Tate Hallaway is well know for her Paranormal series about Garnet Lacey but now she is making her self known as a Paranormal YA author with her Vampire Princess of St. Paul series. I really enjoyed the first book ALMOST TO DIE FOR and can't wait to see what happens next in Book two. ALMOST FINAL CURTAIN is due out this week and I am looking forward to catching up with Anastasija Parker.
Want to know more? Read the interview and get to know the author and her books! Enjoy!
Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your Vampire Princess series?
Tate - The main character, Ana Parker, is sixteen, living in St. Paul, Minnesota, and is just your average dhamyr – half-witch, half-vampire. Unfortunately for Ana, vampires and witches are at war.
Amber - The second book Almost Final Curtain is due out soon. What is Ana going to get up to now that she knows she is a half-vampire- half-witch?
Tate - Try out for the school play…. And save the universe, of course!
Here’s what the back cover copy says: Ever since high school student Anastasija Parker discovered she was vampire royalty, her life has been sort of crazy. The half-vampire- half-witch just wants some normalcy, and trying out for the spring musical seems like the perfect fix.
But when the ancient talisman that stands between vampire freedom and slavery to witches is stolen, Ana has to skip rehearsal and track down the dangerous artifact before someone uses it to make this year's curtain call her last...
Amber - How are you enjoying the YA pace? Do you find yourself writing too 'adult' sometimes?
Tate - I was going to say that I wasn’t sure there really is such a thing for YA anymore, but then I remembered the argument my editor and I got into over a scene that was eventually removed from ALMOST TO DIE FOR. Originally, I’d written in a funny scene where, during a make-out session with Nikolai, Ana’s fangs start to drop. She runs off to the bathroom. Nik thinks she’s looking for condoms in her purse. She’s trying to make her fangs retract and the whole thing is sort of a sweet-humorous comedy of misunderstandings. My editor thought that, even though Nik is a college student in this era of hook-ups and they don’t end up in bed, the scene was moving too fast and was too… adult, I guess.
Amber - Do you have any Younger Adults in your life who help you keep the series sounding and feeling young? Or are you in touch with your inner teen?
Tate - I have some friends who have teenage kids, and I partially based Ana on their daughter Maggie, who was a theatre geek, smart and funny. So, whenever I have a question about what Ana might like in terms of music or whatever, I text Maggie (who lives in Colorado.) But, I was also a theatre geek in high school, so I use a lot of my own memories of what live was like. I kept an extensive daily journal all though my high school years, and when I feel brave and am looking for inspiration I dig those out and thumb through them. But, they’re awfully embarrassing!
Amber - Will there be more books in the series? Are you working on anything else?
Tate - I’m currently working on the third book in the Ana series. Having been burned by series suddenly ending, I’ve been planning Ana as a series of series instead of “never ending.” So, the third book will be the last in the “vampire princess of St. Paul” trilogy, but I have plans, if the publisher is amenable, for another set of three which would be the “vampire queen of St. Paul” series. I figure I continue up from there to vampire empress, and maybe even vampire Goddess! J
Amber - How long on average does it take you to write a book? Do you have a process you follow? or do you just start at page one and see what happens?
Tate – Oh, I have to have a beginning, middle and end figured out for each book as part of the contractual process. I’m always working off an outline that my editor has approved before I start writing the first word. Think of it as their guarantee that I won’t get stuck in the middle, not knowing what’s supposed to happen next. J
It takes me anywhere between six and eight months to write a book. That’s also predetermined by the contract though.
Amber - How much say do you have in the book publishing process? Eg. Do you get to pick the cover? Pick the title?
Tate - I always pick the title. Sometimes the publisher will tell me to come up with a better one, but I’ve always been able to find one they like eventually. As for the cover, that’s entirely done by committee. I send along ideas, character sketches, and my preferences to my editor, who takes them to the meeting, but I’m otherwise not present and they have the final say. I see the cover once it’s been bought and paid for, so I can’t even request a change if I’m not fond of it.
Amber - What paranormal creatures are you dying to fit into a story but you haven't managed to fit in yet?
Tate – Honestly, I hadn’t considered expanding the universe beyond witches and vampires. They keep Ana plenty busy, but I’ve got a new adult book that’s coming out in which I’ll have all sorts of different creatures, including a pixie, a golem, a computer wizard (in the magical sense as well as a hacker-type) and…erm, cows. It takes place in South Dakota and will be called PRECINCT 13.
Amber - What are you listening, reading and watching lately? Is there anything you would like to recommend to us?
Tate – I’m currently reading some military SF that I’m not sure your readers will enjoy, but the last awesome YA book I read was GRACELING by Kristin Cashore. On my TBR pile is a book recommended to me by fellow writer Naomi Kritzer called THE AMULET OF SAMARKAND by Jonathan Stroud.
Amber - I recently got a Kindle and now I read almost everything on it. Do you have an e-reader yourself? What are your views on E-books?
Tate - I don’t have an e-reader yet, unless you count my partner’s iTouch. We’re seriously looking into the Color Nook, though, and I expect we’ll have one by Christmas this year, if not sooner. I think e-books are cool. I’m not one of those authors who worries that e-books are the doom and gloom of the publishing industry. Personally, I remember when people ran around screaming that MTV was going to spell the end of radio. I still listen to the radio and MTV doesn’t show music videos any more. What I think that shows is that there’s room for all sorts of book/reading technology to co-exist with hardcopy, traditional book publishing too. Things are changing, but then, they always do.
Amber - If you could visit any famous person, alive or dead, who would you visit? and why?
Tate - My son suggests Rick Riordan, who wrote the Percy Jackson series as well as the new Egyptian series that starts with RED PYRAMID. I think we could have a lovely chat over dinner about Greek myths and creating fun characters.
Amber - Thank you for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again!
Contest Time
I am giving away a copy of the first book in the Vampire Princess of St. Paul series, Almost to Die for.
How To Enter
Let us know how many books do you read a year?
(Thanks to Tore for the question! You get an enter entry!)
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Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 8th of May 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I read about +/- 120 books a year.
thanks for a great interview - Tate Hallaway is a new author to me and I will definitively keep her books in mind.
greetings, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
In a Year, I read about 25 to 30 books. Sometimes more, depending on how much school work I have to do. Thanks for the chance to win.
Last year for half the year I wasn't working, so I read 54. This year my goal is 30, and I'm on track so far, so that's probably what I'll do. In past years it all depends on how busy my life is and I never really kept track, but I'd guess at least 30 or so.
At least 24 - that's an average of about 2 a month.
My book total can vary as I read quite a few epic fantasy books with a page count of + - 1000 but generally I get through at least 2 books a week.
So 52 X 2 = 104
Thanks for the giveaway.
I am a Follower via GFC (buddyt).
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I read at least 100, most of the time, more than that.
I usually read about 200 books a year.
sgiden at verizon.net
I recently counted the books on my blog for my first year anniversary and ended with the grand total of 232 books I have read and reviewed (and I have re-read some more, which I haven't reviewed). I do wonder about you too Amber. How much do you read in a year?
I am a follower and a subscriber. And I am ashamed that I still haven't picked up a Tate Hallaway book yet, although there is a stack on my shelves waiting to be read. I liked the interview, and am intrigued by the half witch - half vampire angle.
I read over 30 or more books a year. I would to read this series. It sounds very good. I have never read any of Tate Hallaway's books before. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I read between 75 and 100 books per year
My goal every year is 50 books, but I probably average around 65.
bigferret at email dot com
I try to read at least 100 books in a year, it's my challenge each 1 Jan. I read a little over 120 last year and hope to do the same again or more this year.
Last year I read 36 books. I know, it's nothing compared to what you book reviewers read.
I read about 100 books per year. If I keep on the track I'm going on this year it will be more like 120. Wish I could read more but I'm not that fast a reader :(.
I read about 175 books a year! I love the covers on the YA books, they are awesome. They will be going on the wish list!!
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I would say, about 300 books in a year. I read almost one book a day, or make up for it when I don't read on a certain day.
To be honest I really don't know..perhaps 30 books a year possibly more..I read a book a week.
But then sometimes I'll take a break for a week or two (lol) from reading.
I read about 60 to 80 books a year. depends on how busy I get.
Do I really have to count? Oh boy, well, let's see. Sometimes I have good weeks and read about one or two a week, but then life happens and I'll be stuck on the same book for a month. So I'll round it to an even 35-108.
For those who asked ;)
You can see how many books I have read by the number in front of my review titles. So far this year I have read 60 books.
Also this year I signed up for the goodreads reading challenge (check out my stats in the sidebar --->) and it looks like I will hit my target to read 200 books this year. Although I hope I will read more!
I believe more than 100 books in a year.
Thanks for the giveaway!
artgiote at gmail dot com
I don't count them, but I think it would about 100 books. I normally read 2-3 books per week, but this is really variable, sometimes I have no time for reading or have other things to spend my time on. My reading goal is to clean up my shelves as much as possible, but I keep replacing the books I give away with new ones:)
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh gosh, your making me think :) I read anywhere from 30-50, depends how busy the kids keep me with sports, school functions and housework and these contests and computer fun distracts me as well :) I have a goal this year of 100 and am lagging behind a little but I hope to catch up and make that 100!!
I, probably, read between 120 and 150 books a year.
I'd say 50-100
Easily 100+
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I don't know for sure, but I guess something between 30 & 50 books.
The last couple of years, I've averaged around 60-70 books.
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Last year I read 85, and this year I'm hoping to hit 100. Last year was the first time I'd ever set a goal, and it was 75.
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I read about 130 books last year, and I hope to achieve 150 books :-)
+1 tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/Stella_ExLibris/status/67221044318052352
+1 also posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=208693059161812&id=100000899165880
Thank you for the giveaway!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I read over 100 books easy. It averages 150.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SummersKris/status/67223226039808000
Blogged: http://imaginaryreads.blogspot.com/2011/05/happy-mothers-day.html
I sent an email as Kris Summers and CCed you.
Thanks bunches for the giveaway. The book looks fantastic!
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