Jeannie Holmes is new to the genre so I hope you will all add her book to your wishlists for Christmas. Here you have the chance to get to know the author and find out more about Blood Law. Oh and if you are lucky you could win a copy! Check out the contest to find out more!
Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your debut book, Blood Law?
Jeannie – Thanks for inviting me, Amber! I’m very happy to be here. Blood Law is the first in the Alexandra Sabian series. In the book, the vampires of Jefferson, Mississippi lived by one law: Never take by force from one what is freely offered by others...until someone crossed the line. Now a killer is stalking the small town's vampires and Alexandra Sabian, an Enforcer with the Federal Bureau of Preternatural Investigation, must face mounting tensions between the humans and vampires, increasing pressure from her bosses, and her ex-fiancĂ© in order to stop the murders before the town rips itself apart.
Amber - I really like Blood Law and can't wait for more. How did you come up with the idea? Was it a long process?
Amber - Are you anything like Alexandra? Are any of the characters based on people you know?
Jeannie – The only attribute Alex and I share is a love of coffee and cats. She has a pet Maine Coon named Dweezil, whose personality is an amalgamation of my own four cats. Alex and all the characters in Blood Law are fictional. None are based on anyone I know.
Amber - What famous person could be Alexandra's twin?
Jeannie – I can’t really think of anyone who would be an identical twin for Alex. I’ve had some readers at signings tell me they think the model on the cover favors Felicia Day from the web show, The Guild. I can see where someone may make that association, but the Alex I picture in my head is hard to translate to any one famous person.
Amber - When will the second book come out? What can we expect from the Alexandra Sabian series?
Jeannie – The second book, Blood Secrets, is slated for release next summer. I don’t have a confirmed date yet. As soon as I do, I will let everyone know. What to expect from the series…a lot of twists and turns and a few surprises. Blood Secrets will reveal a little more about Alex’s father, her past, and her relationship with Varik. The second book will also introduce a new bad guy who will really challenge Alex and Varik professionally as well as personally. That’s really I can say without giving away spoilers.
Amber - How much say did you have in the book publishing process? Eg. Do you get to pick the cover?
Jeannie – Once a book is in the publisher’s hands, the author doesn’t have a lot of input from that point forward. We’re certainly consulted on any major changes the publisher wants to make but everyone involved is working toward the same goal, which is to put out the best book we possibly can, so there are hundreds of decisions that have to be made. Authors aren’t consulted on every single one simply because of the sheer amount of time it would take. I was asked for my input on the cover prior to its creation and then given two options to choose from for the final cover. I picked the one I thought best reflected Alex and the book’s content. My editor and the entire publishing team agreed with the choice and that’s how I got a true awesome cover that I completely love.
Amber - What is like being a new author on the writing scene? Wild parties with other authors or sitting at home writing more books as fast as possible?
Jeannie – The only word I can use to describe being a new author on the scene is “surreal.” I worked for so long to make Blood Law a reality and to finally see it on shelves and hear from readers who have enjoyed it is just surreal. I wake up thinking it’s a dream and then when I sit at my computer and see emails from readers, I know it’s not and feel incredibly grateful that I can do something I love to do—write. No wild parties for me. I’m not a wild party person. I’m actually very boring in real life and spend most of my time locked in my office, writing.
Amber - Did you always wanted to be an author? Did you pick the Paranormal Urban Fantasy genre? or did it pick you?
Jeannie – I wouldn’t say I always knew I wanted to be an author. I’ve always enjoyed writing and making up my own stories, but I actually decided to write full-time after I realized that my visual art talent capped out with figure drawing. All the people I tried to draw in my college classes looked like deformed Hobbits—not pretty. I was much better with words so I switched to creative writing and that set me on the road to publication. I’ve always like science fiction and fantasy so when I discovered urban fantasy I realized I could blend all these different genre elements. That really appealed to me so I guess it was sort of a mutual “picking.”
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Is there any music or other media that influences your writing?
Jeannie – I don’t really watch a lot of television. I have a few shows I watch purely for escapism—Hell’s Kitchen, Doctor Who, Project Runway, Ghost Hunters—but I listen to a lot of music, especially when I’m writing. Currently, I’m enjoying the album “Avalon” from Sully Erna, leader singer of Godsmack. It’s his first solo album and I’m in love it. Other musical influences on my writing are really varied from bands like Motley Crue to Nine Inch Nails to Kamelot to the Dixie Chicks. It’s more about what fits the mood of the scene I’m working on than anything else.
Amber - What books do you enjoy reading? Do you have any favourite authors/series?
Jeannie – I’m a non-discriminatory reader. I read everything. Favorite series are Rachel Morgan by Kim Harrison and Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris. I also love the Signs of the Zodiac series by Vicki Pettersson. For favored individual authors I like the classics—Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, John Milton, Dante—and I also read a lot of folklore and mythology.
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Jeannie – I would have to pick my favorite and say a vampire. The main reason is because I’ve spent so much time researching them that I think I know enough about them at this point to be able to survive being one. Plus I know where all the good hang outs are. ;)
Amber - Thanks for stopping by! I hope you will come visit us again :)
Jeannie – Thanks again for inviting me! This was a lot of fun.
Contest Time
Jeannie says she loves to go giveaways and will gladly offer a signed copy of Blood Law to one lucky reader.
How To Enter
Christmas is coming. What is books (or book related items) are going on your wishlist?
No Answer = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!
You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the links/Banners below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 14th of November 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days. Do not post your email address here! I do not need it (because you need to contact me if you above!) and you are only opening yourself up for spam!
My theme this Christmas is getting my own copies of awesome books I've read so far this year. Winner so far are Blood Law (although I hope I win a copy here!) Enemy Lover, The Splendor Falls, and more I'm probably forgetting. I'll probably treat myself to preorders of Kiss of Snow and Archangel's Consort as well.
whatbookisthat at gmail dot com
I have a pretty large wish list, and I'm hoping to pare it down a little soon. Some of the books on it are: Zoe Archer's The Blades of the Rose series, Gail Carriger's Blameless, Nicole Peeler's Tracking the Tempest, Jennifer Estep's Web of Lies, Laura Bickle's Sparks, and Ann Aguirre's Killbox.
Blood Law has been on my radar for a while now, I'd love the chance to win a copy.
Grave Witch and Firelight have both been on my wishlist forever. It would be great to get both fro Christmas. :-D
bigferret at email dot com
I would love to get anything by Jennifer Estep, LOVELY WICKED by Kari Gregg, or anything by Kalayna Price.
My book wish list is pretty long but there are definitely some awesome books on there. What I'm really hoping for is for an e-reader of some sort.
Aside from all of the books on my never-ending wishlist, what I really want for Xmas this year is an iPad. I'll admit, I already have a Kindle, but the iPad is just so shiny and pretty that I can't resist.
I could ask for books for Christmas, but I will ask for a giftcard if possible. I know we are doing a Secret Santa book exchange, so have to make up a list of top five from the six page Wanton Wantin' Book List.
Jeannie's book has been the WWBL for a little while. I have bumped it up in the color code so I get it soonest.
There are so many books that I want, but I have issues waiting to have others get them for me, instead of just buying them for myself, so I usually ask for gift certificates to bookstores, that way I can buy what ever is left over on my list.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
My bookish items for my Christmas list are:
a rechargeable book light (so I can read in the car)
I also have a HUGE wish list of books!
Please enter me - thanks for hosting!
I have the Bards Of Bone Plain by Patricia McKillip on my list. And of course a book store gift card.
I have Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison, Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead, and The House of Dead Maids by Clare B. Dunkle on my 'omg have to have for Christmas' list. :)
Thanks for the giveaway! Fab interview with Jeannie.
From the Shadows[at]gmail[dot]com
I've actually cheated by getting some books on my wishlist early, but there are still plenty of titles from both YA and adult I'd love to get my hands on! Coincidentally I wanted Blood Law, and there are some like the Kate Daniels series that's been out and 7th Jaz Parks book (I love Jennifer's books, memory must live on)
Thank you for the chance! Awesome interview, of course :)
I'm not allowed any more books until I put a dent in my TBR pile, but I still have Rachel Vincent's Alpha on my wishlist.
Gosh what's not on my wishlist. I've been wanting to get into the Dresden files (yes, I'm a latecomer to awesome books) so I think that one is at the top.
I have a big wish list too. I would love to read Gone with the Wind, Bram Stroker's Dracula, Dracula My Love, Crescendo, The Perfect Love Song. Lol the list goes on and on. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book also.
I just love books I have rediscovered the books.
Thanks for the giveaway. My wish list consists of books gift certificate for amazon or barns and noble so i can get what comes out at the beginning of the year.
My book wishlist is huge, but I don't expect to get any of them for Christmas. If I were, I'd ask for Lauren Kate's Fallen and Torment.
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
For me this would be: "My Swordhand Is Singing" by Marcus Sedgwick
Devoured By Darkness - Alexandra Ivy and Ghost Town - Rachel Caine are on my Christmas list. vsloboda(at)gmail(dot)com
My book wish list is pretty long, but here are the books I want the most: Chloe Neil's Chicagoland Vampires series, Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassins series, Richelle Mead's Last Sacrifice.
I have heard nothing but good things about this book! It is definitely on my TBR list. My wish list is very long, but I want the Downside of Ghosts trilogy and a gift card to get Shadowfever when it comes out!
I like any kind of book related items from journals to gift certificates to my local bookstore. I would also like to have a new color NOOk... LOL, probably wishful thinking
Please enter me in the giveaway.
This looks like a great book!
James patterson's new book.
Hush Hush and Clockwork Angel have made it onto the list so far. As well as Richelle Mead's Georgina Kincaid series.
And of course Borders gift certificates so I can keep myself stocked for next year!
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Have button in sidebar, towards the bottom of page, buttons in alphabetical order according to blog name:
I have Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning and gift card from Amazon on my wishlist.
Clockwork is definetly on my list, thanks
I'm sure I'll go with a giftcard to Borders or Amazon for my Christmas list. The list of books I want is so long that it is hard just to pick a couple.
tweeted -
My Christmas wish list includes graphic novels and superhero novels.
-Michelle, wookieecookie7 at sbcglobal dot net
An ereader is on my list yet again, because I still haven't gotten one. Woe is me.....sigh.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
Thank you so much for having this contest. I really appreciate it. My Wish List always includes books!
My Christmas list will include Books Books and More Books. I'm looking forward to collecting some books in which I couldnt find at my local bookstore before it closed. I do have some titles that I'm looking forward to.. among those Jeannie Holmes Blood Law, Rachel Vincent Shift and Alpha, and looking forward to the new books from Kim Harrison and Richelle Mead. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh I always have books on my Christmas list! I have a giant book wishlist but what I'm asking for right now are a few YA's like Paranormalcy, The Replacemnt and Birthmarked. For Adult books I'm asking for a couple of Ilona Andrews books I haven't gotten yet, Blood Law (if i don't win) and The Iron Duke. Oh I'm so excited, can't wait for Christmas!
This Christmas I would love to get some steampunk novels! Its a new genre for me and I think I just might like it.
Thanks for the giveaway. I've included it in Today's Crazy Contest Sentence.
Miranda ~ Sweet Vernal Zephyr Reviews
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
I have a couple of things on my wishlist for Christmas:
* Full Night, No Stars, by Stephen King
* I Am Not a Serial Killer, Dan Wells
* Instructions, Neil Gaiman
* Trio of Sorcery, Mercedes Lackey
* The Fall, Guillermo del Toro & Chuck Hogan
BrigidsBlest at yahoo dot com
Oh wow I have a huge wishlist lol. I'd love Nook Color :D! I have a Kindle but the Nook Color just looked awesome. I'd love a kindle case with light though since I doubt I get the Nook LOL. Gift cards to Amazon, B&N etc are also on the top of my list so I can browse and shop. A few books on my list (aside from Jeannie's :) ) are The Bride Quartet books by Nora Roberts, When Wicked Crave by J Beck, Wicked Highlander by Donna Grant, Bone Gods by Caitlin Kittredge, and Dukes to the Left of Me, Princes to the Right by Kieran Kramer.
Hope you have a great Holiday Jeannie!
Pam S
pams00 @
My X.mas list is long..
would love to have in my stocking
Fallen and Torment by Lauren Kate
Mine is book related. I want a nook or another kind of ebook reader. And the book side jobs by Jim Butcher. That would make me so happy!
The new Armistead Maupin and Amy Sedaris books are on my list!
I love to read and am trying new genres so I would love to add this to my list!
i want to get the book private by james patterson
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My wish list is going to consist of home repairs/remodeling/decorating book. We are FINALLY going to remodel our home next year! I'm so excited!!
On my list is a Kindle and gift certificates to Barnes & Noble so I can buy audiobooks.
I'd really like a Kindle for Christmas!
I would love Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison in my christmas stocking! suelee1998 @
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