However Jeanne C. Stein is one of the authors I have been following since the beginning so she holds a real special place not only on my bookshelf but here on the blog.
I hope you will enjoy reading this new interview about her seventh book in her amazing Anna Strong Chronicles. Crossroads is due out at the end of August and I have had it on pre-order since it was available.
Make sure you read the interview and then enter the contest. Jeanne has two awesome prize packages up for grabs! I wish I could enter myself!
Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here again as a guest! Crossroads is due out! What can we expect from your seventh Anna Strong Chronicle?
Jeanne – I hope some surprises! First Anna is visited by Detective Harris who has discovered an interesting fact concerning Warren Williams’ death. 300 year old DNA. Then David starts remembering the night he was kidnapped by Judith Williams to assure Anna’s presence at her induction as The Chosen One. And the third ghost from her past to surface is Max—ex-flame and DEA agent who needs Anna’s help to stop a vampire coyote killing randomly (or so it seems) close to the border.
After dealing with all this, she finds Chael waiting in her living room. Seems he’s trying to entice Anna to give up her status as the Chosen One by telling her there is a Shaman in the Southwest who can return mortality to vampires. And he lives in the same Navajo village as Daniel Frey’s young son. That bit of news sends Anna and Daniel Frey on a journey that changes both their lives.
Amber - Old Flame alert! Anna has had some real bad luck in her love life. Will things change for her soon?
Jeanne - Yes. Not necessarily in the next couple of books, though. And that’s all I’m saying.
Amber - Anna is really busy with vampire stuff. Does she have any time left to be a Bounty Hunter?
Jeanne – Actually, a little! She and Tracey have an adventure in Crossroads, too. Though it’s more settling a personal score for Tracey’s sister than a job.
Amber - Will there be more books in the series? How long would you like to see things continue for Anna ? Do you see an end in sight?
Jeanne - I am contracted through book nine. Book eight, Haunted, is finished and will be released next year. After that, who knows? I have an idea what the end will be but whether I wrap up the series for good with book nine is still too be determined.
Amber - What is next? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Jeanne - Nothing concrete. Possibly a werewolf detective series, possibly something with angels and demons. All ideas I’ve been playing with.
Amber - Are you a full time writer or do you have a day job? If yes, How do you divide your time?
Jeanne - I am a full time writer. I treat it as a full time job. I devote most of each day to writing, promoting, etc etc. I wish it was 80% writing and 20% other stuff—but truthfully it’s about 50/50. With all the social networking a writer has to do, it takes a bigger chunk out of my working day than I’d like.
Amber - Would you ever be able to write a book together with another author? If yes, which author would you like to work with and why?
Jeanne - I think I could. Critique partner Mario Acevedo and I have talked about collaborating. We’ve written two short pieces together that have turned out surprisingly well! And my long time fantasy is for Mackay Wood and I to write that historical paranormal about angels and demons set during World War I that we’ve been playing with.
Amber - Some authors have branched out into the YA genre. Have you or would you think about writing a YA book?
Jeanne - I don’t know that I could. I’m pretty removed from the youth mindset! I admire greatly those authors who can write both adult and YA, though I notice most are in their thirties!!! I’m just a little older than that! :)
Amber - What paranormal creatures are you dying to fit into a story but you haven't managed to fit in yet?
Jeanne - Ghosts.
Amber - And what about ones you would never use?
Jeanne - Trolls and gnomes.
Amber - Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?
Jeanne - My sister, because she’s the most unselfish person I know.
Amber - I am a happy Kindle owner and was wondering if you own an ereader yourself and how you see ebooks? Good, bad or just plain evil?
Jeanne - I don’t own an e-reader (yet). I see ebooks as another opportunity to reach more readers so I say bring ‘em on!
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Read any good books recently?
Jeanne – Listening? Not so much.
Watching: I don’t have cable so I’m always a season behind in my favorite series. Just finished True Blood Season 3, Breaking Bad, Entourage, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and am awaiting Sons of Anarchy (I love that show!).
Reading: Most of my reading right now revolves around books sent to me because I’m one of the judges for the Horror Writers’ of America Stoker awards. Don’t have time for much else.
Amber - What's your favorite paranormal movie of all time?
Jeanne - Lost Boys
Amber - Thank you for being a guest again! See you soon! ;)
Jeanne – Thank you, Amber. I appreciate your inviting me!
The Anna Strong Chronicles
#1 - The Becoming
#2 - Blood Drive
#3 - The Watcher
#4 - Legacy
#5 - Retribution
#6 - Chosen
#7 - Crossroads (releases this month!)
Contest Time!
Jeanne is giving away two prize packages and they are amazing!!!
Prize: 2 Prizes each consisting of a copy of Crossroads, a $25.00 gift certificate to Amazon (or Barnes & Noble), book cover magnets and some other swags. Open to all.
How To Enter?
Nothing too easy this week! The prizes are too good for an easy peasy I need two answers this week ;)
What was the best book you read this year so far? What was the worst?
No Answers = No Entry
Thank you to Julie S for suggesting the question. You have an automatic entry to the contest!
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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Keep the contests going by using the and links/Banners below and around the site!

The contest will stay open until Sunday 21st of August 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
Hello Jeanne! Thanks for the interview ^^
I have the first 5 books, still need to get my hands on Chosen hehe
Now those are hard questions!
My favorite book this year is Divergent by Veronica Roth, but I'm half through Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent and it might win the prize in the end lol
The worst... umm I honestly haven't read any bad books so far this year.
I will say Bloodliens by Richelle Mead, not because it wasn't good. I REALLY LIKED IT, but my expectactions were high and I was somewhat disapointed.
I hope my answers will be good enough to earn an entry *winks*
oOOO.. So many good novels. I'm going to have to say Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill. It.was.amazing!
The worst? I can't really think of any bad novels..I try to stay away from those.. HAHA..
Great contest! Please count me in:)
Best and worst, tricky indeed.
There are of course books I did not finish so those would be worst, but from those I finished:
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Room by Emma Donoghue
And tons more, but that one was just so well written
bloedeuedd1 at gmail dot com
I enjoyed the interview and I'm looking forward to more books in this fantastic series. I've read quite a few books this year and most of them were totally fantastic. I think I would have to choose Jennifer Estep's Web of Lies and Venom (I know I'm choosing two but they're in a fantastic series). The worst would be a time travel e-book I read by Kaye Baker - In the Garden of Iden. It wasn't really that bad, just my least favorite of the year.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
My fave this year has been Jenna Black's Glimmerglass series...I read each book in 1 sitting, they are so good you CAN'T set them down. The worst (just MY opinion, please don't hate me) I could not get into Shadowfever...maybe on a cold rainy day I can go back and finish it.
Great interview, I am really anxious to start reading this series I have read such good things about.
My favourite book this year so far has to be Nalini Singh - Kiss of Snow. And the one book I will not be finishing: Donna Kaufmann - The Charm Stone.
I am a follower, a subscriber and I have your blog advertised on my own blog. And I really, really want to win this contest!
Best-- I liked How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper.
Worst - Here Comes Seduction by Mary Balogh (which wasn't so much about seduction at all, really)
meredithfl at gmail dot com
Jeanne: Highly excellent pic of you and Joss!!
Lady K says hey.
Best book I've read, out of the 82 I've read so far this year, is a toss up.
GREYFRIAR: Vampire Empire Book One - Clay and Susan Griffith and
MIDNIGHT RIOT - Ben Aaronovitch. Both were just supremely amazing.
The worst....It's probably the one I'm listening to now, THE MAGICIANS - Lev Grossman. I've no idea why I keep listening, maybe I'm hoping it will get better...and it's not. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.
I really enjoyed this interview.I can't wait to read Crossroads.
My favorite book so far this year Burn the Night by Jocelynn Drake
and worst book The Secret Circle by LJ Smith (I wanted to read it before the TV series started)
I've been enjoying The Anna Strong Chronicles ever since I discovered The Becoming at ImaJinn Books. I'm looking forward to reading Crossroads when it is released! :)
The best book I've read this year so far is Pale Demon by Kim Harrison. The worst is Nocturne by Syrie James. I just did not care for this book.
Best: Feed by Mira Grant.
Worst: Generation Dead by Daniel Waters.
Funny, I don't usually read zombie books at all, but both the best and the worst book I've read this year are about zombies. :)
musmekipi at gmail dot com
Awesome interview Jeanne! I so can't wait to read Crossroads!
Let's see best book I've read so far this year? That's a toughie, since I've read tons of great books! I guess my fave would be Spell Bound by Kelley Armstrong. Read that one just last week and really enjoyed it! The Otherworld series has been an old fave of mine!
The worst one? I guess that would be Roses and Bones by Francesca Lia Block. It was actually supposed to be a book with myths and other interesting tales, I just couldn't get into it. There were 3 different stories and I read the first one okay, but the second one started getting me all sorts of confused and I couldn't even finish the book.
GFC Follower
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My favorite book is Torment. But I really can't think of any bad books I read. I am usually pretty good at picking them out. Please enter me in contest.
The best book I've read this year would be How to Flirt With a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper. It was very fun, I loved it.
And the worst was The Fall of Lucifer by Wendy Alec. The book's idea was really interesting, and it could have been a great book if written by someone else. It consists almost completely of descriptions of Paradise and some senseless ceremonies, and it was quite illogical in a lot of places. The only thing I liked about this book was its cover:)
Cool. Thanks for the automatic entry :) Interesting to see what other people loved/hated.
Great Interview...hmm I'd have to say the best book I've read this year would be Patricia Briggs-River Marked
As for the worst..Revnant by Phaedra Weldon "I like the series"
I'm just a little frustrated with how naive this character continues to be. How she allows everyone around her to control on the last book, I was waiting for the character to assert herself & it never happened. I'm hoping on the next book this will happen..
Best book of the year, so far, is "Dragon Virus" by Laura Anne Gilman.
The worst has been "The Angels Are The Reapers" by Alan Bell.
bigferret at email dot com
Best book so far this year is Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison. Worst is Midnight Sins by Lora Leigh.
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cathy m
caity_mack@yahoo dot com
I love the Anna Strong books!
Best book is easy: I absolutely loved Divergent by Veronica Roth.
Worst: Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (I know a lot of people loved, but I did not.)
nyahswift (at)
hmm i havnt actually read a bad book in quite a while. since i basically am followers of the authors i do read. so answer, since i have to for entry
tom sawyer by mark twain
best book so far
atlantis betrayed by alyssa day
The best book I read this year was Pale Demon by Kim Harrison. The worst was Passion by Lauren Kate.
I have read a lot of book this year making this a very difficult question to answer. I suppose that the best book I have read was Burning Dreams by Margaret Wander Bonanno. While the worst book was most definitely the book my sister made me read: 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (And Other Useful Guides)
by The Oatmeal, Matthew Inman.
Best book I've read this year so far is Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh. I've been reading this series and this newest installment was worth the anticipation.
Worst book I've read this year is Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning. Way too overrated and the story is so weird. I love erotica but this was not my taste at all.
Awesome giveaway. This is one of my favorite series.
Best was Shadowfever. Followed by Deeper than Midnight
Worst was Sarah They are Coming From You. Really dont even know how I finished it. Sounded good but poorly written.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Oops forgot the tweet -!/DonnaS1/status/103303798914678784
bacchus76 at myself dot com
The book that I enjoyed the most so far this year is Thea Harrison's Dragon Bound. I'm new to PNR & this quite blew me away. I also hv a dragon fetish :) Another book that really took me by surprise is Gail Carriger's Soulless. I cheat, so that's 2 books!
I hate it when I can't even finish reading a book & unfortunately I did come across a few. The biggest disappointment was Vicky Dreiling's "How to Seduce a Scoundrel" (Historical Romance) cos I'd read & loved her 1st book.
Best: Never Knowing by Chevy Stevens
Worst: Whitewash by Alex Kava
Best book this year:
Breaking dawn stephanie meyers
worst book this year:
odd things dean koontz
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Great interview! I have the first few books and need to catch up on the others.
I really can't pick a worst book and a best book.
I loved The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton and already in a fit to read Changing the Game ;). Also loved The Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione.
One of my least favorite would be I guess Welcome to Last Chance by Hope Ramsey. It was not a bad read it just made it to my okay list. I couldn't quite ever mesh with the hero. With that said I am still looking forward to more in the series.
pams00 @
I have been finally been able to start catching up on my reading list and my absolute favorite this summer is A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. My least favorite was Skirting the Grave. It's not that I didn't like it, but after the first chapter I couldn't get into it. Thank you for such an awesome giveaway!!
The best so far, that is really hard as there are some really great books out lately. Jenna Black's Dark Descendant; Christina Henry's Madeline books; Kevin Hearn's Hounded, Hexed, and Hammered; and Nicole Peeler's Jane True series, are all books that I could hardly put down. The one book I just could not get into, no matter how I tried was John Scalzi's Old Man's War. I really tried as it has had such great recommendation's, but half way, I just gave up. I don't do that very often, but I was "plodding" not reading. So I put it aside. I may try to get back into it, but there are so very many exciting books out now it is hard to go back and try again.
linda (at) gordonvalley (dot) com
Thanks for the interview!
Best book:That's pretty easy -- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The worst book: Hmmm -- I think Dancing With Werewolves by Carole Nelson Douglas gets that title. Fangland falls into that category, but I didn't even bother finishing that one. I did, unfortunately, make myself read the Douglas book to the end. Sad, too, as her Irene Adler books are interesting. Dancing was just awfully written.
I've only read the first 2 of the Anna series, but 1 was enough to completely hook me.
I'm actually rereading one of my favorite books - My Vampire and I by JP Bowie.
I really can't think of a 'bad' book. I have a number of ebooks and I've noticed a lot of typos. I love my ereader but I often wonder if ebook copies are too rushed.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a follower on GFC-Lisa Richards
Best book --Hourglass
Worst-Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
The best book I've read so far this year would have to be "The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs" by Irvine Welsh - it had such vivid, perfectly drawn characters and a really wicked sense of humor about it.
The worst book I have read this year would have to be "The Time Traveler's Wife" (I had it on my shelf but delayed reading it) - I thought it was sappy, poorly written, and a snooze (though I think I'm in the minority there!).
I shared a link to the giveaway on facebook:
I tweeted as well:!/guettel78/status/104191186092294144
I'm following you on facebook: Geoff K
Thanks for the chance to enter!
The best it's a toss up, I loved The Priest's Graveyard and Smokin' Seventeen: A Stephanie Plum Novel by Janet Evanovich for two very different reasons, one was intense and dark, the other fun and lighthearted.
The only one I didn't love , although it wasn't too bad, was Still Missing by Chevy Stevens.
I've read about 150 books and novellas this year already so it's pretty hard to choose, but I guess my best would be a tie between Dragon Bound and Magic Slays (LOVE Kate and Curran).
As for worst, I guess I'd have to say To Kill a Warlock by HP Mallory. I know lots of people have raved about it, but it just wasn't my cup of tea.
jen at delux dot com
The best book was Sweet Possession by Maya Banks. The worst book, I can't think of any. Most of the books I read this year were great! Great interview!
The best book I read so far this year was The Girl in the Steel Corset. The worst was The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own making.
sgiden at
Magic Slays was the best by Ilona Andrews. Worst probably Live Wire by Harlan Coban. I was able to finish it, but found it a snore. here was so much hype about his writing and I definitely felt let down.
Oh man, tough choices!
I think the best book I have read so far this year is probably Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, I really loved this book.
And I hate to badmouth a book because even though I may not have liked it, someone else might love it and not read it because I said it was awful. But it was definitely The False Friend by Myla Goldberg. I couldn't finish it, I gave up by page 50.
Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!!
GFC follower Tiffany Drew
Best book I read this year was The Beginners by Rebecca Wolff
Worst book was Let Them Eat Cake: Marketing Luxury to the Masses by Pamela Danziger. It's just so out of date and society/the economy has changed so much since 2005.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My favourite book this year was Stray (and all the subsequent novels) by Rachel Vincent! Loved them!
And the worst? Hm.. Magick Charm by Jennifer Wells, ugh.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
+1 tweeted:!/Stella_ExLibris/status/104655688696999936
+1 posted on FB:
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Best would be Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison.
Honestly - I don't have a bad one to list. I guess I've just been lucky. I read a bunch of reviews before I buy books, so i'm usually pretty happy.
tweeted -!/Heatwave316/status/104708010059894784
The best book I read this year was One Amazing Thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. I loved the ending. It was profound and beautiful.
The worst book I read was Witch and Wizard by James Patterson. Bad writing, not so great plot.
s_k_rox @ hotmail dot com
Best: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House by Eric Hodgins.
Worst: Shoeless Joe by W. P. Kinsella
dwarzel at
Best - Ghost Story by Jim Butcher - Had me in tears.
Worst - Blameless by Gail Carriger - Had me checking to see how many pages were left.
Worst was called 'No Eye Can See' and was a book that my MIL passed on. I found myself skipping oodles of pages trying to find some meat.
Best so far has been 'The Backyard Homestead' by Carleen Madigan.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Best book: hard choice but I'll go with The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray.
Worst:Yule Be Mine by Lori Foster. I usually like her stuff, but this one had NO characterf development at all. I didn't even finish the third story
Thanks for a great interview Jeanne and for the not so easy question Amberkatz :D
The Cyber Chronicles: Bk 1 Queen Of Arlin by T C Southwell was definitely the worse book this year for me.
However the best book so far is a harder choice to make as I have read many, many books that were excellent.
After much consideration I have decided to go with the one by the newest author I've found this year. It's In Her Name: Empire by Michael R Hicks and is an excellent Science Fiction story (enough that I have his next to books on my tbb list) .
Thank you for the interview-My best this year-The Help and have read many other good ones too.
The worst-was Keith Richards (autobigraphy From Rolling Stones)It was boring, difficult to understand and seemed to repeat the same 3 words over and over!
Diane Baum
The best by far was definitely Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
Hmm the worst is really hard to choose... there have been SO many bad ones!
I'll say the worst was Firelight by Sophie Jordan.
That is such a hard question-- best book is Ilona Andrews newest Kate Daniels book. Worst- I don't like naming bad books because other people might love them, but I will say I read a short story in an anthology last week that I could not finish it was SO hokey, and I can withstand a lot of corniness.
The best book I've read this year is Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh.
The worst was Visions of Magic by Regan Hastings.
Here are my top favs from this year. I just reread Hunger Games, City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and Fever series by Karen Marie Moning and Blue Bloods by Melissa de La Cruz. Hmm, I guess I was not that crazy about The Return Vol. 1 by L.J. Smith. Thank you for the chance to win!
deedeebamagirl at yahoo dot com
The best book that I've read so far is Kiss of Snow. I can't really think of a worst one. thanks for the giveaway
best book would be Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh and the worst would be Jessie Dugard's memoir and it wasn't the wrting it was the subject matter. It made me cry, cringe and so very angry. Girl went through a lot and the reason I bought it was for her charity. good cause.
Can't wait to read your newest book!
Best this year- Pale Demon
Worst- Hit List... I loved the Anita Blake books in the beginning...but LKH's writing has changed--could't even finish it. Its a shame bc I want to know how things turn out for the original characters!
The best book I read this year was Dead until Dark. I know it's an oldish book, but I recently started watching True Blood, so I figured I'd read the series and ended up loving it! I have read probably half of the series so far :)
The worst book I've read this year..hmm..well, I started The Host by Stephanie Meyer and it's taken me about 3 months to get anywhere in it, so I guess I would have to go with that. If I don't devour a book, I'm usually not into it.
The best book I've read so far this year was "Deadline", by Mira Grant. The worst book I've read so far this year was "Valhalla", by Tom Holt (tedious, recursive, and slow).
My favorite from the last month was Richard Paul Evans the Walk - great sequel to his first book. As for the worst, I tend not to remember those since I have decided to quit reading them and move on to a better one. Too little time to waste on books I am not enjoying.
Best was A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard because it was a well told story and the worst was The Problem with money Jane Honeck because I didn't like the religious theme in the book
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Best book: The Pentagon: A history, by Steve Vogel (suprisingly SUPER interesting!)
Worst book: The Heroin Diaries by Nixxi Sixx (hubby liked this one, me...not so much)
As far as the best is concerned, nothing really stands out although there were many that were certainly good. For the purposes of this, will pick Homeland by Barbara Hambly, mainly because it was written in an interesting style. For the worst--Land of the Painted Caves by Jean Auel--lots of pedestrian repetition in something that could have been much better.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
The best book so far was and The Hunger Games trilogy and the worst was Peony in Love by Lisa See.
The best book I read wa The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins. The worst book I read wa Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth.
Great interview and great question - I was happy to see some of the books that are on my TBR list in the great book list.
I have read over 80 books this year so far and it it hard to pick the best - I guess it would be Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning but I also loved the Succubus series by Richelle Mead.
I went through my goodreads list of books read and can't find any bad books that I read this year.
I would love to win this book as I have enjoyed reading this series as I live in San Diego and it is fun to see local landmarks.
Best- Fall of Giants. I can't wait for the next book in the trilogy!
Worst- Who Moved My Cheese?
The help is the best book I have read so far this year. It is a great book.
Blue moon was the worst book I have read this year, even though it wasn't too bad.
tweeted giveaway.!/nhilleshiem/status/105331024552144897
GFC follower.
Thanks for the great contest!
I read a lot of books, so it's really tough to decide.
favorite book this year - The Help - and I DID read it before the movie came out!
worst book - Devil Amongst the Lawyers by Sharyn McCrumb. It's not that the book was bad, it is that I just couldn't get into it; I didn't help I had ten other books from the library due in two weeks; I thought I should give up and start another.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com
The time machine did it.
I have no worst this year.. I haven't had the time to read much.
My favorite was Wings by Aprilynne Pike.My least favorite was The Matingby by Nicky Charles, not bad but I couldn't quite get into it...
The best book I read was Chicken Soup for the Soul -Grieving and Recovery. It was very inspirational and I would recommend it to anyone who is dealing with a loss.
My least favorite book for me was A Bend In The Road by Nicholas Sparks. I grew up about 30 miles from the setting of this book and I could surely relate but I did not like the ending. I was looking for something different at the end and I was disappointed.
Tricky question, this one! So many books I've read and loved!
But I'd say taht the best has been The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.
And for the worst, I'd choose A Pillar of Iron by Taylor Caldwell. I like very much historical novel, but in this one the action was very slow for my taste.
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