Jaye's debut book, Red-Headed Stepchild, was my favourite read in 2009 and the follow up, The Mage in Black, is looking like it is going to be my favourite read this year. It seems I am not the only one who is enjoying this series as you can see if you read this article.
So what is all the fuss about? Read the interview and then make sure you enter the contest for your chance to win a copy of Jaye's new release!
Amber - Hello Jaye and welcome back to Amberkatze's Book Blog! The Mage in Black just came out. To start things off maybe you can tell my readers a little bit about what Sabina gets up to this time?
Jaye - I think a better question might be what doesn't she get up to this time? There's a cross-country road trip, a long lost family to meet, magic to learn, a demon to wrangle, an old flame to contend with, a current flame to figure out and werewolves out to get her (along with a steadily growing list of enemies).
Amber - There are a few new characters in The Mage in Black. Was it fun bringing in new people? Did they cause any trouble?
Jaye - New characters are always trouble--in a good way. It's fun to shake things up for Sabina as she tries to navigate her way through the stories. A couple of my favorites from The Mage in Black are Rhea, who is Adam's aunt and Sabina's magical mentor. I also had a lot of fun with Michael Romulus, the alpha werewolf, and Giguhl's new girlfriend (whose name I won't mention here because it's a doozy).
Amber - Sabina has a couple of love interests in The Mage in Black. Will it be a 'Happy ever after' ending for her in Green-Eyed Demon or will there be more Sabina Kane books?
Jaye - At this point I hope there will be more books because there's simply too much story for just a trilogy. But as for her love life, well, Sabina's got enough baggage to fill a 747. Besides, she's a vampire so happily ever after is a relative term. However, I can say that she makes some headway in the romance department in Green-Eyed Demon.
Jaye - For me, names are very important. I put a lot of thought into them so that they sound right for the character, and, yes, some have cool meanings or double meanings. All the dark races tend to have particular types of names. For example, vampire names tend to be influenced by ancient Rome, fae have plant or nature-based names, etc. That said, some names I just make up because I like how they sound. Giguhl is a perfect example of one I made up because I needed a demonic sounding name that lent itself to the nickname "Mr. Giggles."
Amber - Do you get to do some cool research for your books? Did you spend time in New York's Black Light District for instance? ;)
Jaye - One of the unintended consequences of having each book in a different city is that I have an excuse to visit them. I did visit New York in the process of writing The Mage in Black and I just returned form a trip to New Orleans for Green-Eyed Demon. Of course, I tend to make up a lot of settings for the books but I tend to base them on places or areas that exist and then I twist them to suit my purposes. But, in general, I do a ton of research for the books--everything form mythology and folklore to symbolism and magic to more mundane things which subway line Sabina would have to take in NYC to get somewhere.
Amber - Red-Headed Stepchild was my favourite read last year and now The Mage in Black is looking to be my favourite read this year. Why do we have to wait so long for book three??? ;)
Jaye - Well, see, it may only take you a day or two to read the books but it takes me a long time to write them. Thus far the fastest book in the series took me 9 months to write. But what people forget is it's not like the book just gets downloaded from my laptop and printed. My publisher needs another 9 months to edit, print, design a cover, market, etc, etc the books. Each book is coming a little faster since I know the characters better, but there's a balance. I am a firm believer that rushing the process too much shows in the final product. That said, I'm thrilled people love the series so much that they're clamoring for more. And I promise I'm trying to write faster.
Jaye - Good lawd, woman, I've got to sleep sometime.;) Actually, though, I do have another series idea that's been percolating for a couple of years. I'm hoping to write up a proposal for it once I get Green-Eyed Demon turned in.
Amber - How much say do you have in the book publishing process? Eg. Do you get to pick the cover?
Jaye - The titles are usually mine and I do get some input in the covers, but I try to leave the marketing decisions to the professionals. However, I have an awesome editor who welcomes my input and tries to incorporate it when possible. But mostly Orbit has done a fantastic job without me mucking things up with my opinions.
Amber - What are the good times and bad times of being an author?
Jaye - The good times outweigh the bad, I guess. I mean, I get paid to work in my pajamas and play make believe all day. I also get to make lots of immature jobs about demon penises and faery porn. What's not to love? Plus it's really cool to know that people actually want to read the products of my skewed imagination. As for the bad, well, the truth is most of the bad is generally stuff I can't control and I try really hard not to get too pissed off about them. But when I do I'm lucky to have a very grounded spouse who listens to my whining with the patience of a saint.
Amber - There are alot of online sites taking up peoples time lately. Are you on Facebook or any other sites? Do you think the sites are useful or do they just take up too much of your time?
Jaye - I'm on everything--Facebook, Twitter, My Space (although I'm not active there), a couple of blogs, etc, etc. I believe they're useful, but there's a big balancing act. It's so easy to lose a whole day getting wrapped up in your own press or internet drama. Sometimes I just have to walk away completely for a couple of days and remember my main job is writing books, not tweeting one-liners in the character of a hairless demons cat (yes, Giguhl has his own twitter account).
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Is there any music or other media that influences your writing?
Jaye - I listen to everything. I'm an iTunes junky. It can never just download one song. In fact, just before I sat down to answer your questions I downloaded six songs by the following bands: The Motels, Massive Attack, Sia, Ben Harper, The Duke Spirit and Telepopmusik. See? I'm schizophrenic about music and get bored easily. But when I'm writing I tend to listen to the same playlist of 20 to 30 songs I've compiled for that book.
As for TV, my two new favorites are Spartacus: Blood and Sand (OMG so melodramatic and gory and raunchy--love!) and Justified (Timothy Olyphant!). I also love TruBlood, RuPaul's Drag Race, Californication and Dexter. I also recently discovered (late, I know) Deadwood and have been watching the DVDs back-to-back. It sounds like I watch a lot of TV, but I actually TiVo a lot and then binge in one-sitting.
As for influences, Buffy, the Underworld movies, Blade Trinity, From Dusk til Dawn (really anything Tarantino but that's my fave).
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Jaye - I bet a lot of people would think I'd answer vampire, but I'd probably rather be a mage. I'd rather zap my enemies than drink their blood.
Contest Time!
You can win a copy of The Mage in Black by just answering one question!
How to Enter
What is your favourite read so far this year?
No Book = No Entry
Earn more entries for each place you link this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your info in one post.
You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Amazon link below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 16th of May 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
Great interview. I need to check out these books they sound good.
I have a tie so far, this year. Kresley Cole pleasure of a Dark Prince and Shadow of the Vampire by Meagan Hatfiled.
Thanks for doing this interview and giveaway.
This is a hard question because I've read so many good books this year already. In UF, it's a tie between Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews and Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs.
In romance, I recently bought an ebook copy of These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer and reread it after having given away my old copy 20 years ago. It was even better this time around. I also just read and loved Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale.
I think my favorite book this year would be a tie between...
The Iron King and the Iron Queen! LOVED THEM!!
I already have The Mage in Black, so I don't need to be entered into the contest, but I just wanted to say I enjoyed the interview, I love Jaye's books and I'm looking forward to more.
My favorite book so far this year was Katie MacAlister's Steamed, and a close second was Gail Carriger's Changeless.
Awesome interview, I loved the first book. It would be amazing to win the second.
I just read and absolutely loved Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep.
humm favorite read of this year so far i have to say i loved the soul screamer series and all of that b ut my fav so far is spiders bite
Jaye ur work totally urtterly rocks and i cant wait to read Mage
so far it's a toss up with Lion's Heat or First Drop of Crimson
My favorite read so far this year was VERY VALENTINE - Adriana Trigiani. I listened to it from RecordedBooks and had to send it back, then decided to buy it for myself as an audiobook.
I've been following Jaye since before the books started coming out. She is the funniest, nicest person!! I am looking forward to reading the books. My friend Jenna stood in line at Powells up in Oregon on Jaye's last visit and Jaye signed both of her books for me. I have a keeper shelf of certain books/authors and Jaye and Sabina are on there.
I really enjoyed this interview. I am looking forward to reading your books.
My favourite book so far this year was Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson.
My favorite book I read this year would have to be City of Bones. I LOVED this series!!!! Thanks for the contest.
I really enjoyed Finnikin on the Rock by Melina Marchetta.
I loved this interview and I'd loved to be entered to win. My very favorite book so far this year, has been "Winging It" by Jenny Gardiner. Great book..
I follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I enjoyed the interview a lot!
Favorite book is a hard question, but I think I'd have to go with WINTER GARDEN by Kristin Hannah.
Thanks for the contest! :)
My favorite reads so far this year is Succubus Shadows by Richelle Mead and Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep.
I tweeted about it : http://twitter.com/vanpham88/status/13707620187
thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite read so far this year is Angels Blood by Nalini Singh.
Linked - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/05/contests-found-59.html
sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
tweet - http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/13708812632
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Tough question... My most favorite this year is maybe Wake and Fade by Lisa McMann. I can't narrow it down to one as they could pretty much be one book. Haven't got to Gone yet but it's sitting here waiting!
I can't wait to read these books but just haven't been able to get my hands on them! So great interview and contest.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/candacemom2two/status/13709100128
My favorite read so far was a review e-book I received through Librarything.com called Frost Moon by Anthony Francis. I can't wait for the second one to be published!
But who knows? Maybe The Mage in Black will become my NEW favorite read this yar! LOL!
I am a new follower, and would love it if you could come over, check out my new book blog, and maybe follow me as well! Once I reach 50 followers on GFC I plan to hold my first giveaway contest!
I loved LA Candy by Lauren Conrad.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
OMG, there are so many cool book already this year. How to choose? I'm going with Lover Mine by J.R. Ward because you forced me to pick:)
Thanks for the interview!
My favourite so far is Ted Dekker: Bonemans Daughters
rhondastruthers atyahoo dot ca
Thank you for the interesting interview!^O^ My favourite read so far this year is Raeliksen by Renee Vincent! I love it!
Thank you for this chance!:)
Giada M.
fabgiada @ gmail.com
So far this year my favorite read has been Voices of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn.
What a lovely contest. My favorite read this year was Succubus Shadow. I am loving the Georgina Kincaid series.
I promo-ed your contest over at my blog today.
Happy Monday
Miranda ~ SweetVernal Zephyr
Great interview. Thnk you for the giveaway.
Hard choice~I have two.
The Ocean Between~Lynda Coker
Simple Wishes~Lisa Dale
Sue B
I'm reading Red-Headed Stepchild right now and enjoying it very much. I'm looking forward to The Mage in Black.
My favorite read so far this year has been The Battle Sylph by L.J. McDonald (closely followed by the sequel, The Shattered Sylph.)
My favorite is usually the one I am currently reading, so I will go with Vampire Mistress by Joey W Hill. Just started it this morning, and I adore her writing.
Thanks for a fantastic interview - I really enjoyed reading it! and the books are now on my wishlist too *g*
My favorite read so far was On the Steamy Side by Louisa Edwards :)
greetings, Ina
My favorite read this year was Lover Mine by J.R. Ward.
My Favorite book so far for this year is Hearts At Stake by Alyxandra Harvy.
Great interview. :D
My favorite so far this year is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
kayla3194 at gmail.com
What a great interview! Red-headed Stepchild is at the top of my TBR pile!
I think possibly my favorite read so far this year was Rampant by Diana Peterfreund. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I think the best book that I have read so far this year would have to be Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs.
Shared on Twitter - user name jellybelly82158
Shared on Facebook - user name jellybelly82158
My favorite read this year is definatly the book I am currently reading ,The Demon In Me by Michelle Rowen its awesome
Fables, Vol. 1 has been my favorite novel of the year thus far.
Loved the interview. Well, my favorite read, was Jaye's Red-headed Stepchild. I absolutely loved it!!! I am very excited for Mage in Black.
tweeted - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/13821512953
By far the best book I have read so far this year is Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Thanks for the interview!
My favorite read so far this year would be The Body Finder. It was a great book!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/bangersis/status/13832648547
I have heard so much praise of Jaye Wells books I can't wait to discover her! I already have Red Hedaed Stepchild on my TBR, would love to add Mage in Black too!
My favourite read this year has been Master of None by Sonya Bateman! It is brillantly written, laugh out loud funny!
+1 tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/13842818119
+1 spread the word on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000899165880&v=wall&story_fbid=118920621472515&ref=mf
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
my favorite read this year so far is doppelgangster by laura resnick. thank you for this opportunity!
Great interview and the books look like my style. My fav read so far this year is PLEASURE OF A DARK PRINCE by Cole.
My favourite book this year is Little Black Lies by Tish Cohen.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Extra entries:
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Black Magic Sanction (Kim Harrison) and Silver Borne (Patricia Briggs) have been my favorites so far this year.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Hmm that's a hard one as a lot of them are favourites straight after I read them lol
Will go with Silver Borne by Patrica Briggs though.
i have follow jaye sinec i first seen her on some blog when redheaded stepchild came out
favorite read ONLY ONE?
lets see
i like debra webb, anywhere she runs, i alwys liked her book and have folowed her for yrsssss
i have follow jaye sinec i first seen her on some blog when redheaded stepchild came out
favorite read ONLY ONE?
lets see
i like debra webb, anywhere she runs, i alwys liked her books and have folowed her for yrsssss
Peter and Max by Bill Willingham.
My favourite book this year so far is Changes by Jim Butcher.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/14066300816
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