Listening to the series is turning out to be a real treat for me. The narrator reads clearly, does great voices and isn't hard on the ears. Also the reader manages to keep your attention. There is no chance of day dreaming while listening to this.
The last quarter of this particular book surprised me. I have read the whole series but for some reason I couldn't remember anything that happened after Sookie arrives back from Dallas. It was like I was hearing this part of the story for the first time. So I am really glad I went back and listened to this. Now I need to get hold of the next one. I wonder how much of that book I have forgotten...
Thank you. Some audiobooks don't do justice. Glad to know this is a good one.
Of course I have heard of the Sookie Stackhouse series, but for some unknown reason, I haven't read them. I am remedying that today. If luck is with me, I will be able to get all of the ones you have out to date.
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