Con artist-turned-radio-station-manager Ciara Griffin hopes to settle into a normal un-life as a fledgling vampire, with the help of her immortally hot fiancĂ©, grunge DJ Shane McAllister. But she has bigger problems than finding a sane blood donor and a new home for those boxes of mac ‘n’ cheese. Ciara’s best friend mourns her like she’s dead instead of undead, and her own maker clearly wishes she’d never been born (again). Worst of all, the WVMP crew calls a Code Black: hippie vampire DJ Jim has murdered a pair of humans—humans who share Ciara’s true last name.
That’s when trouble rolls out the red carpet, straight into Ciara’s life. At Shane’s first live concert, Ciara finds herself face to face with her Irish Traveller cousins, a not-so-welcome family reunion that might hold the key to Ciara’s anti-holy blood. Jim’s spiral into madness makes Ciara an unwilling prize in his deadly feud with Shane. As Ciara clings to what’s left of her humanity, she’ll need her new vampire strength—and old con artist cunning—now more than ever.
My Thoughts :
To help me out of my reading slump I decided to not over do things and read a novella. Luckily I had come across this free read a few days ago and it is from one of my favourite authors! Jeri Smith-Ready has written some amazing books and I can only highly recommend then you read each and every one of them.
I have to admit that I am not very good at keeping up with the short stories that a lot of authors bring out while you are waiting for the next installment or to just bridge gaps in the story with a short and interesting read . WVMP Radio #3.5 is Let it Bleed and I hadn't come across it before now and may be a little late to the party and was dancing a happy dance all on my own about this one. However I enjoyed my little trip back into the series and even though it was only a short story and not as good as the full length novels, it still had the same awe affect that the author always manages to give me.
So it is well worth getting this free read if you love the series and the author. It is a nice story about some of Ciara's relatives and it is nice to see her get to know some more of her family. Whoever they are. This novella is available for free download in pdf, mobi and epub format at Author's website and is a nice quick read from a very special author.
1 comment:
Thanks Amber, I snatched it up for when the time comes I finally get around to reading the books in this series.
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