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Friday, August 7, 2015

Currently Reading & To Be Read

Oh it has been quiet around here!  I am really sorry for being MIA for the last week but holidays, heat, no computer etc etc has had me away from the blog but not away from the books!

A couple of reviews are coming up but here is what is being read at the moment!  Hope you are all having a great Summer!

Currently Listening to :

I had taken a break from this series but now I am back into it and can't get out!  ;)

I admit this is taking me longer to listen to as usual because I haven't been at work.   I primarily listen to books while on the way to and from work so there has been a lack of listening time lately.  However I am back to work on Monday and I am sure this book will be finished in no time.  It is really good!

Loving the series and can't wait to see what happens in this story.  So far things could go in so many different directions....

Currently Reading :

Plantation Shudders is a review ARC that has been on my Kindle for a while now and releases next week.  I have been busy reading other things lately so this one kind of got lost in the to be read pile.

Looking forward to trying this one out and hope I enjoy it.

The Dreaded 'To Be Read' Pile :

As I mentioned, there are some ARC's that need my attention ASAP and there are some books on this pile that really need to be read before they are too dusty to even find!

1 comment:

Barb said...

I really want to read Plantation Shudders so I am looking forward to hear what you have to say about it.