So the librarian and bookstore owner vampire settles back into life in Half Moon Hollow. Her days are busy with work, family, friends and the rather strange Chamber of Commerce. So when Jane also starts getting letters which are alot more hostile than the ones Gabriel was getting, she decides to arm herself. This may not be one of the better ideas Jane has had but Gabriel isn't around to protect anymore and she could be alone for the rest of her immortal life.
Are we only three books into this series? I feel like I have known Jane forever! This series is like reading a very long letter from a good friend. Enjoyable isn't the right word to describe how much I loved this new installment in the 'Nice Girls...' series. A long work day was forgotten when I picked up this book. The stress of the day disappeared as I giggled at the ongoing tale of Jane, her family and her friends.
Again, in this third book, I was impressed by the short quotes at the beginning of each chapter. A trademark in this series that I find amusing and clever. 'Love Bites : A Female Vampire's Guide To Less Destructive Relationships' guided me through this fun packed and well written read.
Original and different this chick-lit like series is one of my favourites right now and a definite must buy. Jane makes Betsy (Undead Series) look bland, old and worn out. I only hope that there are more books about Jane's misadventures to come. I can't wait to catch up with my gal pal vamp Jane again soon!
1 comment:
your article is Very well written. I have enjoyed reading. Traveling around the world with your boyfriend should be the most amazing thing ever.
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