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Monday, September 21, 2009

Extra Chloe Neill Contest!

I just found an email from Chloe Neill who is one of my guests on the blog this week.

She has a cool contest going on over on her blog and visiting her interview here is part of the entry rules!

Here is the blog -

Two fun interviews today -- and a CONTEST!
I've got two fun interviews today over at A Great Read (Thanks, Jessica!) and Amberkatze's Book Blog (Thanks, Amber!). Be sure to check them out!

As a little reading incentive, I'm giving away a CADOGAN HOUSE GIFT PACK to folks who complete this two-step commenting process:

1. Head over to A Great Read or Amberkatze's Book Blog, check out the interviews, and leave a comment on one of THEIR interviews!

2. When you've done that, head back over here and leave a comment on MY blog telling me what "secret" you hope is revealed in FRIDAY NIGHT BITES!

So make sure you check out the interview and contest here on Amberkatze's Book Blog and then pop over to Chloe Neill's blog!


Unknown said...

Looks like a great contest, thanks! I also stopped by to let you know I have an award for you here! :)

Anonymous said...

love her books

Sweeter the berry said...

I like her books,this looks like another great read, thanks!