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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Special Author Event & Contest with Artist Arthur

I have a special treat for you this week! Author Artist Arthur is sharing an excerpt from her new novella, Mutiny, and also giving away a signed copy of her latest release, Mayhem!

Enjoy the snippet from the novella and then enter the contest below! Also keep a look out for my review of Mayhem. I just finished reading it and I loved it!


MUTINY, a free novella in the Mystyx series, is now available for download. It takes place between MYSTIFY and MAYHEM and follows Franklin Bryant as he braves unchartered territory to embrace a destiny he never imagined existed.

The Blurb :

What did I do to end up in this nightmare?

One minute Franklin Bryant is a normal teenager in school with his girlfriend, Krystal. The next, a reaper leaves him in Trance, the place between worlds where his destiny will be decided. Franklin has been summoned by the demon Charon to help destroy the Mystyx, a group of classmates including Krystal, with supernatural powers that can defeat Charon.
Franklin loves Krystal, but he faces an impossible choice: join Charon and be rewarded with powers beyond his dreams, or refuse and die….
A Mystyx series novella.

Find out now! This free download is now available at eharlequin.com.

Excerpt from MUTINY, A Mystyx Novella
© Artist Arthur, 2011


You are here…
I’m looking down at the ground, which isn’t really the ground at all. It’s some sort of shiny black surface that feels squishy under my sneakers. At first I thought it was quicksand, but since I’m still standing and not sinking into some gooey substance I guess that assumption was wrong.
Anyway, this is a different place than the cold dark den where I was before. A reaper grabbed me without saying a word, and dropped me off here just as casually as he did when he’d snatched me. Of course his people skills sucked!
I’m not going to move from this spot, because I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing here. Logic says this is not earth, but my fear and heart palpitations say maybe I shouldn’t be standing still but running instead. But running where? I’m not sure.
You are here
Those three words, like the red arrow on the shopping-mall directory that tells you where you are in the maze of department stores and food courts, keep resonating in my head. Well, I don’t see a red arrow anywhere, but I feel like I am here.
But where is here? That’s the million-dollar question I’m waiting for an answer to.
“You are not dead, if that is what you mean,” says a deep voice from out of nowhere.
I turn around slowly, but I’m not prepared for what I see. If I thought the reaper was freakin’ weird, this thing is totally off the charts. It’s just a huge black cloak that hovers above the ground. No hands, no feet, no face, just the cloak. Behind the cloak is a big plume of black smoke that makes my bladder weak. The cloak moves and floats kind of like it has a body, a physical form, but it has no features, like ears, eyes, a nose or a mouth, that would make me think it’s a living, breathing thing.
What did I do to end up in this nightmare?
“Where am I?” I ask, since that seems like the most reasonable question.
“You are in Trance,” says the voice.
“I’m guessing that’s not in Connecticut, huh.”
“It is the realm where you await your final fate,” he continues. “Some are sent to Hades—the land of the dead.”
“Whoa, did you say Hades?
“Hades is for the dead,” the disembodied voice says. “Trance is where you wait until your destiny is decided.”
I nod. “I get it,” I say, trying to mask my fear. “I’m, like, in between worlds.” Of course I don’t get it. What the hell? Why am I here? I think to myself.
“So why am I here in Trance?”
“You have been chosen to help me in my quest to fulfill my destiny,” is the ominous reply from the cloaked specter.
Is this thing…serious? No, none of this is serious. It’s gotta be a dream, and my alarm clock is going to ring and wake me up in a few seconds—hopefully.
“Let me get this straight, you chose me to come here,” I ask, using my arms to indicate the large expanse of nothing that surrounds me, “to help you find your destiny?”
Do I sound incredulous? Probably, since I cannot believe this is really happening to me.
The cloaked figure, bounded by smoke, moves and reaches out, I guess, to avoid enveloping me in its darkness? Is this for real?
“I chose you because you can help and you are connected.”
“Connected to what? And just who are you?”
“I am Charon,” he says, just before extending his arm as if he’s reaching for me. His gesture makes the cloak billow like a sheet, as the ground below shifts from the shiny blackness to an image—a mirage of some sort.
There’s sunlight and asphalt, cars parked on a street and a school. It’s Settleman’s High. Kids are streaming from the doors like insects let loose on an ant farm. One tiny spec grabs my attention. It’s Krystal Bentley.
She’s wearing a white skirt that floats around her thighs like clouds. Her shirt’s light blue and sheer so the white tank underneath is visible. Her hair is out and she has on sunglasses that cover her eyes. I automatically lick my lips, since she looks hot. I pause because and think I might actually be drooling.
Krystal’s not alone, but then there’s nothing new about that. She’s always with the clique she hangs out with, Sasha and that new girl, whose name I forget—and Jake.
“You know these students?” Charon asks.
I nod my head. “Why?”
“That’s why you were chosen. You are going to help me conquer them.”
“Conquer who? Krystal and her friends?”
“They’re interfering with my destiny.”
“They’re just kids, like me. And you are… What exactly are you?”
The emptiness around me grows very cold, like I’m suddenly in a deep freezer. Then it gets hot and sweat actually pours from my face. Something grabs me around the neck and squeezes. I’m gasping and gagging and this feels real, like at any minute I’m going to pass out on this spongy ground and get sucked into an abyss.
“I am very powerful. I will one day rule. You would be wise to help me. If not, you will die,” said Charon.
Just like that, my throat is released and I breathe in gulps of air that is polluted with all that black smoke swirling around the cloaked figure.
Okay, the choice is help him or die. That seems simple enough. Like the blue shirt or the red one, pick one and get dressed.
“What exactly do you want me to do?”
“You must first prove you are worthy. Show your loyalty to me by doing whatever I ask.”
I’m thinking Charon’s demand is way too open-ended. I mean, what if he asks me to jump off a cliff or something insane like that? It wouldn’t be any crazier than me being in a place called Trance and deciding if I want to live or die, though.
“If I prove myself, what happens to me? Do I get to go back to my life as if nothing’s happened?”
“From this day forward, your life will never be the same.”
No kidding. If this was a dream, by now I would have awoken with a mix of dread and confusion coursing through my body.
“You help me, and you will be rewarded with powers beyond your dreams.”
Powers? Who wants powers? I’d much rather breathe the polluted air on earth and walk the streets with kids who have real bodies, not smoke screens. But anyway I hear myself asking, “And if I don’t help you?”
Charon lifts his arms again and this time the black cloud comes closer, shadowing me as the image I see now is not one of sunshine and suburban bliss. It’s dark and tinged with a red aura. Skeletal bodies move aimlessly around in this inferno as three-headed beasts bark ferociously.
“Death,” he says.
This is a different place. It’s still evil, but I can see there’s a different kind of suffering here. It’s crowded with terrified, emaciated beings clinging to and practically peeling off the walls. Their mouths are open, though I can barely hear them. But I can easily imagine their wails and moans.
The jaws from the head of the three-headed beast open up to roar, but then quickly clamp shut. Another creature appears. This one is huge and tall and humanlike, but with grotesque features. The other two heads of the beast encircle him, intent on attacking the giant. The fight is brutal and I get the sense that the fight will be waged to the very end. This is Hades, and I so don’t want to be in this place.
“On the sixth day,” Charon says, holding his arms in the air. A breeze begins to blow around me as I stand perfectly still. “Of the sixth month,” he continues. “At the sixth hour—you will be judged.”
Dream or reality, there’s this deathly silence. I figure he’s waiting for my answer, so I shrug, thinking I’ve got nothing to lose, really. “Done deal.”
MUTINY, A Mystyx Novella

Now Available for FREE download

The Mystyx Series

#1 - Manifest

#2 - Mystify

#2.5 - Mutiny (Out Now!)

#3 - Mayhem (Due out next week)

#4 - Mesmerize (Due out Feb 2012)


Contest Time

Artist is giving away a signed copy of her new release MAYHEM!

How To Enter

What supernatural power would you like to have?

No idea = No Entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!

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Have you 'Liked' Amberkatze's Book Blog on Facebook?

You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site!

The Book Depository

The contest will stay open until Thursday 28th of July 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Alicia0385 said...

I would like to have the ability to fly. It would cut down on travel time!!

Martha Lawson said...

Invisibility!! I think that would be cool.

follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would like to have the ability to heal peoples. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Julie S said...

I would love to have super speed and strength. :)

Audra said...

I would love to be able to have super speed---be able to finish my housework and get to sleep earlier.

Aurian said...

Great exerpt ladies! I enjoyed reading it. I would like to be able to teleport. That would save so much travel time!
auriansbooks at gmail dot com.
I am a subscriber, follower and have your blog posted on my own.

Dovile said...

I'd like the ability to move thing with my mind.

Stephanie said...

I would like to have super speed.


Shadow said...

I would like to control the elements. That would be awesome! Congrats on your release and thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to shapeshift into a big cat. That'd be definitely nice ^^

Ironstrangeprompts said...

I would like the ability to shape-shift into anything I desire.


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...



alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com