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Saturday, June 26, 2010

June Monthly Giveaway!

It is nearly the end of the month again! Isn't the year just flying by? This month has been a good reading month and it was really hard to choose which five books to offer you guys! I hope you can choose 1 from the 5 that are up for grabs ;)

Just go to the poll and vote for the book you want to win or the one you think deserves to win! Remember! You may not actually win the book. Here is a little info about each book on offer. Just click on the book title and author to see my review -

Strange Neighbors By Ashyln Chase

I'll Be Slaying You By Cynthia Eden

Soulless By Gail Carriger

A Cast-Off Coven By Juliet Blackwell

Daemon's Mark By Caitlin Kittredge

How does the monthly giveaway work?

Well in the sidebar <--- there is this poll. You vote for the book you would most like to win. I pick a name from the subscibers list and that person wins the book with the most votes. So you may not even win the book you voted for! To subscribe to Amberkatze's Book Blog all you have to do is use the box in the sidebar <--- or at the bottom of this post. Everyone who is already subscribed will be entered in the contest as well as new subscribers. If you have not confirmed your email address then you will not be added to the draw!!! The poll will stay open for votes until Sunday 4th of July 4pm (all times are in Central European Time). The winner will be announced later than day.

Enter your email address:

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For more chances to win -

Post about this giveaway somewhere on the internet eg. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. Make sure you post the link here so I can confirm your extra entry.

Email your friends about this giveaway. Make sure you add my email address so I also get a copy and can confirm your entry. Amberkatzes_Book_Blog@gmx.eu

The Book Depository

Use the Bookdepository or Amazon links/banners to keep the prizes coming! Oh and advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog where ever you can ;)

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debbie said...

I voted, but I would be happy with any of them.

skyla11377 said...

I Tweeted About This Months Giveaway On Twitter (@skyla11377).

I Posted About This Months Giveaway To My Facebook Page (Raquel Vega-Grieder).

I Posted About This Months Giveaway To My Myspace Page (myspace.com/skyla11377).


Martha Lawson said...

I voted for "I'll Be Slaying You" I can't wait to read this book!!

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

LuAnn said...

Time sure flies! Can you believe the year is now half over already?

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

Curling up by the Fire said...

I Tweeted about this month's giveaway (@CurlingByFire)


I would be happy to win any of them except Soulless as I already read that one.

Victoria said...

I voted and Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jovial_1/status/17172736194

Armenia said...

I voted and just now subscribed to your blog. I am also a GFC follower.

armiefox at yahoo dot com

Persephone said...

Voted and I tweeted

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

Sue Brandes said...

I voted for Strange Neighbors. I follow you.
Sue B

kalynnick said...

Vote it!

Beverly said...

I voted - I would love to win any of them though! Thanks for hosting! bevsharp@desch.org

Donna said...

I voted for I'll Be Slaying You By Cynthia Eden!! :)

Anonymous said...

I Voted for I'll be Slaying you and would love to win this one :) Have a great day, Stephmartin71(at)yahoo.com

felinewyvern said...

I voted for I'll Be Slaying You by Cynthia Eden - hope it gets the most votes :D