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Saturday, October 24, 2009

October Monthly Giveaway!

Every month, like last month, I am going to let you all vote for which book you want to win! That means the winner will get the book with the most votes and not necessarily the book they voted for.

There are five books to choose from and this month, because it is Halloween, I will draw two winners! Trick or Treat Style!

The first winner will get the book with the most votes - The Treat!

While the second winner will get the book with the least votes - The Trick!

Immortal: Love Stories With Bite by P.C. Cast & Others

Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill

Eve of Darkness by S. J. Day

Queene of Light by Jennifer Armintrout

Dead Man Talking by Casey Daniels

( The poll is in the sidebar <---- )

How to enter the Monthly Giveaway

All you have to do to have your name put in the draw is to sign up for Amberkatze's Book Blog newsletter. Sign up and confirm your subscription and maybe your name will be picked as a winner!

If you already subscribed then you are also eligible to win this prize! Just make sure you confirmed your subscription and that the subscription is for this site and not for the old version!

This book is registered on Bookcrossing.com but you do not have to be a member to win this prize. I do not expect the winner to journal the book on bookcrossing or become a member of Bookcrossing. The book does have a sticker inside advertising Bookcrossing.

The winner will be picked on the 1st of November.

Use the form below to sign up for the newsletter!

Enter your email address:

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Oh and don't forget to check in all Halloween weekend for a special couple of spooky days of author interviews, guest blogs and contests!

Stacia Kane, Terri Garey & Julie Kenner will all be stopping by!


Ailsa said...

Quick question - is it open to international readers to? I'm in the UK.

Unknown said...

All my contests are international unless specified. I am in Europe myself...so I know what it is like not to be able to enter alot of contests because of the mailing restrictions.

Ailsa said...

Yay! Good stuff *g*
I'm just so used to people saying "US/Canada only!"

Alexia561 said...

Great contest! Love the trick vs treat aspect! Very clever. :)

Donna said...

I love the spin you put on this month's giveaway. Cute!

Llehn said...

Way cool! Thanks for opening this up internationally!

Adele said...

Don't enter me, I just wanted to say I just finished Friday Night Bites and it was brilliant!

SiNn said...

Amber i never got a confermation email but i get your emails stating when uve posted new stuff that means im on the list right my email is

mortalsinn (@) yahoo.com

Kathy said...

Hi Amber - I'm signed up :)

cheesygiraffe said...

Great idea for a contest, Amber. I signed up too. :)

Unknown said...

When are we voting? Now? I vote for Queene of Light. Happy Hallowe'en!

~ GateGypsy

Debbie F said...

Count me in! I subscrip already!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Ailsa said...

Subscribed now! Great contest *g*

cait045 said...

Very cool twist on the halloween contest.

Brenda Hyde said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

Mardel said...

Hi, I've been a subscriber for quite a while.

Anonymous said...

think im everything, subsbriber , facebook

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please!