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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

108) Black Thursday by Linda Joffe Hull

The Blurb :

A bad deal for Mrs. Frugalicious

When Maddie Michaels, AKA Mrs. Frugalicious, is invited to take a local news crew with her on a Black Friday shopping expedition, she's excited to show viewers at home how to score the season's best savings. Despite a negative comment from Contrary Claire-- the sole naysayer in her growing Frugarmy--Maddie is hopeful her first TV appearance will be a bargain-savvy success.

But Black Friday eve takes a bleak turn when a shopper is crushed beneath a pallet of toasters. After learning that the victim could be Contrary Claire, it becomes clear that Claire has made more than one enemy. Maddie finds herself dealing once again with a murder investigation. Will she catch the killer before someone else is slashed like a sale price?

Includes couponing tips!

My Thoughts :

Black Thursday has been on my Kindle for a while but even though I make a conscious effort to read and review all books before their release dates, some just seem to creep up on me quicker than others.  I am in total denial and can't believe it is already October but this book releases tomorrow and so I will have to admit defeat!  The year is nearly over again!

So I made a very big effort to get this book read before it officially releases and I managed it!  My progress at the beginning was good and I kept reflecting back on the debut book in the series, Eternally 21.  I remember liking it a lot and enjoying the concept.  While I live in a country where couponing isn't really a thing, it is nice to get some information on what it actually means and how it works.  I like the idea of going shopping and the store having to practically give you money because you were so frugal.

The last half of the book was the downhill slump for me.  Maddie constant rehashing of the suspects was boring and her marital problems were a downer.  I know this book was about a murder but it was all a little so lala by the end.  There were less tips and ideas and just speculation.  I started to get upset with Maddie for her ideas and decisions about her family and husband.  She came across as weak and a bit of a doormat.

Black Thursday was an ok sequel in the Frugalicious Shopping Mysteries but it was not as good at the debut.  The confident Maddie I remember was trampled down and low, the plot was not exceptionally interesting and there were a lot of characters to confuse the reader.  I can't say I hated it because that would be a total lie but I did expect more.  I also hope that the format on the e-book version is much better than the ARC copy because it was very hard to read the book with the footnotes appearing all over the place and never at the bottom of the page.

All in all a nice concept and definitely something different and original.  This series has potential and it certainly has the room to grow.  I am going to be keeping my eye out for a third installment because I really am left wanting to find out what happens to Maddie next.  Will she grow a pair?  How will she get mixed up in more trouble?  Those are just a couple of questions from many I hope will be answered next time around.

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