Now Jackie is well known for her Hell on Earth succubus books and also her superhero YA novels written with Caitlin Kittredge. But did you know she has a new YA series out? A cool new series about the four riders of the apocalypse?
I have had the pleasure of reading both Hunger and Rage and can only highly recommend them both. I am really looking forward to the next two books and hopefully you will all get yourselves a copy and agree with me!
Maybe you will win a copy? Check out the contest after reading the interview. You could get a copy of Hunger!
Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest again! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your YA
series, The Riders?
Amber - How did the idea for the series come about? Is it something you have been working on for a while?
Jackie - I had the idea for HUNGER for 10 years. I'd told myself that no one would want to read it. Luckily, my agent convinced me otherwise. (For the record, I don't recommend waiting 10 years to write a book!)
Amber - I already had the pleasure of reading HUNGER and was extremely impressed about the way you spotlighted such a delicate subject. You seem to know a lot about eating disorders. Is is something you researched or something you have dealt with yourself?
Jackie - I used to be bulimic. Writing HUNGER was extremely cathartic, even though I haven't been bulimic for a long time. I did do some research into specific anorexic behavior.
Jackie - Yes. RAGE, which will come out early spring 2011, is about a teen girl who self-injures, who becomes the new avatar of War. LOSS, which I'm writing now, is about a bullied teenage boy who is tricked into becoming Pestilence. The fourth book, BREATH, will be Death's book. I haven't started writing that one yet, but it's safe to say the issue will have something to do with death. :)
Amber - Is it hard switch genres? A sexy succubus one day and a Young Adult series the next? Did you always want to write a Young Adult series?
Amber - The books have really cool covers! Did you get a say in that?
Jackie - I had absolutely no say in the cover, but I am extremely grateful to have been blessed by the cover gods.
Amber - How long on average does it take you to write a book? Do you have a
process you follow? or do you just start at page one and see what happens?
Jackie - Well...HUNGER had been brewing for 10 years. So it all came pouring out in four weeks. (To be fair, it is a very short book.) RAGE took longer -- a couple months to write the first four chapters and the synopsis, and then two more months to write the rest of the book, with a lot of research in the middle. LOSS at the moment is giving me gray hair from how long it's taking. But that's OK. The words will come.
Amber - A lot of authors have 'soundtracks' for their books. Is there any music that influenced the Riders series?
Jackie - For HUNGER, no, because the words came so quickly -- that being said, Nirvana songs play a role. For RAGE, I listened to a lot of Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Shine Down, Linkin Park, Nickelback, and definitely Nirvana. LOSS is mostly Linkin Park and Nirvana. As for BREATH, I currently have Nirvana, Breaking Benjamin, Shaman's Harvest and Slipknot on the soundtrack.
Amber - Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Jackie - Other projects, yes. Other contracted projects, no. ;)
Amber - There has been quite a lot of Paranormal TV series and Films to hit the screens lately. Why do you think that is? Would you like to see any of your characters come to life in the same way?
Amber - Which Rider would you like to be? Or would you choose to be Death?
Jackie - Oh heavens. I wouldn't want to be any of them. I have far too much fun playing God when I write them. But I wouldn't mind hanging out with Death. He's cool. And he plays a mean guitar.
Amber - Thanks for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again!
Jackie - Thanks again, Amber!
Contest Time
Would you like to win a copy of Hunger? Well just enter the contest to win!
How to Enter
Everywhere I look I see Christmas! Are you ready? Have you got all the presents? Do you wait till the last minute? Or is it just too early?
No Christmas = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the links/Banners below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 5th of December 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I'm totally ready for christmas. Like every year. I love this season. Made my christmas music playlists, baked my first bash of cookies, decorated the house. Now I can "waste" my time on the christmas markets. *gg*
Haven't bought one single present yet. Never stressed out about it. Usually ordering sth online or I spent one day hunting it all down.
Thanks for the great contest. :)
hrududu AT hotmail DOT de
I am SO ready for Christamas! I've been counting down since last Dec. 26. xD Okay, that'd be a little extreme, but I am excited. I half half of my shopping done, which is good-usually I'm scrambling the week before to get last minute gifts!
kayla3194 at gmail dot com
I am not even close to being ready for Christmas. I need to start my shopping, but I at least have a few ideas. :)
tweeted -
I start preparing for Christmas on Black Friday. I do that one day "super shop" and then pick up any extras in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I have most of my gifts bought and packages arriving daily!
Our tradition is after the Black Friday shopping, we rest, then turn on some Christmas music and decorate the house. The music we prefer are the more lighthearted Christmas tunes like "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" and "Holly Jolly Christmas"
Thanks for the great contest! I'm a follower on GFC and networked blogs.
I tweeted at!/Donna224/status/9069853952442368
and shared on facebook at
Hi :)
Thank you for the interview with Jackie. I was shocked to learn that she had an eating disorder. Jackie's an inspiration to me.
All the best,
I am not ready at all- money concerns and health issues are taking a toll -but today was my sons 5th birthday and it was great!!!! Great interview And I would love to win a copy of HUNGER.
Hi, Jackie,
I enjoy your books and am looking forward to reading HUNGER and the other books in the series!
As far as Christmas.. I work in retail, so I'm totally in denial that it's the holiday season already again!
I'm not ready. I wish it were still a month away so I could be more certain that I finished all of my Christmas shopping.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
Hi, what are you doing I am not close to being ready for the Christmas. I want to start my funny shopping, but I had at least a few ideas.
Dee Schroth
We got our tree this weekend, and now the house is decorated. I will start baking soon. I know what I am getting my son, and will get it this week. I am scaling back what I give the rest of my family.It isn't worth it financially or emotionally.
In Holland we have an other holiday on december fifth, and only after that the madness of Christmas begins. Shopping for presents and the perfect tree. Decorating the house (and the office).
I am intrigued by this new series, I have only read the first series by Jackie Kessler yet.
No! I fear this year I'll only have time to do my shopping in the last couple of days before Christmas eve :( *sigh* even the tree will have to wait a little longer...I usually put it up on Dec 7th, but this year it will have to wait a week or so...*sad*
I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I am not ready for Christmas. I think its too early and also I am one to wait until the last minute to shop.
Nope, not ready - at all. Christmas has come way too quickly this year, but alas it will soon be here ready or not.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
oh yeah, I'm ready for Christmas - I've already bought the presents because now I've a lot to do, my flat is decorated and it's snowing!! can't wait til Christmas :)
greetings, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
Now that Thanksgiving is over, I'm getting ready for Christmas, not all the gifts are ready yet but we're getting there. Maybe we'll even make time to put up some decorations.
I'm ready for Christmas, I like choosing presents, so I usually start to look for them early. I've already got them, I only have to gift-wrap them. And I've started thinking about decorations and food too.
Thanks for the contest!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
I am not into Christmas, so I am more than glad when this time is over. But I love this season's sweets *g*
I'm just starting with Christmas. We only buy what the kids (all adults) tell us they want. So I'm still waiting for lists from two of them. And hubby keeps ignoring me when I ask what he wants. Can't get mad as I have no idea what I want either ;).
I am a wait until the last minute type of gal. I will get money on the 1st, and will do my main shopping then. The tree is here, need to put it up and decorate this week.
troublelore at gmail dot com
I'm officially done with present shopping, just waiting on a bunch to ship (done 100% online). We usually put the tree up on the weekend after Thanksgiving, but now that our kid is mobile (she was 2 months old last Christmas) we'll have to see what we can do.
Im never ready i tend to be a last minute everythinger lol tho by like teh 15-25 im on imr eady for this to be over mode i getall christmased out expecially since it startes before thanksgiving
I'm really excited for Christmas, but I'm not entirely ready yet since I still have some shopping to do!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I have started on shopping but am not done.
I'm one of those last minute shoppers. LOL.. I can do all my shopping in one store, 30 minutes flat! I like to shop but not at this time of the year... too many crowds and the like...
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I'm a total procrastinator, so I wait at the last minute.
I'm not quite ready yet but I'm getting there. The tree is up, decorations are out and I've bought about half of my gifts. Now I just need to start wrapping them.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm so ready for Christmas! I went shopping for gifts this past Black Friday and found some nice items for my family and friends. What I love most about Christmas is the holiday spirit as well as the winter break I'll be getting from school!
Yep, I am ready! Got the tree up and present shopping already done! I love Christmas! I hate to do last minute things so everythings done and ready to go, but now I have to wait...
I tend to wait till the last moment to decorate. Usually once my daughter gets home from college we start.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I am pretty much done . I start during the summer so I can spread the cost out.
I am not ready yet. I am about 1/2 ready. Im at my usual place for this point in time. I get the last 1/2 of what I need over the course of the rest of the time before Christmas.
link -
sidebar -
tweet -!/DonnaS1/statuses/10161127489019905
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I am not ready yet. Hope to finish this weekend!!!
nhmoose99 at yahoo dot com
Almost completely unprepared! Knitting away at gifts like a madwoman
Twitted here:!/wyvernfriend/status/10677959593558017
wyvernfriend at gmail dot com
I am totally ready for Christmas. No, wait. Let me amend that. I am totally ready for the Christmas HOLIDAYS, but I'm still pondering what gifts I should give to my family...
You can reach me at
I am sooooo not ready for Christmas. I have the little kids gifts (they're fun and easy) but I'm totally stumped for the adults on my list this year.
I am always ready for Christmas. I don't like shopping closer to Christmas as it's too busy so I get as much done as early as possible.
I like Christmas, but seven years of working retail over the holidays has made me really reluctant to go to the malls. I hate crowds! I like to do my shopping online, then mail the gifts to my parents' home, where I spend Christmas anyway.
As for the holiday itself, I enjoy it, but sometimes there's so much pressure to have fun that it really stresses me out!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
beax0002 (at) umn (dot) edu
I did the whole Black Friday shopping thing, but I'm still not done! I wish that I had an extra month to get ready.
I always wait to the last minute because it seems whenever I try to get it done early I always forget something or someone and so I'm out shopping the last minute anyways.
I'm working on it but I'm not even half way done buying the presents and their is still the decorating and the baking!!!!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I am NOT ready for christmas i am still trying to get the tree up and my presents are not bought.
I am about 2/3 of the way ready for Christmas. Gifts were easy this year, and I just need to get them wrapped and the tree up.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
all ready to go, thanks
I usually shop until a day or two before Christmas Eve.
i would love to read this it sounds amazing
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I am done shopping.
George Ferris
We bought some gifts but we still have a lot more work to do to get ready
I am mostly done with my shopping, just 2more people to go! (hard to shop for them *sigh*) Thanksgiving weekend is set aside for christmas decorating, so that is (mostly) done too! (Just need to put out my light up snoopy!)
ae1274 at gmail dot com
I haven't even started. I have been too busy. I usually have all my shopping done the week before Christmas.
I am very ready! With the recession and my being unemployed, everyone is getting baked goods and I'm a good baker! It's always nice making everyone's favorite cookies.
I'm not close to being ready for Christmas except for the Grandbaby's Santa gifts. My mom had surgery over Thanksgiving and is staying with us so I've not done much decorating yet. Hopefully once my baby is home from college next week, we'll get that done.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
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