Not a Monster of a Chance is a short story set in Scumble River, once again featuring Skye Denison. It is set during her summer vacation where she has taken a job as a lifeguard to supplement her income and a drowning victim disappears. What happened to the woman? Is she a victim of the Scumble River Monster?
My Thoughts :
I started the Scumble River Mysteries last month and so far I am really enjoying the series. So when I was checking out which book was next in line, I saw that there was a short story between books two and three. Keeping to the order I decided to read this quick novella and stay on track.
There isn't much to say about this short tale. It was a nice quick read and entertaining enough. The mystery was fun and it was nice to see Skye during her vacation even if she is working. It was also good to see how things are going with the other characters.
Well worth reading if you are following the series and certainly a nice short story to read if you want to get a feel for the series in general. However don't forget that his series is already 17 book in and this is only #2.5 so it is a little older and not as technologically advanced as the cozies you read these days!
1 comment:
I do love long series, and I haven't read anything by this author yet. I was trying to make sense of the cover before reading the blurb, and I thought it a strange kind of camel with a dragons' tale ...
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