Maria Lima is the author of the Blood Lines series and I have been following Keira's story since the beginning. Now book five, Blood Sacrifice, is due out (30th August) and if you take the time to read the interview you will find out that it could be the last *sniffle*
So make sure you check out the interview, enter the contest and if you haven't already read the series, go and read it!!! Enjoy!!!
Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here again as a guest! Blood Sacrifice is due out! What can we expect from your fifth Blood Lines book?
Maria - Conclusions and new beginnings.
Amber - There may just be some wedding bells in Blood Sacrifice. Is planning a wedding in a book easier than planning one in real life?
Maria - Ha, I think so! I’ve helped plan several weddings and believe me, hosting a supernatural reception is 1000 times easier.
Amber - What paranormal creatures are you dying to fit into a story but you haven't managed to fit in yet?
Maria - Dragons! I haven’t quite yet found the right story. I prefer to write urban fantasy (instead of high fantasy), so I’m not sure how I can fit dragons into the “real” world.
Amber - And what about ones you would never use?
Maria - Zombies. I really, really dislike zombies. I know they’re popular in some circles, but they just utterly squick me.
Amber - Will there be more books in the series? How long would you like to see things continue for Keira ? Do you see an end in sight?
Maria - Very good questions! At this point, I don’t have a contract for any more books, so I can say that BLOOD SACRIFICE is the final book in this story arc. I’m just not sure what the future holds for this series, as far as actual publication in book form. I do know what happens next, though. Could be I do a short story or two, or maybe a novella and self e-publish.
Amber - What is next? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Maria - I’m currently working on a project that’s not ready for prime time (see the collaboration question below). I’ve also got a short story in the recently published San Diego Noir. It’s a fairly straightforward noir mystery with my usual urban fantasy bent. If you like non-fiction, fandom meta type of reading, I’ve got an essay in Whedonistas: A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon by the Women Who Love Them (Norwegian Press).
Amber - Are you a full time writer or do you have a day job? If yes, How do you divide your time?
Maria - I have a day job. Sadly, writing doesn’t pay enough for me to quit. I did curtail my work schedule to 4 days a week. I was very lucky that the small company I work for was able to accommodate me. Taking a pay cut was tough, but it’s worth the lessened stress. I tend to do my writing during my extended weekend. Marketing/blogging/business activities are usually done before or after work.
Amber - Would you ever be able to write a book together with another author? If yes, which author would you like to work with and why?
Maria - I’m actually working on a project now with a friend of mine, Carla Coupe. Carla is the author of several award-nominated mystery short stories and some Sherlock Holmes pastiche stories. I can’t really say a lot more, only that it will be cool! We hope to unveil news some time in the fall of this year.
Amber - Some authors have branched out into the YA genre. Have you or would you think about writing a YA book?
Maria - Yes, absolutely. I’ve got a few YA ideas that I’m percolating.
Amber - Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?
Maria - I have to credit my parents for being avid readers. I grew up in a house that was full of books of all kinds. I remember being so very excited in first grade, when I found out that I could buy books that were for me (via Scholastic Books). To me, that was heaven on earth. To this day, I feel sad when I hear about kids who don’t read or whose parents never taught them the love of reading.
Amber - I am a happy Kindle owner and was wondering if you own an ereader yourself and how you see ebooks? Good, bad or just plain evil?
Maria - I LOVE ebooks, My short-range (reading range) vision is pretty horrible these days, so the adjustable font size on ebooks is brilliant! Between the eyesight and the lack of room in my apartment, ebooks have been like the answer to a prayer. I enjoy the idea of having more ways to read.
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Read any good books recently?
Maria - I’ve been listening a lot to Adele. She’s an amazing singer. As for reading, I’ve got a few books in the queue that I’m dying to get to: Seanan McGuire’s latest Toby Daye book (Late Eclipses), Kevin Hearne’s Hounded. I’m so behind on fiction!
Amber - What's your favorite paranormal movie of all time?
Maria - That is absolutely impossible to answer! I find that my “go to” entertainment tends to be more TV show oriented. I love British police procedurals (Luther, A Touch of Frost), SF (Doctor Who, Torchwood) and hard line dramas like Sons of Anarchy or Oz. I’ve also been known to while away a Sunday afternoon with Jane Austen movies (Persuasion, Emma, Pride & Prejudice). Oddly enough, I’m less likely to watch a purely paranormal movie.
Amber - If you could be any famous person, alive or dead, who would you be? and why?
Maria - Ack! Another tough question. I’d probably be Charlaine Harris, because she is a wonderful, kind and talented person who truly deserves all the good fortune she’s gotten.
Amber - Thank you for being a guest again on Amberkatze's Book Blog!
The Blood Lines Series
#1 : Matters of the Blood
#2 : Blood Bargain
#3 : Blood Kin
#4 : Blood Heat
#5 : Blood Sacrifice (releases 30th August)
Contest Time
Maria wants to give away a copy of BLOOD SACRIFICE to one lucky person!
How To Enter
Summer is nearly over but which book will you remember and recommend from the last couple of months?
No book = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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The contest will stay open until Sunday 4th of September 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I really enjoyed DRAGON BOUND by Thea Harrison.
I've read a lot of great books the last few months. It's a toss up between Keri Arthur's Mercy Burns and Jennifer Estep's Tangled Threads. And I can't help mentioning Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series - Hounded, Hexed, Hammered were all wonderful.
Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep
I've read lots of great books this summer, and have a hard time recommending just one, but I guess it would be Dragon Bound. It's the only book I read this summer that I've already re-read several times. I just finished Storm's Heart, and I liked it a lot also, but what it really did was make me want to go back and reread Dragon Bound yet again LOL.
jen at delux dot com
Oh, I read so much this summer it's hard to choose! DRAGON BOUND by Thea Harrison, UNDEAD AND UNDERMINED by MaryJanice Davidson, KISS AT YOUR OWN RISK by Stephanie Rowe, BLOOD SECRETS by Jeannie Holmes, GREEN-EYED ENVY by Kasey MacKenzie, MAGIC SLAYS by Ilona Andrews...the list just goes on!!
I'm a great fan of Isabel Allende and her last novel "El cuaderno de Maya" is really brilliant.
I really enjoyed Torment from the Fallen series. I can't wait to for the last book to come out next year. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book and series.
Deadline by Mira Grant.
musmekipi at gmail dot com
Love hearing about all the reading!
Thanks to everyone who's commented & waves at those of you who will comment later. :)
-- Maria
Magic Slays and the rest of the Kate Daniels books that I started this summer
I really enjoyed How to Flirt With a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper.
Pale Demon by Kim Harrison.
The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World
by Marti Olsen Laney
I've read so many this summer that I thought were outstanding...
Marcus Pelegrima's 'The Breaking', along with Adrian Phoenix's 'Black Dust Mambo'. On the lighter side, Darynda Jones' Second Grave on the Right'. Obviously I'm conflicted, but I will remember them all and I cannot wait for the next books in the series.
Maria, you are a new author to me, I 'm going to check out your books. My poor TBR pile just keeps getting bigger:))
Thanks for the chance to win.
I would recommend Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh, as well as the whole Psy-Changeling series.
I really enjoyed The Vampire Stalker by Allison Van Diepen
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Hands down..River Marked by Patricia Briggs..I loved it!!
I enjoy Gerry Bartlett Real Vampires series
Just because of the title it stands out in a crowd. LOL
"HOW TO MOON A CAT" by Rebecca M. Hale
NoraAdrienne (at) gmail (dot) com
I will continue to recommend House on Mango Street. Great book.
I would recommend All Different Kinds of Free by Jessica McCann
I've read so many good books this summer, so I'll just mention the last one I read which was Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews
I would really recommend discovery of witches, it was really slow at first but by 1/3 in i couldn't put it down and i have no idea y lol was just that good! just sucks waiting for the second one! haha
shared on fb (
tweeted (!/DonaldLight84/status/110061123528699904)
jami alden . beg for mercy
I just finished reading The Mortal Instruments series from Cassandra Clare & am now moving on to the prequel series. Quick read & easy to follow along!!
I will remember and recommend Blood Secrets by Jeannie Holmes.
star trek voyager : The Farthest Shore
Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison
The best boo I read this summer is One Call Away by Brenda Warner.
beckandcallgirl @ hotmail dot com
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