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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Special with Julie Kenner!

Happy Halloween!!!

Here is the first of FOUR author specials this Halloween weekend!

Author Julie Kenner knows all about demons and vampires! But do you all know about her? Here is your chance to get to know the author, her books and even maybe win a prize!



Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you as a guest here and I hope you will enjoy your time here ;) Maybe you can start things off for us by telling my readers a bit about your Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom Series?

Julie - Sure! The series revolves around Kate Connor, a former demon hunter for Forza Scura, a secret am of the Vatican. An orphan found wandering in Rome, Kate was raised by the church, and slid into the demon hunting profession. When the series opens, she's retired and living with her second husband, their toddler, and her fourteen year old daughter by her first husband, Eric, her former demon-hunting partner who died not long after they made the decision to retire and live a normal life (he was, Kate believes, the ironic victim of a mugging). She's living happily as a suburban mom, organizing car pools and playdates and helping her politico husband ... and then she runs across a demon in Wal-Mart. A demon who, for inexplicable reasons, later crashes through her kitchen window and tries to kill her.

Kate's thrust back into the demon hunting world, but she still has to juggle mommy duties and keep her past a secret. It's lots of fun!

Amber - How did the Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom Series come about? Was it a long process?

Julie - Surprisingly short, actually. I was trying to think of romance heroes, and thought of demon hunters. At the same time, I was also trying to think of a chick lit story, but I was a new mom and wanted to do something for moms. The ideas came crashing together like a Reeses Peanut Butter cup, and Kate was born! I wrote the first three chapters and we sold them very, very quickly, and got some Hollywood attention, too!

Amber - The latest book in the Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom series 'Demon Ex Machina' is due out soon. What can we expect from this new installment?

Julie - Hard to say without spoilers, but I think it's fair to say that Kate has to fight more than just demons here...she has to fight her own emotions and the repercussions of the past!

Amber - I loved your Elizabeth Frasier Young Adult series. Can you tell my readers a little about her?

Julie - Thanks!! Beth is the smart girl in school. Kinda geeky, but still fun to be around, and she's on her way to being valedictorian (she's a junior). But then the senior jock vampire jerks turn her into a vampire (for purposes that become clear in the series) and Beth's pissed. After all, colleges don't admit the dead! Now she's got to juggle the demands of the jock vampires who are pulling her chain, and try to figure out how to regain her humanity.

Amber - Will there be anymore Elizabeth Fraiser or Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom books? How long do expect, or would you like, those series to keep going?

Julie - I hope so! Both series are currently out of contract, and it's really in Berkley's hands at the moment. Folks should watch my website, though, because I definitely want to continue both stories in some form or other. (And a Kate/Allie short story is coming up soon...details to come!)

Amber - I know you have written alot of other books. Would you like to tell us about any of them?

Julie - I have written a lot! I write for Harlequin (Blaze and the now defunct Temptation line), and those are sexy, contemporary romances. I've also done a series for Pocket called the Codebreaker series which is a series of chicklit suspense novels that were a lot of fun. I also wrote a series of Superhero romances (the Aphrodite series) that are light and fun and I had a blast with them. The easiest thing is for folks to visit my website (www.juliekenner.com) and click on Bookshelf. There are excerpts and descriptions, and hopefully something for everyone!

I've also written five books that are still to be released this year, and one for next year under another name. I'll talk about that other name book in the next question, but the five remaining Julie Kenner books are two Blazes for Christmas and New Years (Starstruck and Moonstruck) and an urban fantasy trilogy -- TAINTED, TORN, and TURNED -- about a woman who goes out to murder the man who raped her sister, but is killed in the process. She's given the chance to come back to earth to earn her redemption as a demon assassin. But things aren't always as clear cut as they seem.

Amber - What projects are you working on at the moment? What releases can your fans expect in upcoming year?

Julie - I'm really excited about a series of paranormal romantic suspense novels I have starting with Bantam under the name J.K. Beck (Julie Kenner, and my maiden name of Beck). The first book, WHEN BLOOD CALLS is already complete, and I'm working on the next two, WHEN PLEASURE RULES and WHEN WICKED CRAVES. The books will be published back to back in the fall. They take place in and around a paranormal judicial system hidden within the bowels of our own, and I am loving the world and the characters!

Amber - Are you anything like your characters? Are any of them based on people you know?

Julie - I'm probably a little bit like all of my characters, and certainly my mom experience shows in Kate, and I was the "smart girl" at school (though no one turned me into a vampire). As for based on people I know, not at all. Though the talking ferret in the Aphrodite series bears a striking resemblance to the ferret I had during law school!

Amber - How did you end up being a writer? Was it something you always wanted to do? What other jobs have you had?

Julie - I've wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember, but I didn't really know how to go about it. I was very much a "here's the class, make the grade," kind of girl, and college doesn't offer "how to be a novelist 101." So I majored in journalism, but then switched to film and considered writing screenplays. I graduated very young, though, and was too chicken to move to LA, so I bummed around doing some media related jobs, then took the LSAT. I had a knack for the law, loved the research and writing component, and ended up clerking on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, then moving to Los Angeles to practice first amendment and entertainment law. I met a guy also interested in writing, and he and I wrote two screenplays, one which sucks, and the other which got some interest in Hollywood, but was never optioned.

After I got married and moved to Orange County is was too hard to continue writing together (this was, gasp, pre Internet. Or, at least, pre "easy" internet) and so I started thinking about writing novels again. I discovered category romances and thought that with my insane lawyer schedule, I should focus on that, as the books have a shorter page count. I wrote one, got decent feedback, and discovered RWA. I was fortunate to sell my second manuscript to Harlequin Temptation, and my third, a full length paranormal called The Cat's Fancy, both as the result of RWA contests.

Amber - Your books cover alot of different genres? Which genre is your favourite?

Julie - I don't really have a favorite, but I'm always happiest if there are paranormal or suspense elements. I call it "added value" :)

Amber - What books do you like to read when you have time? Do you have any must read authors/series?

Julie - My biggest must read -- the only one I will order for the Kindle at 12:01 am the day it becomes available -- is anything by J.D. Robb. I love that series!

Others -- wow, I read so much stuff. I've been on a YA kick lately, and I'm thoroughly enjoying that, and I'm listening to Atlas Shrugged, reading The Count of Monte Cristo, and starting Outlander again (I figure by the time I reread the series, the latest will be in paperback).

I just read and Falling, Fly, which is by a debut author, Skyler White, and coming out in March 2010. It's awesome!

Amber - What do you like to do to relax?

Julie - I used to say that I didn't relax (I homeschool my kids and write a gazillion books!) but I recently got really sick and my mom had a stroke, and I've pretty much decided that Type A or not, relaxation is important!! And I do have things that I love to do. I like to bike, and can't wait for my kids to get older so that they have more stamina. I swim and work in the yard (it needs more work at the moment!). I don't watch too much television, but my husband and I tend to pick a few and follow them. Currently, we're into Mad Men and The Wire (awesome!)

Amber - Lots of authors have playlists for their books. Do you have any specific music/artists that you like to listen to when you are writing?

Julie - Not me. I really can't write to music. If the kids are being too noisy, sometimes I'll put Mozart on low with headphones (like if we're all four in a single hotel room!) but I can't write to lyrics, and I prefer to write to silence. Interestingly, I can write to the TV, but I try not to, as I sometime get interested in the show and I really need to use my writing time for writing.

Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature what would you be and why?

Julie - An immortal (but with an out, at some point it would get tedious). I think it would be fascinating to see the changes in the world!

Amber - You are stranded on a desert island. What 5 things do you hope to have with you?

Julie - My family, my Kindle (with a solar charger and a whispernet connection), an endless supply of coffee and cream, an endless supply of chips and hot sauce, and something to write with/on.

Amber - Thank you so much for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog. I hope you will pop by again sometime!

Julie - Thank you!!! I really enjoyed being here!


Contest Time!

Julie is giving away one signed copy of Tainted to a lucky Halloween winner!

All you have to do to enter this contest is tell us what your favourite scary movie is!

No Movie = No entry!

The usual rules apply!

Earn another entry for each place you link this contest on the net. Make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!

You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

I can offer more prizes if my Amazon Associates account gets more money!! So please make sure you order at Amazon.com through the links around the site and help keep the contest coming!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 8th of November 2009 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.

If you are claiming a prize, have emailed me and have not heard back before the 7 day limit is up then post a comment here on the blog. Your email may get sucked into my spam filter.


cheesygiraffe said...

My favorite scary movie is The Shining. The original with Jack Nicholson. That always scared the bejesus out of me when I was a kid.

Van Pham said...

My favorite scary movie is Secret Window, with Johnny Depp. The ending was definitely unexpected.

Unknown said...

My favorite scary movie is Dawn of the Dead

Asylumgirl said...

Wow, this is a tough one. My current favorite scary movie is Trick R' Treat. I loved the feel of the movie and the visual images are stunning.


Ina said...

Great interview - thanks!!!
My favorite scarie movie is Silent Hill...

Alicia0385 said...

My favorite scary movie is IT.


Anonymous said...

my favorite scary movie is Nightmare on Elm Street.

Chris J. said...

My favorite scary movie right now is Paranormal Activity. Totally scary as it could really happen! :)
Great interview and I really like Julie's books.
Happy Haunting everybody!

Anonymous said...

well the blob. ack scared me to deth and i still cant waatch it and im 41,

Barbara E. said...

The scariest movie I ever saw was Alien. I didn't know anything about it, I'm not really into horror movies, I just knew it was about aliens so I wanted to see it. That thing scared the heck out of me. I went with a group of people and we had the best time.

jeanette8042 said...

I don't usually watch scary movies a lot because i want to be able to sleep, but the scariest I've seen is The Ring.

Danetteb said...

Julie's books are addicting,looking forward to the new series.

My favorite scary movie is the Grudge.

Amy1225 said...

My favorite scary movie is Scream!!


donnas said...

Mine is the original version of The Shining. Jack Nicholson played it perfectly.

Linda Henderson said...

My favorite scary movie is Scream.

seriousreader at live dot com

booklover0226 said...

Alien pretty much scared me.

Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com

Cathy M said...

I love watching the Alien series. Great characters, suspense and scary special effects makes this one of my favorites.

wanda f said...

My favorite scary movie is I still know what you did last summer .Ive seen it hundreds of times but I still jump while watching it

Anonymous said...

It would have to be THe THing. "It's absolutely terrifying;There are no big special effects, no loud noises, no cats jumping in the frame, it's just a wolf walking down the hallway and it will never leave you.

SiNn said...

i have to agree The Shining was pretty scary id have to say tho
Killer Klowns from Outer Space

scare dthe daylights out of me i hate clowns and that movie just cringes

Eva S said...

My favorite scary movie is The Shining with Jack Nicholson.

Kathy said...

I don't like scarey movies so I never watch them on purpose. The few I've seen were accidents. I've seen It, The Secret Window, and Dreamcatcher. I guess I liked Secret Window best but only cause Johnny Depp was in it, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the great interview with Julie Kenner & thanks to Julie for sharing.
I love the diversity of novels Julie writes.
My favorite scary movie is The Ring.
All the best,
PS - Julie's on Twitter! She's @JulieKenner
PPS - I blogged about this.

BrigidsBlest said...

I just finished reading (and reviewing) Tainted, and wanted to say I am very much looking forward to reading the other two books in the series.

My favorite scary movie of all time is John Carpenter's remake of The Thing.

BrigidsBlest at yahoo dot com

cait045 said...

I don't have a favorite because I really do not watch scary movies I get to freaked out but I did like The Messengers.

tetewa said...

The Exorcist is my scariest. Scared me as a kid and still freaks me out to this day!

Curling up by the Fire said...

I'm really not into scary movies, but I would have to say The Shining still spooks me to this day, I don't at a television set the same way because of The Ring, and definitely The Exorcist. I like ones that play with your mind, rather than just the 'slash and gash' movies which are common today.

clynsg said...

I don't really go for scary movies, but I do like Shaun of the Dead--just because it is so hilarious with a little scare built in!

clynsg at yahoo.com

shaunesay said...

Let's see... my favorite scary movie (not sure how scary it really is though) was Lost Boys with Kiefer Sutherland and Jason Patric. I loved that movie like you wouldn't believe for the longest time! Now, if we want the movie that really scared me, I will say The Changeling with George C. Scott. That movie was amazing the way it played with your mind without actually showing much of anything, but I couldn't sleep that night when I watched that one!

Pissenlit said...

I'm not really into scary movies so I don't have a favourite per se, however, scariest movie ever? Cube. Totally freaky! :)

Abigail Johnson said...

I don't know how scary it is, but I love The Lost Boys

I posted this on the Contests & Giveaways sidebar of my blog


AllThingsUrbanFantasy(at) gmail (dot) com

linett said...

The Shining is my all time favorite, thanks

Sue A. said...

The Shining! Jack has always creeped me out, especially in this one.

Sue Brandes said...

That's a hard one. I love The Shinning(the Jack Nicolson one) & the first Halloween movie(Micheal is creepy) just as much. I love so many scary movies it's really hard to choose a favorite.

abfantom said...

My favorite scary movie is Friday the 13th

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Lori T said...

My favorite scary movie is probably something Psycho or Rear Window. I am not real big on bloody and gory. Another favorite would be Shaun of the Dead.

Llehn said...

Fright Night!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

The scariest movie I have ever seen is The Exorcist. Thank you!

Nicole C. said...

My favorite scary movie is all of the Friday the 13th movies!!


Unknown said...

I love the original Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis

snytar said...

The entity. snytar@hotmail.com

Carol EL said...

Scary movies are my favorite and I watch them all thru net-flix. Last night I watched Drag Me To Hell,so that's my choice. jelly15301@gmail.com

Terri Dell said...

He Knows You're Alone - How many times I was a babysitter and heard a noise and thought that I wasn't alone. This movie really scared me good!!!

Rosie said...

That's easy . . . The Shining. No one does Jack Torrance quite like Nicholson!!

Blodeuedd said...

Not really a fan of scary movies, most are so lame and not scary. But I did watch My Bloody Valentine, and it was just so gross that I'll take that one

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

Thanks for the interview and contest Amber.

Thanks for stopping by Julie.

I'm not a fan of scary movies but I recently watched Paranormal Activity and it was pretty good. I couldn't sleep for two days but I'd definitely recommend it if scary movies are your thing.


StyleVamp said...

There are quite a few scary movies that I like..

My favorite is: High Tension its a french film, and it's very very scary!! I've seen at least 5 times lol

Great Interview...

All This Silence... said...

My favorite scary movie has to be Jeepers Creepers. The first one and the second one are pretty good and have me slightly paranoid about cornfields. However, The Grudge is the only movie that's ever scared the crap out of me (not literally). It's so bad that I refuse to see the Grudge 2!

Julie Kenner said...

Wow! What an awesome list of scary movies. I'm making notes and updating my Netflix queue!

Thanks everyone who commented on the interview and my books! Hope everyone had a spooky, scary Halloween (and more treats than tricks!)

Kris said...

The Hills have Eyes is one of my favorite scary Movies!


Dawn M. said...

The Resident Evil movies are my favorites.

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite scary movies is "IT".

Andrea I said...

I don't like scary movies. I have seen The Shining and it was scary to me. The scariest to me was the Stephen King vampire movie.

Ellie Wright said...

My favorite scary movie is the Hitchcock classic The Birds.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE OLD Movies! The old Black & White ones Alfred Hitchcock did not show the gore and guts but implied it to set off our imaginations. One of his greatest was "The Rope" and "Rear Window". These two are creepy and spark nightmares. And when I found "The Rope" was based on the Leipold & Loeb Case I no longer was just afraid of creepy guys but normal looking gents.

Martha Lawson said...

I noticed one other person mentioned "The Blob"! I have to agree - I saw it as a child and it has stayed with me all these years...

Misty said...

Liked the interview lot of good info...

My fav scary movie gosh theres so many friday the 13th, halloween, hills have no eyes, the devils rejects I could go on and on...

wantsandwishes said...

My favorite scary movie is the original Halloween with Jamie lee Curtis from 1978. We went to see it in the Hollywood cemetery this Halloween and it was so much fun. They had a showing against this huge wall. They have showings of all kinds of awesome movies during the summer and then this Halloween screening. This is the cemetery where Marilyn Monroe and other celebs are buried. It is a beautiful place to go if you have not been. If you happen to visit Hollywood in the summer look up their screenings and make your way over there. You can find more information at www.cinespia.com

Anonymous said...

The Birds! That movie has been freaking me out since I was a kid

saturdaynightfever said...

Anything with Melanie Griffith in it ( except "Working Girl" )!


Karrie said...

The scariest movie I ever saw was The Ring, I could not be around a tv for almost a week after seeing it. it scared me so much, it has to be my favorite

Anonymous said...

id say the Exorcist


Becky said...

what a great interview. I love scary movies so it is really hard for me to choose. One of my favorites was Wishmaster, the first time I saw it I thought it was scary.

lilyk said...

My favorite scary movie is Silence of the Lambs.

souldolphindream said...

I would have to say that my favorite is the original Carrie! That movie still freaks me out


Donna said...


susan1215 said...

The Exorcist is scary

demmi said...

the original texas chainsaw massacre

Unknown said...


Please check the main page for the winners announcement!

Unknown said...


Please check the main page for the winners announcement!

dvice12 said...

My favorite scary movie is Poltergeist