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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Author Interview & Contest with Elisabeth Naughton

My author guest this week is becoming a regular guest here on Amberkatze's Book Blog! Yes the lovely Elisabeth Naughton is back and this time she is here talking about her third Eternal Guardians book!

Tempted is due out this week and I think the cover speaks for itself! Lots of yummy men, Sexual tension, action and emotions are packed into this new release and I really enjoyed reading it!

Read the interview and then make sure you enter the contest! Elisabeth is giving away THREE books!!!


Amber - Welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest! Tempted your third book in the Eternal Guardians Series is due out. What can you tell us about your upcoming release?

Elisabeth - Thanks so much for having me here! I'm thrilled to share about the third book in my Eternal Guardians Series - TEMPTED!

TEMPTED is Demetrius & Isadora's story. Readers met Demetrius in MARKED (book 1) and again in ENTWINED (book 2). He's the descendent of Jason, the famed hero who searched for the Golden Fleece, and he carries a dark secret none of the other Argonauts know. Readers will remember Demetrius as being dark and cruel - especially to the princess, Isadora - but they'll finally discover why he acts the way he does in TEMPTED. Here's the blurb:

DEMETRIUS—He’s the hulking, brooding warrior his fellow Guardians avoid. Too dark. Too damaged. And given his heritage, he knows it’s best to keep everyone at arm’s length.

Isadora is missing. The words pounded through his head like a frantic drumbeat. For her own protection, Demetrius had done all he could to avoid the fragile princess, his soul mate. And now she was gone—kidnapped. To get her back, he’ll have to go to the black place in his soul he’s always shunned. As daemons ravage the human realm and his loyalty to the Guardians is put to the ultimate test, Demetrius realizes that Isadora is stronger than anyone thought. And finally letting her into his heart may be the only way to save them both.

Read an excerpt!!!

Amber - Each book in the The Eternal Guardians Series has a new narrator. Is it hard to always write from a new character perspective and make that character different to the previous ones?

Elisabeth - So far, no. I tend to write in different points of view in every book, so I get to know the recurring characters pretty well before starting the next book. Zander had scenes in MARKED and Demetrius had scenes in both the first two books, so moving to both of their POVs wasn't too much of a stretch. Getting Demetrius to open up and lose the chip secured firmly to his shoulder was definitely the hardest part of writing TEMPTED though.

Amber - The Eternal Guardians are seven warriors and that means each warrior will get one book? or will the series continue once each warrior has had his turn?

Elisabeth - The short answer is...I hope! The series has the potential to go beyond seven books. There are several secondary characters instrumental to the series - Nick, Orpheus, Max...just to name a few – who could easily have their own books. As long as readers keep buying the books and asking for more, I'll keep writing.

Amber - When are the rest of the books in the series due out? Are you working on anything else you would like to tell us about?

Elisabeth - I just finished ENRAPTURED (book 4), which will release in April 2012 and I'm starting work on book 5 (which needs a title!). Book five is scheduled to release in the fall of 2012.

Amber - Do you get to meet the hunky guys from the covers? ;)

Elisabeth - Oh, I wish. Wouldn't that be something? So far, though, no. If my publisher is reading, however...I wouldn’t object to being in on the photo shoots!

Amber - What made you want to be a writer? Were there any books or authors that had an influence on you?

Elisabeth - I've always loved to read but I didn't get hooked on romance until I was in college and read (not watched) Gone with the Wind. In my heart I knew a sweeping romance like that HAD to end well, so after making up my own happy ending, I went looking for other romance books. I found them, and a love for a genre I didn't know existed. After that I devoured romance and fell in love with authors like Judith McNaught, Elizabeth Lowell and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. But it wasn't until I took a leave of absence from my teaching job that I actually had the time to try my own hand and writing. Once I did, I found something I loved MORE than reading, and I've been doing that ever since.

Amber - Would you ever be able to write a book together with another author? If yes, which author would you like to work with and why?

Elisabeth – Yes. Actually, Juliana Stone and I are working on a sexy paranormal romantic suspense proposal right now and hope to start shopping it soon. It’s a little bit sci-fi, a little bit X-files, and a whole lotta romance.

Amber - A lot of authors are writing now in both adult and YA genres. Have you considered writing a YA book?

Elisabeth - My daughter (she's 12) is DYING for me to write a YA that she can read. She hears me talk about my Eternal Guardians all the time and really wants to read them, but she's too young yet. So far I haven't come up with a YA idea that's grabbed hold of me but I'll never say never.

Amber - You have written other books, not paranormal. I am just kind of wondering, is there any genre you have not tried that you would like to?

Elisabeth - I love writing romantic suspense and am always tinkering with something different there. I'd love to write a straight contemporary but I think my penchant for murder and mayhem probably doesn't work well in that genre. And like I mentioned above, if I came up with a YA idea that wouldn't let go of me, I'd love to take a stab at the young adult market as well.

Amber - I am a happy Kindle owner! Do you have an e-reader yourself? What are your views on E-books?

Elisabeth - Yep, I've got a Nook and love it. The e-book market has really boomed the last few years and I'm excited that readers can get my books so quickly. Personally, I'll always be a fan of paper books (I love to read in the bath tub) but with brick and mortar stores becoming few and farther between, e-books will only continue to increase in sales.

Amber - What have you been reading and watching lately?

Elisabeth - I'm not a big TV viewer. Evenings are writing times for me so I tend to miss out on all the exciting new shows. I do have a couple of favorites though - Rescue Me, Friday Night Lights (both of which are ending this year - *sob*) and X-Files (I can't pass it up on cable when I see a rerun). As for books, I've recently discovered Catherine Mann's romantic suspense novels, I'm always a sucker for a Susan Elizabeth Phillips novel, and I'm in love with Joan Swan's new firefighter paranormal series coming from Kensington books Spring of 2012.

Amber - What's your favorite paranormal movie of all time?

Elisabeth - Lord of the Rings. I absolutely love the entire trilogy and can (and do) watch it all the time.

Amber - If you could be any famous person, alive or dead, who would you be? and why?

Elisabeth - Hm...this is a tough question! Does it have to be a real person? If not, I'd choose Scarlett O'Hara and make that girl shape up so she can have her Happily Ever After!

Amber - Thank you again for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog!

Elisabeth – Thanks again for having me. I’m giving away THREE books to three different winners today. One lucky commenter will win MARKED, one will win ENTWINED and one will win TEMPTED! Just leave me a comment asking anything you want to know about me or my books and you’re entered into the drawings.


The Eternal Guardians Series

#1 - Marked
#2 - Entwined
#3 - Tempted (out 6th of September)


Contest Time

If you read the interview you will know what is up for grabs!

Elisabeth is giving away THREE books to three different winners today. One lucky commenter will win MARKED, one will win ENTWINED and one will win TEMPTED!

How To Enter

Just leave a comment asking anything you want to know about Elisabeth or her books and you’re entered into the drawings.

No Question! = No Entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!

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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site!

The Book Depository

The contest will stay open until Sunday 11th of September 2011 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Victoria said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love to win.
My question is: If nothing stood in your way where would you most like to live? How much time do you spend doing research before beginning a book?


Aurian said...

Hi Elizabeth, thanks for the lovely interview. You already write paranormal romance and romantic suspence (which I lov by the way). Would you ever write an historical paranormal romance? With your research on myths and such, would it be very difficult to switch to an other timespirit?

Amber, I am a follower, subscriber and advertise your blog on my own.

auriansbooks at gmail dot com

Jane said...

Congrats on the upcoming release, Elisabeth. Do you have plans for a new romantic suspense series(not the paranormal one you're working on with Juliana)?

Barbara E. said...

Hi Elizabeth! I haven't had a chance to start reading your Eternal Guardians series yet, but I'm looking forward to getting started.
My questions is, if you had a chance to live anywhere in the world (money is no object), where would you choose?

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Hi Victoria - thanks for the questions!

Since I live in a rainy state, I'm in love with warm weather. I'd love to have a house in Hawaii for the rainy months and a house in Western Oregon (where I live now) during the summers. Summers in Western Oregon are very mild. We've only had 2-3 days in the 90s so far this summer!

As for research...I've never clocked my research time. I do a lot of research before I start a book - weeks, usually - and continue to research as I'm writing.

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Hi Aurian!

I love reading historical romances and watching movies set in historical times. I've never considered writing one myself but I'll never say never. If the right story hit me, I might try it!

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Hi Jane, thanks for stopping by!

Yes, actually, I'm about to send my agent a brand new romantic suspense proposal (this weekend even!) Really excited about this one and hope she enjoys it! RS was my first writing love. I don't think I'll ever stop writing it.

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Hi Barbara - money is no option? Oh then I'd live in a mansion with a full wait staff on some deserted, tropical paradise beach.

Cheryl said...

I really enjoy this series and can't wait to read Tempted. What I really want to know is who Enraptured is about, but I saw that you're staying mum for now, so...Do you have storylines for all the the Guardians worked out, or do you just do one at a time and develop the others, bit by bit, as the books go along?

Julie said...

I can't wait until Tempted comes out! Did anything surprise you while writing it?


Unknown said...

If the series was made into a mini-series for tv or a movie, who do you see playing the 7 Guardians?

Linda said...

Arghs! I'm behind; not even started on book 1 yet. Sure how I win a copy!

Love the snappy one word titles.

Reading in the bathtub? Have you ever had "accidents"? My sis borrowed a book from me once & she dropped it into the toilet; at least this was after she'd flushed. I was not impressed. It's a condition I set now if I lend her a book "no reading in the toilet".


Carol L. said...

Hello Elizabeth. Wow, do I love these Eternal Guardians. Theron and Zander have me hooked :) I love the unique names. And that is my question, how do you pick the names of your Guardians ? Also what is the strangest thing you've done or discovered during any of your research ? Congrats Elizabeth on your newest release. I've already put it on my TRL. Happy Labor Day everyone.

Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

JenM said...

Hi Elizabeth - best wishes on your new release. Are you able to write full time now or do you still have to work a day job?
Jen at delux dot com

Anonymous said...

I have never read this series before but I would like to. It sounds very good. What inspired you to be a writer? Have you wrote any time travel books? Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Cathy M said...

Hi Elisabeth,

I love the world you have created in this series. What got you first interested in the mythology?

gfc follower
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Becky said...

Great interview! Elisabeth, you are a new author to me, so this series is new to me. This sounds like a really good series and I'm looking forward to reading it.
With the Eternal Guardians Series, What made you have the warriors descend from the greatest heroes in all of Ancient Greece? Is Ancient Greece a time period that you like or just seem to be the best time period to draw the characters for this series from?


Alicia0385 said...

I have not read your books yet but I am going to! My question is what is your all time favorite book couple?


Kristin said...

I am so not a romance reader yet I stumbled across these books, not knowing for sure if they were romance-inclined, and am hooked.

Elisabeth, pleeeease tell me that Orpheus will be getting a book soon, he's one of my favorite characters.

And if you need someone to start reading book five to give you some title options, I'm willing to volunteer my services!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I love series featuring a group of male warriors. Would love to read more about Elisabeth's sexy warriors!
I also love the TV show, The X Files, so I guess that shows my inclination towards any paranormal stories. LOL


DANIELA said...

The series sounds very interesting.
I haven´t read any of the books yet. Is it possible to read them as stan alone books or do I need to start with book 1?
Thanks for the giveaway!

dany7578 at hotmail dot com

Audra said...

I would love to read how you would shape up Scarlett for her HEA
please enter me into the contest

SiNn said...

awesome give awya I loveed marked for sure i was courious as to how u found the names for ur characters do you have a method?


I allreay own marked crosses my fingers for one of the others

donnas said...

Congrats on the release! I loved Marked and Entwined. Looking forward to reading Tempted.

bacchus76 at myself dot com