Internationally renowned thief and con artist Nicolas Fox is famous for running elaborate and daring scams. His greatest con of all: convincing the FBI to team him up with the only person who has ever caught him, and the only woman to ever capture his attention, Special Agent Kate O’Hare. Together they’ll go undercover to swindle and catch the world’s most wanted—and untouchable—criminals.
Their newest target is Carter Grove, a former White House chief of staff and the ruthless leader of a private security agency. Grove has stolen a rare Chinese artifact from the Smithsonian, a crime that will torpedo U.S. relations with China if it ever becomes public. Nick and Kate must work under the radar—and against the clock—to devise a plan to steal the piece back.
Confronting Grove’s elite assassins, Nick and Kate rely on the skills if their ragtag crew, including a flamboyant actor, a Geek Squad techie, and a band of AARP-card-carrying mercenaries led by none other than Kate’s dad. A daring heist and a deadly chase lead Nick and Kate from Washington, D.C., to Shanghai, from the highlands of Scotland to the underbelly of Montreal. But it’ll take more than death threats, trained henchmen, sleepless nights, and the fate of a dynasty’s priceless heirloom to outsmart Fox and O’Hare.
My Thoughts :
So I am playing catch-up with this series and listened to book one last week and moved on to book two this week. The narrator is good it is nice to listen to a male speaker for a change, even if I did expect a female. Janet Evanovich is known for her fun and outrageous Stephanie Plum series but this is something different. A crime/mystery and thriller with a little hint of romance. It is a great combination and I am loving it.
Book two in the O'Hare & Fox series was even better than the first one. The con is more complicated, more dangerous and has some thrilling consequences that open the floor to another more elaborate con and then another one. The plot is a roller coaster ride with some amazing moments and a few shocking ones. I laughed, I giggled but most of all I enjoyed it.
The relationship between Fox & O'Hare continues with some moments of 'Oh they are gonna get together' and 'When will the get together?'. It would be a complicated romance just as their work relationship together is getting stranger and harder for Kate. It will be interesting to see how things develop in the next book and where the authors really decide to take things.
Now I move on to book three! I have the Kindle copy to review but I may hold out and get the third book on Audio. Now I have started the series via Audible it would be strange to read the next installment.
This is a series worth trying out if you have ever read anything by either of the authors. It is different, exciting and a lot of fun while being somewhat serious. I can recommend the audio version if you like listening to books. The narrator does a great job of bringing the characters and the story to life.
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