Croak by Gina Damico has got to be one of the best books I read this month. Actually in the top three! I loved it and can't wait for the second part, Scorch, which comes out later this year.
So enjoy the interview! Enter the contest! But most of all BUY CROAK!!! You are gonna laugh, you may cry and you will be amazed!
Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your debut book, Croak?
Gina - Croak is the story of a girl named Lex who has turned into a total brat. Her parents don't know what to do with her anymore, so they ship her off to live with her uncle for the summer - only it turns out he's a Grim Reaper, and so is she. And so is the rest of the town, including a whole bunch of other teenagers. Friendships are forged, mysteries are investigated, awkward sexual advances are made.
Amber - How did you come up with the idea for Croak? Was it a long process or did it just come to you?
Gina - It just came to me one day. I was at work at a bread store, bored out of my mind, and the characters of Lex and Uncle Mort popped into my brain for absolutely no reason. I couldn't get them out, so when I got home I had to write them down. Then I kept writing, and eventually crapped out a book.
Amber - The jellyfish and spiders are a cool aspect to the whole Grim system you build in Croak. Are they your favourite animals or did you just want to use something weird? ;)
Gina - I mostly just wanted to use animals that conjure up strong mental images. The spiders are kind of a no-brainer, what with the red hourglass markings and all. And the jellyfish not only live in every ocean and have a huge range - which is an important element of the plot - but they also have a very creepy feel, and just sort of seem like they belong in a town full of Grims. Like mascots.
Amber - Lex has a twin sister but she is completely different to her. Are you anything like Lex? Or more like her twin Cordy?
Gina - I'd say a little of both - I have Lex's snarky, sarcastic edge, but I'm nowhere near as angry as she is. Cordy is much more of a goofball, and I am queen of the goofballs. I have a crown and everything.
Amber - How do you pick the names for your characters? Do they have any special meanings?
Gina - I love picking names that sound interesting, regardless of what they mean, like Driggs, Ferbus, Kloo. Then there are the death-related puns, like Uncle Mort, Elysia, Corpp. And Lexington, Concord, Norwood, and Grotton are all place names. So I guess a mix. Just practicing for the day I get to name my own real people, though I'm not sure my future kids will appreciate being named after random towns in suburban Massachusetts.
Amber - Will Croak has to be a series! When can we expect book #2? How long will Lex's story be?
Gina - Croak is indeed a series! The sequel, Scorch, is coming this September. And at the moment, I envision it as a trilogy. We'll see if that changes, but it probably won't.
Amber - Did you always wanted to be an author? Did you pick Young Adult and the paranormal or did it pick you?
Gina - I think deep down in my gut I always wanted to be an author, but my gut took a really long time to get the message to the rest of me. I had a fairly overactive imagination as a child, but didn't do much writing in high school. When I got to college, I joined a theater group that wrote its own murder mysteries, and that's where I fell in love with it. After graduating, I quit writing - yet again - but eventually picked it back up. Yet again. And, this time, with gusto. And I think I gravitate toward young adult because, seriously, I'm not even close to being an actual adult. And paranormal because I'm a ghost. Don't tell anyone.
Amber - I am sure that being an author has its ups and downs. What experiences have you had so far?
Gina - In general there have been FAR more ups than downs. Bad reviews are never fun, of course - and so far there haven't been too many, knock on wood - but good reviews more than make up for it. I really like hearing from actual teenagers, too. Sometimes it's easy to get swept up in what other adults and bloggers think, but when a kid likes what I wrote, that makes me feel all warm and squishy.
Amber - Alot of authors have 'soundtracks' for their books. Is there any music influenced your books?
Gina - Not really. Ha - sorry, that's a crappy answer, but it's mostly true. I don't listen to music while I write, just whenever I take walks to plot stuff out. But, about "Don't Fear the Reaper?" Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Amber - What have you been reading and watching lately?
Gina - I've been reading a whole bunch of books written by the Apocalypsies, which is a fantastic group of YA debut authors that I am lucky to be a part of. There are a ton of great new books coming out this year, so be ready for them. I also just bought Adam Rex's new book, Cold Cereal, and it is taunting me as it sits on my bookshelf, waiting for me to devour. As for watching - I sink too many hours of my life into television as it is, but lately I've been simultaneously obsessed with and horrified by the new show Smash. I love anything Broadway, but holy bananas that show is nuts. The nonsensical plots! The cheesiness! The legwarmers!
Amber - If you could talk to any famous person, alive or dead, who would you be? and why?
Gina - I'd like to ask Allen Gant Sr., inventor of pantyhose, where exactly he got the nerve to torture women like that. How DARE you, good sir.
Amber - Thank you so much for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog! I hope you will come back again ;)
Gina - Thanks so much for having me! Happy
Contest Time!
One lucky winner will receive a scythe pendant, signed bookplate, and bookmarks direct from the author!
A second winner will get a copy of Croak from me!
How To Enter
What paranormal/supernatual job would you like to have?
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The contest will stay open until 4pm on Sunday 1st April (Central European Time) and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
I would like being a Reaper like the series by Darynda Jones; helping dead souls find their way to the light is a good job I believe.
I'd like to work at UGH with the Seminus demons. I would be a demon doctor like Eidolon.
i got hooked on reaper stories by darynda's series. now i'm looking for another reaper theme book, and i found this, yay!!
thanks for the giveaway
I think I'd make a great monster hunter, especially zombies.
I'd like to be a guardian angel.
I would like to be a spirit that haunts someone.
I would like to be a guardian angel. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.
I love reading about Angels, so it would be kind of cool to be a Guardian Angel. I like the idea of watching over someone,in a non-stalker way, to keep them safe & make them feel loved.
sorry, i forgot to answer the question :p
i wanna be a witch, of the good kind :D i can see myself stirring a cauldron, making some kind of potion, peering into the futureichei rynstr..
I think it would be cool/freaky to be a necromancer.
I like the good old fashioned supernatural PI job :)
I would want to be a hunter like Sam and Dean in Supernatural.
There are so many really cook supernatural jobs it's hard to choose just one. I'd love to be the leader of The Wild Hunt.
Facebook follow: Molly Nudo Frenzel
Twitter follow: @dg_molly
Pinterest post:
I'd like to be a sentinel, like Merit in the Chicagoland Vampire series.
I don't think any of them would be a simple job, but guardian angel seems to be in line with my philosophy of life!
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
probably a hunter from shiloh walker hunter series. They hunt the monsters be they paranormals or human. Even though some of the hunters most humans would classify as monster they aren't. The they out the boogie man that comes at you in the dark.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
I'd like to be a werecat protecting nature, e.g. as a ranger. And to hunt the bad guys ;)
I'd like to be a good witch, like Glinda, the Good Witch of the North or Samantha Stevens from Bewitched.
I'd be a kick ass vampire hunter!
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com!/alterlisa/status/184991907515076610
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Liked' Amberkatze's Book Blog on Facebook?-Lisa Ann Richards
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I'd pick hunter/gun for hire (but only going after the bad guys), but I would hope I'd have some supernatural powers myself if I'm facing all these supernaturals.
Guardian Angel would be great
I would be a witch. A good one but I'd have my all powerful wand ready to fight the bad things of the world.
I think I could be a zombie exterminator.
Thank you for the giveaway.
cheleooc at yahoo dot com
I don't think I could be a reaper. I'd have to be an angel at the door of heaven saying stuff like "Okay, let's review your life. Remember back in 1972? That thing..." LOL
wayfaringwriter at gmail dot com
Would like to be a witch and make potions
I would make an inept hunter or guardian....but something in research or supernatural libarian - that would be pretty cool.
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