titles and they stand out from a lot of the other covers I see these days.
I like the cartoon covers cause they show so much personality. You can do so much more with them as far as humor. Don't get me wrong, I do love smexy man back/pec covers too . I haven't read this series yet, but would love to give it a whirl!
I really like these covers. Hex in High Heels is my favorite.
I absolutely love the cover for Hex Appeal - it's really sexy!
you are a new author to me and I loved the interview... will def keep your books in mind :)
greetings, Ina
There are really no book covers that I really like or hate but I haven't read these books yet and the covers look great. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I hate some of the eBook covers that look like bad computer graphics. I really like all kinds of covers.
Hi Amber and Linda!
First, terrific interview - as always! Cover art? I suppose I just want to see covers that fit the book's mood - and also appear to be created for a specific book rather than being cookie cutter. I loved the cartoon art of your books, Linda, but I also like the new one!
I've read every book in this series, and had the great honor to read the new one early. Oh, baby! I need to snag my own copy! :)
No need to enter me in the contest. Just wanted to say hi!
Nancy Haddock
I love the UK-covers of Trudi Canavan's books and of Rachel Vincent.
The covers are thanks to my editor and marketing, Grace.
Thanks Sandy and Sharon!
We authors never know what marketing will come up with along the way.
Thanks Julie! I loved writing Hex in High Heels.
Thanks Ina. I love to write fun books.
Thanks Tore.
Sue, my books are in print first, but yes, I've seen some e-books with covers that don't seem to work. Still, I've also seen that with print books.
Nancy!!! Who's also an awesome writer! Thanks!
I haven't read these books, but they look great! I like the new cover, and the cartoony covers are definitely cute and eye-catching.
I prefer the cartoony covers because they have a more whimsical feel. 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover is my favorite.
My favorite covers are like the one for Demons are a Girl's Best Friend. A sexy torso is always eye catching.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
I always love the idea of different covers to depict a book and a series.
My publisher wanted the change because of my demon hero. I admit Declan is very sexy, more intense, but the humor and whimsy is still there.
My favorite type of cover varies a lot. On some books I like photos, on some I like paintings and other others I like cartoony, it all depends on how its done and how it fits the book. I really like the cartoon covers for these, they make me want to read the book because they make them look fun. I really like the cover for Hex in High Heels.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
Please enter me in the giveaway. I like the Cartoon art covers. I think they are very interesting. I like some of the covers on the cozy mysteries that are coming out these days from authors like Laura Childs.
I like covers that really make you wonder about a book, those that draw you in and you have to find out what the book is about.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
I'm really attracted to covers like The Replacement, both Patricia Briggs series Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega, The Iron Thorn and Fallen. I love beautiful covers with a darker tone to them.
Thanks for the great interview and contest!
I don't really like covers that feature a rugged looking man and a woman in sexy clothing clutching on to him because I think it's overdone.
I love the covers of Fallen, Hush, Hush and Nightshade.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Totally love the Demon's are a Girls Best Friend Cover.
I've included this giveaway in my Crazy Contest Sentence for today.
Miranda ~ Sweet Vernal Zephyr Reviews
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
The cover I have loved most this year is Cinders by Michelle Davidson Argyle. it is so pretty.
I do love fun covers like these, and pretty ones, but I am so tired of all those headless ones
I enjoy these book covers. I pretty much like most book covers. The only thing that annoys me, is if they have nothing to do with the story.
great interview. One type of cover I like cover have hunky half naked men on them :)
The best covers...Hmm...well I usually don't turn down any book that has a half naked man on the cover *grin* but I also like it when the cover sets the mood for the books. As in, if it's a dark and scary book, then the cover should be dark and creepy. But if it's a light, fun chicklit book then the cover should be colorful.
I've read the first two Hex books and adored them!
Great interview & Author :) Hi Linda, you are one of my auto buy authors :) I love your Tremaine Series. After reading the questions & answers, the mystery has been solved with your October releases "Best Hex Ever". I went to borders & argued w/them that this book was supposed to exist & well I'm sure they thought I was crazy. I haven't been able to double check w/your site to update my list. It's great to hear that it exists & getting a new title and I luv the new cover. I didn't hate the previous covers but I thought that that cartoony type of look didn't do the characters justice. Is this character add changing your initial story line & Is it staying part of Hex series?
My opinion on book covers? Man Candy is sweet as long as the man on the cover matches the man in the book. I get really irked and is my biggest gripe about covers is when I read a book and have to look back at the cover to see that the characters on the cover look nothing like what the book reads. Book covers have really come to life compared to book covers pre year 2002 ish for PNR, UF, SciFi & sorta Historicals. Awesome color, artworks, symbols you name it, they are making covers look great in these genres that I read. I've bought a few books just because the cover hooked me to pick it up & read the blurb. If it at all interesting, it gets bought :)
I am a GFC & Email follower. Please enter me ;)
I have read these books and loved them.
However, according to the back of my copy of 'Hex in High Heel's the next book as this interview has stated was to be titled 'The Best Hex Ever'. It is not a story on Maggie, but on Thea in a ghost town which the excerpt shows. So, how can it be a retitling of a novel, when it is an entirely different novel? That is a question I would've asked Linda.
@ Dawnfire - Make sure you stop by in a few weeks when Linda is here again! I am sure she would be happy to answer your question!
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