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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Want to read...

Sorry about the lack of posts.  I am having a long and tiring week at work and I am just not getting any reading done.

I really want to read!  ;)

My current read is :

I am loving this series and want to curl up and finish this and find out who did it!  Hopefully there will be a review on Saturday.

Next on my to be read pile are :


Aurian said...

I know how you feel, too busy at work means my head is too tired to read something new. I am curious about Night Owls, so far I am not impressed by the reviews.

Unknown said...

My head was just too tired ;) I enjoyed my lie-in this morning and a good read! ;)

Maybe you won't see a review for Night Owls...I am too far behind in my reading to spend time on something that doesn't interest and wow me within the first few chapters.