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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

To Be Read & Currently Reading

I had a week off work and read a few books but I am still behind my goal for this year.  I hope to have more time and energy to read during the Summer months even if I do have to go to work.

Currently Reading :

I liked the first installment in this series so I couldn't resist getting a copy of this review book when I saw it.  Mission to Murder is the second part and it is just as good as the debut.  I am enjoying the story and like the concept even if I still haven't quite understood why the series is named 'Tourist Trap Mystery'.

The review for this one should be coming up tomorrow or the day after.  I really don't have much more of this one left to read but it is just a matter of being awake enough to concentrate on it.

Currently Listening :

Audio books are my way of reading on the way to and from work.  It is way too loud to read a book on public transport and there are just some books that are amazing on audio.  This series is one of them.

I started listening to Shattered before my week off work.  Unfortunately I didn't listen to it at all last week so I am still not finished.  I don't have much more of the audio book left and hope I will finish it tomorrow.  It is turning out to be a very interesting installment and I am really excited to see how this one ends.

Still Reading :

Magic City is doomed to stay on my 'Currently Reading' list forever.  Despite being halfway through the book I can't motivate myself to pick this anthology back up again.  I should have never take a break from it in the first place but just forced myself to keep going.

Has anyone out there finished it?  Is there any amazing stories in the second half of the book that are really worth reading?  

The Dreaded 'To Be Read' Pile :

There are a few books on this list that are ARC's I need to read and review but because they don't release for another couple of months/weeks.

Last week a few new releases I had on pre-order appeared on my Kindle!  I have already read a couple of them but I still have a couple on my pile.  It is really hard not to just read the new books and forget the rest of the 'To Be Read' Pile!

Between Two ThornsMemory ZeroThe Midnight Witch

Portrait of a Dead GuyQuick Study

Death by the DozenHot ButtonThe Devil's in the Details

Freezer I'll Shoot

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