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Sunday, November 1, 2009

192) Grave Secret by Charlaine Harris

Harper Connelly and her Stepbrother, and now boyfriend, Tolliver, are taking a break from looking for the dead. Instead they are visiting the two young sisters who were adopted by Harper's aunt and uncle. It is hard to see them growing up from afar and being near their old home brings up way too many old memories from their bad childhood. However they have a connection to the girls and they don't want to break it.

Then the memories that are already raw are inflamed even more when Tolliver finds out his father is out of jail. His attempts to make contact with the other family members isn't going so well but Tolliver's brother lets their father back into his life and soon Matthew is hanging around with them all in one way or another.

When Harper and Tolliver help a local family find out more about their grandfathers death they stumble upon a mystery that seems harmless. Then people start getting shot and killed all around them and they realise that the mystery they unearthed goes alot deeper than they thought.

As the mystery gets deeper and more and more confusing, Harper starts to put the pieces together and soon alot of her family secrets are also muddled into things. Will she finally find out what happened to her missing sister, Cameron, after all these years?

I absolutely adore Charlaine Harris and all of her books. I have enjoyed all of her series and this one is no exception. When I saw that this fourth book in the Harper Connelly series was coming out this autumn I was overjoyed. I have been waiting for Harper to make another appearance and I am glad she finally has.

The story started off pretty slow and I have to admit I wondered if Harris had lost her charm. Then things took off and I was addicted to the story just like I am with any Harris story. With such depth and detail this, like all of her mystery books, was a pleasure to read. You never really know what is going to happen until it finally does, keeping you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

I hope Harper sees the light of day again. Just like I wish Lily Bard and Aurora Teagarden will. However this book did seem to tie up all the loose ends and gave me, as well as Harper, closure. Maybe Charlaine Harris will write about Harper again or maybe she will bring us something fresh and new to devour. Whatever she decides I know with 100% certainty that I will be reading anything she decides to write. However for now I am just looking forward to the next Sookie novel next year.


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I love the Grave novels by Charlaine Harris. I only need this one (the last she's writing for this series!) to complete my collection.
Thanks for the review,
All the best,

Pissenlit said...

I so need to get my hands on the last Harper Connelly novel! And I wish she'd bring back Lily Bard too!

Sue Brandes said...

I love Charlaine's books! I have not read these yet. they sound awesome!

Llehn said...

I have to admit that I have yet to read a Charlaine Harris novel. I need to get my hands on a copy of Graves soon.

buddyt said...

Sounds as if I will have to check the book stores in this country and see if it is out here yet !


clynsg said...

I have this book on my TBR list and have read the others in this series, as well as most of the Sookie Stackhouse and the Teagarden books. In other words, I see the author's name and go for the book!

clynsg at yahoo.com

booklover0226 said...

I have never read any of the Harper Connelly books. It is obvious that I'm missing something good. I must add this series to my wish list.

Tracey D

Barbara E. said...

I love Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books, but haven't read any of her other series. I have some of her Aurora Teagarden mysteries on my TBR, but haven't picked up any of the Harper Connelly series. I'll have to be on the look out for them as well.

Asylumgirl said...

I love absolutely all of Charlaine's books, even her early, pre-serial novels.
I've been waiting for this one though, I've gotten lost in Harper and Tolliver's world.


Curling up by the Fire said...

I love these books by Charlaine Harris. I have been waiting a long time for the fourth book to come out as I am completely involved in Harper and Tolliver's world now. I never pass by a new Harris book in the bookstore now.

Andrea I said...

I hve not read any of Charlaine Harris's books. I have the first of the Sookie Stackhouse to start in my TBR stack. I have seen a book or two in this series and will also check it out.

saturdaynightfever said...

My neighbor loves this author!


Sue A. said...

I haven't read Charlaine Harris. With so many books in her backlist I was having a tough time figuring out where to start. This sounds like a good book!