Currently Listening to :
This one of those books where the cover does not do the contents justice. If I had come across this book on my recommendations or anywhere else where the cover was shown, I doubt very much that I would have even bothered to check out the blurb. However this series/author was part of a Christmas novella with that teamed up with the Mudbug series. After reading about Rose Gardner in that short story I have been hoping to try the series.
I picked this up on Audible and I have already downloaded book #2. I am really enjoying this audio and am quite addicted to the story. I have been listening to bits here and there all weekend when I usually only listen to books during the week. This is really turning out to be a wonderful story.
If you haven't already come across this one then I can recommend giving it a go. There is a slight supernatural twist and so far I have to say the plot is very addictive and has some lovely twists and turns.
Currently Reading :

I got this one from Netgalley and it looks like it could be a good read. It is definitely going to be one of those books that need to grab me straight away for me to keep reading till the end though! I am getting a little behind with my reading again and have no time to waste on books that don't wow me in some way.
The cover looks interesting and the blurb sounds like it could be a very busy read. I am really loving my cozies lately and love checking what else is out there.
It could take me all week to get around to reading this but I am determined to have this one read and reviewed before its release date in February.
The Dreaded 'To Be Read' Pile :
There are a few books on this list that are ARC's I try and read these before the release date but sometimes I don't mange it!
I have quite a few books that are just not making it to the top of the pile!
Some of these books are ones I intend on reading asap but new releases or reviews keep taking over.
How do you manage your to be read pile? I don't think I am strict enough with myself!
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